Or'zet! An Opera in Three Acts: Resolution
Or'zet! An Opera in Three Acts: Resolution | |||||||||
Part of All The World's a Stage | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven Ork Underground Theatrical Society | Major Corp | ||||||||
Heart of the Tempest Thunder Gulliver Lanius W |
Character1 Character2 |
The Ork Underground Theatrical Society held auditions for the upcoming production of Or'Zet! An Opera in Three Acts. Shadowrunners from Shadowhaven were offered slots, in recognition of the support provided previously.
A group of varied individuals with interests in the performing arts organized an effort to bring performing arts to the downtrodden and dispossessed. They first setup the Redmond Amateur Theatrical Society. This production marks the beginning of the Ork Underground Theatrical Society. Undoubtedly their next venture will be in Puyallup.
The Meet
The auditions were held in the new Underground venue on the border between south Seattle and Tacoma. Four shadowrunners tried out: Lanius - Singing; Thunder - Costume design, Wardrobe; Heart of the Tempest - Costume design, Wardrobe {Awarded a speaking part chanting in Norse}; Gulliver - Master of Ceremonies; W - Shadow Puppetry.
The Plan
Impress the casting judges.
The Run
<A/V footage from cybereyes & multidirectional microphone> Gulliver asks the judges and sponsor to come to the foyer and enter and pretend they are visitor. He greets them with smiles, finds a positive detail about each and every one to comment on: "I love your hairstyle tonight handsome" "Wow! What a natural beauty!" and hands everyone the season schedule, mentions that season tickets can be bought in the matrix as well as at the box office at a 10% discount tonight. "And if you have so much money that discounts don't turn you on, speak to the Underground Theatrical Society about becoming a patron" "Enjoy the show, you will love it!" and whispers to everyone he greets: "Meet me at the bar after the show" <Warm smiles and nods all around>
<A/V footage from cybereyes & multidirectional microphone> Thunder carries two items as he enters the stage. One looks like a thermos bottle, and the other like a small rolled-up sleeping bag. He unscrews the cap of the presumable thermos bottle and a Self-Assembling MaxiMetachair unfolds. Before he takes his seat, he rolls out the textile reminds of a small rolled up sleeping-bag, when it is rolled up. He holds up the textiles: a pair of sweat pants, and a hoodie.
He strips down to his long johns
Puts on the jogging suit and says, "This is how we save money on the uniforms for the background actors". Loudly sings "You've been thunderstruck" as he does some magic and the attire turns into a uniform, fitting to the play.
He bows, smiles, walks over to Bat Wejoto and offers her a slip of paper. Smiles and leaves. <Audio only "You had the financing people at save money">
Heart of the Tempest
<A/V footage from cybereyes & multidirectional microphone> Tempest strides up on the darkened stage, dimly lit by her own bioluminescence, ominously chanting in Norse in a slow, rising tone, starting as a whisper and rising to a strident tone used to yelling across a battlefield.
Then the mentor's mask of her halo bursts into almost eye-searing light, illuminating a warrior goddess clad in a gown of shimmering gold, runes of coruscating flame and designs swirling into an almost feral stormy motif, hugging her muscular and very pleasantly padded figure tightly and leaving her muscular, tattooed arms bare, allure and primal dread and sheer supernatural respect radiating from her and the delicate crown upon her head to sell the image. <Utter silence. Carleton Moreau's lower jaw has visibly dropped.>
After things settle down, W, wearing jeans, a long-sleeved undershirt, and a red flannel top, will head onto the stage, perhaps a bit anxious. She would cough, clear her throat, and speak up.
"Good afternoon, my name is Wayonaize Mizrahi. I uh, I've come to show off my skill, which is shadowpuppetry!"
she'd clad for herself, and then pause for a moment, serting up a lamp and a large curtain sheet, which she stood behind to puppet her hands. Wayonaise crafted a tale of a brave knight who was sent to slay a dragon, but when the dragon turned into a girl of his own age, he swore to protect her. The villagers, now angry at the knight for not slaying what they feared was a dragon, turned on the knight, who valiantly gave his life to protect the dragon and save her, saying "no matter what, I shall always promise to protect you!"
After telling the story she gets up and thanks the judges for listening to her interpretation of her people's folktale, St. George, as modernized for out times.
Wayo would bow, awkwardly catching herself and her things, before attempting scurrying off the stage <After a quick conversation the judges award the Shadowpuppeteer a spot in the lobby>
<A/V footage from cybereyes & multidirectional microphone> The stage lights go out, and for a moment, all is dark, before a scarlet glow begins slowly suffusing the stage. It emanates from the skirt of the beautiful black opera gown that a beautiful woman, now standing center stage, wears. Her features are striking and angular, her deep red hair is worn in a braid that drapes elegantly over her left shoulder.
She inhales sharply, and as she does, a cloud of mist the color of dried blood billows outwards from her dress in AR, forming itself into transparent scenery.
The woman now stands in the ghost of a bedchamber, a chaise longue behind her, framed by candelabra on either side. A window opens in the wall of mist to her left, and faint moonlight shines through it, seeming to illuminate her face as she gazes towards it and begins to sing.
Her voice rolls smoothly over the theater, enveloping each listener as it moves past them, rising and falling through the aria like waves breaking on a beach. There is no orchestral accompaniment, no sound at all other than the woman’s voice and a faint, insistent drumbeat barely on the edge of hearing.
She sings on as the drums grow louder, her fear and desperation palpable to the audience. Tears, shimmering in the moonlight, trace her cheeks as the drums grow louder, her soprano voice cutting clearly through the now-deafening drumbeat that fills the room.
Four minutes—although it feels like a lifetime—later, the singing stops. The mist forming the bedchamber collapses and disperses, and the light of the dress fades. The auditorium lights slowly come back on. Lanius bows. <Shortly after the song begins the video quality is greatly degraded by tears. There's muffled whispering from behind.>
All four runners impress both the judges and the financiers. Charles "The Prince" Diallo agrees to support the Ork Underground Theatrical Society.
Milkrun TL 1 RVP
2 CDP (1 RVP)
2 CDP (Base)
+5 Faction Ork Underground Theatrical Society
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
So happy to see how beautiful the old underground cistern has been made. And the acoustics proved to be spectacular. With talents like Lanius on stage, this is going to be a great success!
What a chance to get to meet influential people and network outside of The Barrens. To be involved in the Underground Theatrical Society from the beginning is an honor, great fun and a privilege.
I love performing! It makes me feel good. To be in a room of people who can suffer me? It feels nice. I like being a good person, a 'hero', I just wish I had more chances to actually do it.
Heart of the Tempest
Mmmm, I dost love showing off - especially in front of a spellbound audience. And Lanius... mine heart sang along to her voice.