Talia O'Connor

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Talia O'Connor
Talia 1.jpg
Matrix Specialist
Tir Royalty
Contact Ownerandbenedict
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, UCAS
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeSingle
FactionGolden Lion Heavy Lift and Transport, Ltd.
AspectsDigital Finesse
Tir Networking
Services for Hire
Royal Scion


Talia was born in the early days of Tír na nÓg's history. Being a member of a Danaan mór family, especially the O'Connor's, she enjoyed a privileged upbringing. To her, it was boring. Tir politics drive her crazy, and interacting with all the families is exhausting.

By the time she was an adult, she thought she was doomed to this life of politics and boredom. But one day at a party she had a chance meeting with a strange businessman. A leonine shifter from Azania. His stories sounded so exciting. By the end of the night, she found herself asking for a job. After telling him about her Technomancer secret, he jumped on the opportunity. She left for Cape Town two days later.

GM Tips

  • Talia is better than you. She isn't mean about it, but being Tir royalty has left its mark on her. She is respectful to others, but you can tell what she really thinks.
  • She is a subtle Technomancer. She almost never fights, unless backed into a corner.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Digital Finesse Elven grace on the Matrix. +2 to all actions using the Sleaze attribute.
Tir Networking Talia keeps tabs on others back home. Elves are highly influential in the world and it pays to know what they are up to. +2 to Networking with elves.
Services for Hire Talia is a mercenary at heart. Pay her, and she’ll fill in for Matrix support. Just don’t expect her to risk her life for strangers.
Royal Scion Her name carries a great weight. She is known and well regarded in many social circles. If you need clout with an elf, bring her along.


Knowledge Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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