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N-51 is on the rebound and needs to improve its tactics. A runner team has been hired to take part in battle maneuvers, playing the role of the defenders in a building assault scenario.

==The Meet==
==The Meet==

Revision as of 14:19, 3 May 2023

Shock Doctrine
Part of Contre-Révolution
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
La Rapide


N-51 is training and needs a hostile Opfor team to practice against. Runners fill that role.


N-51 is on the rebound and needs to improve its tactics. A runner team has been hired to take part in battle maneuvers, playing the role of the defenders in a building assault scenario.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Throwback: "Poor N-51, they really need to get their tactics in order if they are going to recover their strength."

ChameleonDear Diary: Well my first foray into the seattle shadows was quite an experience. To start, I learned several important lessons. First, the shadows here have very dangerous people. Never bet against La Rapide, it just doesn't pay. I would like to know why she was putting on underwear in the middle of a firefight though...Always bring an extra sweater when working with Kelvin. He's a cool dude who gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'stay frosty'. As for Throwback? Three words, full auto flechettes. I should thank him again for taking out that trooper coming up on my 6. Secondly, the shadows can be very lucrative. That N51 unarmed combat instructor is worth his weight in credsticks. Note to self, get more flash-bangs and a bigger gun