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Owner and Proprietor of Silksoft Designs
Contact OwnerASmithVoices
Owner's Discord Nameunsurprisinglyexplosions
Public Contact?Yes
LocationEmerald City Grid, Matrix
Preferred Payment MethodCash (Credstick)
Hobbies/ViceAntique Electronics
Personal LifeWidowed
AspectsMade to Order
Terminally Online
Silksoft Specials
Secret Agent Gran
Planned Obsolescence Is For Chumps
Back In My Day
They Were The Size Of A Keyboard!
They're TECHNICALLY Software


There are plenty of businesses servicing the shadows of the Emerald City Grid, but few are quite as well-regarded by customers as Silksoft Designs. Despite the cozy antique shop sculpting of the Matrix storefront, those that shop there swear the products are just as good as the competition, if not better. Supposedly, the software sold there is made bespoke for the client's device - a feat which many question, given the fact that Silksoft seems to have only a single person running it: Gransistor.

Gransistor puts on the persona of a sweet old dwarven lady, but it's unclear whether that actually reflects her meatspace self. What is known is that she's extraordinarily knowledgeable when it comes to software; whether it's modern cyberprograms or pre-Crash 1.0 relics, she's able to provide commentary on just about any piece of code. For those repeat customers that aren't dissuaded by the wait times for their software packages, she also offers a selection of refurbished electronics, with free shipping to anywhere in the Seattle metroplex. Each order comes with a handwritten thank you note - so she can't just be an AI, right?

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Made to Order Patience is a virtue, and you'll need quite a bit of it if you plan to shop at Silksoft. Gransistor isn't satisfied just selling poorly-tuned, inelegant garbage you can use off the shelf - each program she creates is a work of art, and while she works fast, she's still only one woman. When buying gear from this contact, delivery takes one day, minimum, for each item in the order. Especially complex or high-availability items may take even longer.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Terminally Online For whatever reason, Gransistor refuses to have anything to do with meatspace. Deliveries of physical electronics are conducted by unmarked drones, and there is no return policy. She's happy to meet up over the Matrix if you need something, but anything outside - including repairs, physical modifications, and so on - is a no-go.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Silksoft Specials Gransistor's expertise in software has few rivals, and even fewer that are accessible to those in the shadows. She gains a +2 to Gear Acquisition or Knowledge checks regarding any form of software.
Secret Agent Gran Those who take the time to build a rapport with Gransistor know that she has a particular affinity for designing Agents. There's something about the personal touch that makes them so much nicer to use than the name-brand models shilled by corporations like MCT. She gets a +2 to Gear Acquisition tests for Agents.
Planned Obsolescence Is For Chumps That commlink from 2074 will work fine, trust her. She has skill in repairing older electronics that only broke down because a soulless marketing team decided it should. As a result, buying cheap, "broken" hardware and refurbishing it lets her keep an impressively large catalogue and keep competitive prices. Gransistor gains a +2 to Gear Acquisition or Knowledge tests for any hardware, so long as it's not brand new bleeding-edge equipment.
Back In My Day, They Were The Size Of A Keyboard! Gransistor has more than a bit of experience with cyberdecks, though she never gives any clear indication as to how. Though she insists that scratch-built, skateboard-sized decks were better than these sleek, flimsy tablets, she's keeping up with the times nonetheless. She gets a +2 to Gear Acquisition and Knowledge checks for cyberdecks and cyberdeck accessories.
Well, They're TECHNICALLY Software Though she doesn't advertise it, Gransistor has a few contacts that allow her to fill orders for some distinctly less legal gear: Namely, fake IDs and licenses. She needs to outsource much of the legwork involved in getting forgeries into SIN databases, but she's happy to handle the biometrics and craft believable tracking data for customers she likes. She gets a +2 to Gear Acquisition tests for fake SINs and licenses, but will only provide this service to characters with 4 or more Loyalty.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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