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{{CategoryTemplate}} <!-- This entire line is safe to delete. In fact, please do. -->
<!-- Below, you can upload your own image for your contact. Replace Placeholder2.jpg with the name of the image you'd like to use. After you create the page, click on the red link to upload the image. -->
|Image= <center>[[File:Remington.png|400px]]<center>
|Image=[[File:Arma Remington.png|400px]]  

<!-- Below is the "official job" of the contact. It is a good way to describe their skills and what sets them apart from all of the other contacts of the same Archetype. -->
|Profession= <center> Ares Arms Seattle Chief Financial Executive <center>
|Profession= <center> Weapons World Seattle Chief Financial Executive <center>

<!-- You can write a short description on the below lines if you want. -->
|Shortblurb1= <center> "Function and Fashion should not be so far removed." <center>
|Shortblurb2= <center> "That would be most inefficient." <center>

<!-- This is for your reddit name. Just the name only. -->

<!-- This is for your discord name so people can find you on the server. -->

<!-- Below is the connection rating for your contact. Remember that at chargen, your connection+loyalty can not exceed 7, raising contacts above connection 6 post-gen requires thematics approval. -->

<!-- Below is where you define the Archetype. Default Archetypes are:  Fixer, Service, Gear, Legwork, Networking, Generalist. Custom Archetypes may be defined as denoted on the contact rules page. -->
|Archetype=Custom (A,G,K,N)

<!-- You can fill out miscellaneous info about your contact below. If it does not apply, leave the field blank. -->
|Metatype=Elf (Basically just a robot at this point)
|Faction=Ares Macrotechnology
|Faction=Ares Macrotechnology

<!-- Use of the age template is optional. It can be replaced with vague terms such as "middle aged" if you prefer. Or you may enter a number for the month, day, and year and the wiki will calculate and update their age automatically as time passes. -->
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Arma Remington is an incredibly efficient and hands-on person, going against the typical perception and mindset of most suits, especially corporate ones. Arma was once a young starting Elven intern that worked at the company for over a decade. His amazing diplomatic ability leading him to become hired and at a rapid yet still reasonable pace climb the ranks of the company and eventually earn a firm position in the Seattle division of Weapons World not too long after. Always liking to do his business face to face to work his charm and style. Also seeing first hand what sort of arrangements were being made and calculate how they would affect the company. Though this would sadly come back to bite him as during one of his regular routine diplomatic meetings, an agitated mage decided to vent their frustrations about the ongoing deal they were negotiating via an immense amount of force. Leaving Arma nearly lifeless and clinging onto life by threads. After rapid response via Docwagon and on person staff Arma managed to survive the attack but at the cost of having most of his limbs and bodily functions replaced with cybernetics. After recovering and meditating upon the incident, Arma came to a realization. He did not want to back down from his face to face approach that had gotten him this far. Instead he would buckle down and do it even more. Showing the world he would not back down from his goals and ambitions. Using every spare nuyen and bit of time he had to train, upgrade his body/ware, and become the most lethal suit in the entire corp. A force to be reckoned with in both influence and raw combat ability. Ready to show anyone who would dare cross or harm him not the wrath of the corporation, but his own.
Arma Remington is an incredibly efficient and hands-on type of person. Going against the typical perception and mindset of most suits, especially corporate ones. Arma was once a young starting Elven intern that worked for Ares Macrotechnology for over a decade. His amazing diplomatic ability and keen intellect leading him to a full time position. Not long after at a rapid yet still reasonable pace Arma would climb the ranks of the company. Eventually earning a firm position in the Seattle division of Weapons World not too long after. Though he was transferred over to Ares Arms once Weapons World had been bought back by Monobe International. Always liking to do his business face to face to work his charm and style. Seeing first hand what sort of arrangements were being made and calculate how they would affect the company. Though this would sadly come back to bite him as during one of his regular routine diplomatic meetings, an agitated mage decided to vent their frustrations about the ongoing deal they were negotiating via an immense amount of force. Leaving Arma nearly lifeless and clinging onto life by threads. After rapid response via Docwagon and on person staff Arma managed to survive the attack but at the cost of having most of his limbs and bodily functions replaced with cybernetics. After recovering and meditating upon the incident, Arma came to a realization. He did not want to back down from his face to face approach that had gotten him this far. Instead he would buckle down. Showing the world he would not relent from his goals and ambitions. Using every spare nuyen and bit of time he had to train, upgrade his body/ware, and become among the (if not THE) most lethal suit in the entire corp. A force to be reckoned with in both influence and raw combat ability. Ready to show anyone who would dare cross or harm him not the wrath of the corporation, but his own.
===Notes for GMs===
*Arma in terms of personality is a robotic and calculative individual, making sure every action he takes benefits him and his end goals. However strange tidbits of the person still resides as he has a very keen love of fashion and looking the best. Resulting in a particular combination. A suit focused on quality and letting things develop. As opposed to quantity and "cutting things loose" when they prove to be ineffective. Believing all that he lets work with him are among the best of the best, or have the potential to be. Otherwise he simply does not seem to care about the matter or individual at hand unless it pertains to business or the aforementioned plans he has.
*Arma's plans are vast in scope and incredibly deadly to both himself and people he works with. Yet in his mind he believes it to be possible. He has survived and done the impossible before. And just maybe lightning may strike twice. Ultimately Arma's plans mainly pertain to bringing Ares to the new golden age as he sees it by strengthening it further. Making their military strength and weaponry second to none. Almost insulted how even amongst the big 10 the corporation invested in military weapons and strategy does not even posses the strongest military. So, he will bring forth a new golden age by both improving its weapons development and military might. Increasing the quality as opposed to the quantity Ares already has mastered. One of the ways he intends to bring about this change is by purging Ares of its weaknesses, one of which to him is the bug spirits that infect it. Obviously such a task is great in risk and likely to not go well unless EVERYTHING goes precisely as he plans it. Also being able to adapt perfectly to any changes and hiccups along the way. Yet Arma fully intends to do this with all the metahuman determination he had when not a machine. Believing it to be the best course to take. Allowing Ares to be free of outside influence and truly become the greatest it can be.
*Arma will rarely if ever intentionally betray or backstab any runner that he has in his contacts. He values trust and honesty with those he works with, expecting in turn the same amount he gives them. Which is why Arma as a contact is hard to obtain. If a runner has him as a contact Arma views them as being among the best of the best. Their inclusion in his plans means they are vital to it in some capacity, as Arma sees gaining their trust as part of that process. For when the time comes said loyalty and trust on both parts will be put to the test. And if the runner decides not to show Arma the same level of trust or attempt to betray/backstab him... he has dealt with far stronger individuals before both in terms of influence and raw power. What is one more obstacle in the grand scheme of the new golden age?

