The Last Horizon of Ace Powers

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The Last Horizon of Ace Powers

Ace Powers is a trusted member of The Horizon Group's Seattle Division. He's been bringing in talent for the media giant for nigh on 25 years, and he's a go-to guy when it comes to Seattle's shadow community, both as a fixer and as a troubleshooter. He's responsible for the "end" of Bayou Bill's crime spree (or at least takes credit for it.) He's brought in runners to retire into fame, and thrown those who started to tank the ratings or couldn't get greenlit to the curb, burning SINs and lives in his wake.

He also has several clones in a protected facility somewhere in the world that replace him whenever he's assassinated, assaulted with a deadly weapon, blown up, poisoned or otherwise incapacitated. It is unclear if even he knows about this fact. This man has been a stain on the Shadow Community for years, he has created runners, destroyed them, betrayed them and bought them. Now he's starting a new enterprise: The Shadowhaven Trideo Network. The STN is meant to be real and raw, the kind of thing that draws in views and generates fear for public safety that can be funneled to sell new Horizon Security products. The NERPs never stop.

When it comes to Ace Powers only one thing is for certain:

Ace Powers must die.


The Horizon Group

A triple-A megacorp currently sitting at the 10th spot in the Corporate Court's hierarchy. Despite being last of the big 10 they've held their position since 2071 and are a household name not just due to this position, but because they are media.

The corporate motto of "We Know What You Think!" isn't just a slightly troubling look into corporate mind control, its accurate. If you consume media and have a SIN, even a fake one, chances are good Horizon knows what demographics you fit in, your favorite brands, your browsing habits on the matrix, and any number of other data that they can farm from your everyday life.

Important Members

Ace Powers

The titular villain and a powerful man besides. Ace Powers knows everyone, he's got dirt on anyone that might come after him, and he's spent two and a half decades perfecting his smile, media presence, and corporate ass-kissing. There have been several attempts on his life and every one has ended with him on the top of the heap. Anywhere that he needs to be, he is, and there is nothing that can bring him down.

The Powers Pack

A series of clones of Ace Powers who were released for various duties that the regular Ace couldn't bother to do himself. It's unclear if they know about each other, or if the original is even aware of them, but all of them believe themselves to be the original Ace Powers. They are colloquially known as things such as Pace Owers, Jace Towers, Lace Flowers, or some other variation on the theme


  • Bring Horizon into a new Golden Age and ascend the ranks of the Corporate Court
  • Make Ace Powers a full member of the Horizon Group's board of directors
  • Put down the shadowrunners who might come at the corporation
  • Make the ShadowHaven Trideo Network a smashing success
  • Keep Ace Powers Alive

Everyone Who Has Ever Been Screwed Over by Ace Powers

Important Members


While there are too many people within this category to count, including many of the Haven's own runners, Gator is the avatar of pure hatred against Ace Powers. The best friend and trusted companion of Bayou Bill who's final sacrifice was meant to kill this man did nothing more but boost Ace's internal Horizon metrics, and Gator has been biding his time ever since, gathering resources and preparing to lead the charge against Horizon's top talent agent.


  • Murder
  • Ace
  • Powers

