Disasterpiece Theater

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Disasterpiece Theater
Part of Paradise Lost
LocationAtlanta, CAS
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Lone Star
Pacho Herrera


Current runtimes:

  • 9/14:
  • 9/21:
  • 10/4:
  • 10/5:


Trevor Hill, Bostonian and fledgling Fixer, is putting together a team on behalf of his client. Somehow, knowing that Koi is aware of the presence of Redline, a Humanis agent located in the CAS, Hill has contacted her to make an offer since he suspects she would go after the train regardless. Koi, calling on promises made to her by Weevil, Pacho, and Blackhawk, call them in to help while Hill himself contracts in Babylon for some additional support given the relative lack of experience among the runner team.

The mission: get into the heart of the CAS, find out when their pre-eminent bullet train is heading north to Nashville with one Arthur Davis of the Atlantean Foundation on it, and kill him in such a way that it looks like the train had an accident.

Dramatis Personae

The Meet

Koi gets a call from her fixer, Issac, that there is a fixer looking into her and wanting to offer her a strange job. He explains that the fixer is communicating that he feels some 'recent intelligence' she has gained regarding Humanis from All_good_till_it_wasn't will be mutually beneficial to a job he needs done as well. She agrees, and heads to the Bellevue Crab House to meet with Trevor Hill, who explains he is tangentially aware of her target in Redline, a Humanis agent, and that he has a target who will be on the same train.

She calls Pacho, Blackhawk, and Weevil and recruits them into the mission; giving them the address of the Crab House, those runners head towards the Meet with Hill.

Madame Butterfly calls Babylon, letting her know that something about the job seems weird and involves "trains and explosives", and to be careful with how the job goes.

The team sits down to meet with Trevor and begins to discuss the job; however, both Babylon and Blackhawk are able to realize the F9 Shadow Spirit lurking over Koi's shoulder. Trevor explains that the target is Arthur Davis, a research scientist for the Atlantean Foundation, who will be travelling from Atlanta to Nasvhille via a bullet train for a conference. The team discusses various ways of accomplishing the task, with Babylon being wholly against mass casualty options.

Trevor Hill also explains that the first step in any run on the "Crimson Tide", the CAS's premium bullet train, begins with "acquiring" Veronika Shaw, an operational director of the Confederation Rail Company, or CRC.

Babylon is able to convince Trevor to arrange for some transportation and such to get them and their gear into the CAS, instead of any kind of negotiation for extra pay. After stepping out to make some calls, he explains he is able to get them a SKA-008 to get them into the backwoods of Georgia where a stock, if broken down a bit, roadmaster is waiting. Safehouses and such they will need to arrange for themselves. They each one a R3 Burner Sin that is associated with the CAS.

The Plan

The team reconvenes at Koi's safehouse and begins to discuss their plans; Babylon floating to the crew the idea of getting the Arthur Davis out of the train in order to get rewarded from the Atlantean Foundation for saving their guy, hoping to double dip on rewards by getting paid both by them and the Johnson.

Pacho explores the bomb from Koi's background and the team discusses how, based on the data from Humanis, Redliner appears to be well placed in the CAS, often found in the background of many political events. he is not a public figure by any means, but clearly seems to be pulling some strings. The plan at this point is to frame Redliner as "accidentally blowing up the train" and leaving him as the 'cause' of the explosion. Koi considers the forensics of the situation and contributes some ideas on how to make it harder to figure out from forensic analysis.

The Run

Mission 1: Soft Targets

As the team plans their work-vacation, planning road distances for Weevil's Roadmaster and which team is going ahead of the SKA-008, Koi begins some preliminary matrix searches. Koi takes four hours to do a t6 Matrix search and gets the general background / public information. Near the end of the search, she is able to find an ARO of Shaw from an Atlanta club called The Gold Room; the image has all personal details removed but happens to have her image on it.

Weevil and Pacho spend some time working on the Roadmaster making some last minute adjustments. Pacho buys some explosive components in order to have back ups in case of contingencies.

During transit, the "A" (Koi, Babylon, Blackhawk) team has a run in with Koi's shadow spirit trying to siphon Karma from her before the two Aware folks "encourage" it to 'fuck right off'.

The "B" team (Pacho and Weevil) gets stopped at the border into Salish Sidhe and Pacho manages to just CHARM THE FUCK out of the guard and continue moving. At the PCC border, Weevil's SIN gets flagged and pacho has to bribe the guard for Five Grand in order to not burn Weevil's SIN. Pacho's SIN kicks an error again at the CAS border, and Pacho attempts to faux-etiquette through it by serenading the guard to convince her he is a travelling mariachi.

Mission 2: WLANS and You

Mission 3: Bombs and Bullets, Cars and Crime

Mission 4: The Train Job



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)