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Guiding Spirit
Guider of the Lost and Wary
Guidance Spirits show people the roads that they are supposed to follow
Though be wary of the thorns and stones that lie along the way
Contact OwnerSpirited-Noise4377
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSpirit Domain
MetatypeFree Spirit
Preferred Payment MethodShadowservices
Hobbies/ViceGiving advice
Personal LifeBeing a true man
Personal Domain
Spirit Lord
Great Form Guidance
Frogs in all the Right Places
I Know a Camera When I See One


Teldragon is a powerful Free Guidance Spirit that has his own personal domain within the astral. He also has a small army of frog spirits that do his bidding. He is very amicable and is willing to help those who are in his service. Teldragon is fascinated with metahumanity and understanding the world at large.

At the moment Teldragon is seeking to uncover mysterious plans within Seattle that only he seems to fully know about. With Teldragon possessing information on AI, dead gods, and a handful runners, his knowledge and guidance is avaliable to anyone, as long as they are willing to pay his price.

Katherine Tyler is one of Teldragon's mortal servants. Karma gifted: 34.

Play Guide

Teldragon is very amicable and wise. When he is within his astral domain he sees himself as all powerful and is not threatened by anyone or anything. He does not give information out for free, and is only willing to surrender any information or guidance if the runners give something up in the deal. However, the higher your loyalty the more willing he may be to part with more, for less.

Important items and information within Teldragon's possession

A piece of a powerful spirit formula belonging to the Horned God

A Force 4 Ritual Focus (Wicca Tradition)

A golden frog spy device within the Iceberg Hotel

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Frogs in all the Right Places Teldragon has a small army of frog beast spirits that follow his commands. They seem to be in many places that they should not belong.
Diviner Teldragon Knows a lot, and what he doesn't know he can usually find with magic.
Infobroker Teldragon's spies are everywhere, and their ears are sharp.
Personal Domain Teldragon has a personal domain within the Astral. He is willing to give safe refuge to those who are within his domain.
Spirit Lord Teldragon likes to think of himself as a lord over other spirits, and knows quite a bit about them.
I Know a Camera When I See One Teldragon is a master at detection magic and is skilled in its application.
Great Form Guidance Teldragon, for 4 services, is willing to channel you. Teldragon is a F14 Great Form Guidance Spirit.


Knowledge Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Katherine Tyler4Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
K-10 Use in My Fight Club!?PatGriffinDead Gods Stir13 June 2082