Fang Wenyang

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Fang Wenyang
Cyberware Engineer
Cyberware Engineer and installer. Semi-legal
Contact OwnerJMa0820
Owner's Discord NameKisa
Owner's Wiki NameKisaChihaya
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodMoney
Hobbies/ViceScrap Art
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsNo Blueprints
just give me your inspiration!
Fire and Metal
Only the Best
From the Ground up
Master Engineer
Operation: Dark Fluid
War Factory


A "old lady" of Chinese Descent. Fang Wenyang runs a small time Chinese Restaurant, which serves as a front for a...semi-legal cyberware shop. If its Cyber, she can make it, any quality, any price, she can make.

Cheerful, flamboyant, but with a fiery-temper if you bother her or her customers. She works with her younger brother.

And yes the shop is called ΔQuality, if you know you know.

GM Notes

- Used to work on borg technology as well as cybertechnology in a CFS blacksite, known as "Sundowner Base".

- Is Dyslexic as per her negative aspect. Roleplay accordingly to the best to your ability, especially if people start handing her blueprints or other complex texts.

- How she is able to master cybertechnology and other complex engineering despite no education and her dyslexia is anyone's guess, and if asked she simply says it "makes sense". Her methods are unorthodox, almost random, but they hold up as well as any cyberware engineer. People have described her methods as "Ork Tech" in the past. Her younger brother, Fang Xingyue, is more traditionally intelligent and can be brought in as the "sane man" comedy routine.

- Has almost no social tact. As subtle as a Missile Launcher. Curses in Mandarin when angry.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
No Blueprints, please, just give me your inspiration! Fang Wenyang has trouble understanding designs that primarily come from text or blueprints, as she has trouble reading them due to her dyslexia, and usually requires the characters to explain with their own knowledge. Before making a Gear or Active check, The character has to make a relevant Knowledge check at Threshold 4. Examples include Cybertechnology (Technical or Knowledge) for Cyberware, Armorer or Firearms for Guns. A good bet is whatever skill that is used to repair or alter the item or the specific knowledge skill. If they fail. Fang Wenyang has trouble understanding exactly what they want, giving a -2 penalty to the contact roll.
Fire and Metal Fang has +2 to Gear or Active checks for Cyberware
Only the Best Fang is inspired when the specs are highend. +2 to Procure (Gear Acquisition) Cyberware of Betaware or Better
From the Ground up The better the foundation, the better the final product. Fang has a +2 to Procure (Gear Checks) Cyberlimbs, Cybertorso, Cyberskulls, and Cybereyes
Master Engineer Her time at Sundowner Base has made her skilled in repairs and maintenance. +2 to Active rolls for such checks.
Operation: Dark Fluid Her cutting edge work with Cyborgs has given Fang insight in the maintenance of cyborgs. +2 to Active Checks regarding Cyborgs
War Factory Aside from cyberware, Fang's fabrication arrays hum the procurement of Milspec weapons. +2 to Gear acquisition for Weapons.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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