Reviving a Goddess
Reviving a Goddess | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven Le Chateau Gateau | Red Vory | ||||||||
Cleaner Cleaner Tsarina |
Avoritet Lenore Goons | ||||||||
Casualties and losses | |||||||||
Tsarina, but she got better | Lenore, Giles the goon |
A long time ago a hero was put in a box.
How the Red Vory got this box? We don't really know, but Ace Powers wants this box, and Tsarina and Cleaner Cleaner seem like the right girls to fuck over the red vory.
The Goddess of Victory was a force of good in Japan from 2039 to 2050, when she suddenly disappeared. She had done a lot of work fighting Yakuza, Red Vory, Triads, and Seoulpa Rings - earning her commendations from the common folks and unending ire from the organized crime of world of the IJS.
And all of it was a promotional ploy from Yamatetsu, showing how great they are and that they can put their name and funding behind such a benevolent woman who aims to help folks and save lives in such a grandiose fashion.
And it all ended when Hideo Yoshida lost his status as chairman in 2050. But he was no patsy, and he conspired to make sure it was HIS eras marked by greatness. And so, after what would be The Goddess's final triumph with Yamatetsu and she was in the medical ward, she was put under for minor surgery, repairing the damage done by gunshots and stab wounds.
And never woke up. Her surgery was a success, to be sure, but as it finished she was laid into a stone sarcophagus and sealed with a quickened ritual. The woman was turned to stone, the magic only to fade if the lid was ever opened.
35 years would pass, Yoshida would never truly attain power again, and Yamatetsu would become EVO. The world would change, marked by insect spirits, Halley's Comet, the second crash, the rise and fall of CFD and AI - technomancers would rise. And the goddess slept.
She was forgotten by evo, simply looked back fondly upon by the people who grew up with the anime they made of her. And it was when a single Red Vory Asset did a little snooping that they found their age-old adversary, and would set to work getting her out of the old Kyoto warehouse and into Seattle.
But not all birds are quiet, and one just so happened to leak some interesting data about a mysterious stone sarcophagus coming out of Japan to one Ace Powers
The Meet
Ace Powers has decided to meet Tsarina and CC at Matchsticks, a popular runner jazz bar. Paired with his usual Hollywood Exec Eccentricities, he offers the job to liberate the cargo from a white ford econovan coming from Alaska - he knows there's a stone sarcophagus inside, but doesn't know what's in the box. But he has an inkling.
The girls accept and he gives them the data on where to meet on delivery, a picture of the man coming down, and a basic run down of who these fuckers are - Red Vory. This brightens the mood immensely.
With that, the J leaves, off to do something involving joys and more novacoke than one can imagine.
The Plan
Initially? Figure out where the truck was coming from, go there, wait, jump em.
Then they figured 'hey, actually, whomst the fuck do we know who may have connections to the Red Vory doing fuckshit, or be watching their channels?"
A quick call to Akilina revealed three possible leads—two of which were off-continent. That left a mystery lead at room 210 in Le Chateau Gateau, a lead that Tsarina would love to pull.
The Run
Tsarina goes in, takes a maidery course to have her overnight pass, and does the "wait this isn't the bathroom whoopsie~" shtick to get into room 210
Meets the big pretty lady and acts gay as fuck at her
Goes to bug the librarian Magileine about getting girls number, Magileine is like "guuuurl she dangerous as fuck, but. Yeah I can get you two seated together at dinner. Just need some longhaul and jawbreakers"
Cut to dinner, flirty flirty, Lenore (the bad bitch from 210) is INCREDIBLY receptive to Tsarina's advances. Internally this sets off alarm bells.
After dinner they go to room 210, lenore intending to get VERY frisky including both shibari and snuff
Fight proceeds to go <swish> <iceclaw> <stab> <CC almost casts remove skull, but instead just drops her into bleedout> Acting quick, Tsarina mind probes the dying woman and gets good info about the run, including the details about the Red Vory planning to ambush the delivery of the sarcophagus to Ace Powers. And then the cops start chasing down CC for firing an antitank rifle in an A zone, and the local security of le chateau (secretly shadowrunner aligned) do what they can to clean up both Tsarina and the mess for the police
CC manages to evade getting caught by driving into the woods of Snohomish, and Tsarina calls in an assist from Onyx to pick CC up - and not long later a gmc Phoenix shows up to pick up the ur-maid.
They both drive off to a meeting point to wait for the Ford Econovan that is carrying the sarcophagus from Alaska. A touching conversation happens and they end up laying in wait for another 10 hours before the car speeds through.
The van was early.
But! CC being a deadeye sniper blew out the engine, Tsarina scared the man off (who CC later waxed), and Tsarina just happened to know a guy who could get the sarcophagus to the Downtown docks - away from the ambush - and to the newly informed Ace Powers. Once there, they cracked open the sarcophagus, a huge and old ritual spell ended and finally dispersed it's mana into the area around them - jumping the background count for a few moments
And inside was the Goddess of Victory - to Ace Power's excitement and the confusion of both CC and Tsarina
With delivery handled by Happy, and the newly minted maid combo arriving shortly after, Ace had the girls and him enjoy some flutes of champagne and crack open the sarcophagus.
CC looked at it with her powerful laser magic eye and witnessed the truth of the matter: An immensely powerful ritual, quickened by the sarcophagus and sustained into permanency for as long as the lid remained attached.
As Ace popped open the coffin, the magic exploded outward in a mostly harmless astral wellspring, and the girl inside once turned to stone was once more made flesh - both CC and Tsarina coming to meet the Goddess of Victory. It'll probably take some time to adjust to 35 years and a second matrix crash having happened in her slumber.
This run counts as an initiation ordeal if they players wish to initiate off it
- 20000 (10rvp)
- 5 karma (5rvp)
- 4 cdp (1 rvp) Tsarina is STRONGLY ADVISED to spend some of it on knowledge fashion for her maidery
- Optionally the pcs can take Ace Powers as a contact (con 6, loy 1 - 6rvp)
- Tsarina can take "Happy" Lombardo as a contact from knowing a guy (con 4 loy 1 - 3 rvp)
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
There's a particular shiver from the little queen when she's in private, reminiscing on the events of the job. On the one hand, a new passion for fashion, some well earned nuyen, and a lovely bit of reconnaissance on how the WV have been since she was last there was rather welcome. But thinking about how her evening went was...uncomfortable. For a number of reasons. Hopefully she never has to think about it again.