==Aspects Description==
==Aspects Description==
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<!-- Below is an example of a negative aspect. If you do not wish for your character to have negative aspects, you may delete it. -->
|Aspect=Example Negative Aspect
|Aspect=Cards close to chest
|Description=This is an example negative aspect. You can write the fluff text here. Be sure to clear the negative aspect with thematics. If you do not wish to have a negative aspect, feel free to delete this section.
|Description=Arma's plans and ambitions are calculated yet vast in scope. Being VERY particular about who he trusts and allows to be a more active part in his day to day ventures. Arma's loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs, and can only be raised by 1 loyalty at a time.
|Aspect=Constantly up to something
|Description=Arma is a man who does things old fashioned. Sometimes to his detriment since as a result of this his schedule is often incredibly packed. Always roll availability when contacting Arma, treating his connection as 2 higher than usual for the roll. However, for each point of loyalty above 2, the additional availability decreases by 1.
|Aspect=Unclear Data
|Description=Arma is very much a man with big ambitions, and as a result of that every move he makes is precise and calculated. Anything that would hinder him enough as to where his plans would suffer (GM discretion) is an action he will not take. (His plans are detailed in Notes for GMs.)
<!-- Above is an example of a negative aspect. If you do not wish for your character to have negative aspects, you may delete it. -->

<!-- Below is an example of a positive aspect. You may duplicate this as many times as necessary. You're allowed a number of positive aspects equal to you connection of the contact +1. You may also gain +1 additional positive aspect for each Negative Aspect you use.-->
|Aspect=Ares Suit
|Aspect=Ares Suit
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|Aspect=Do it with style
|Aspect=Do it with style
|Description=Arma being as high a position as he is in the company has access to a plethora of weapons at his disposal. But, with each and every one he spends most of his time ensuring they not only serve the part but look it as well. +2 to checks made to acquire firearms. However, said firearms come included with the custom look attachment. The player can decide what it looks like but Arma prefers it to look like an art piece or very sleek.
|Description=Arma being as high a position as he is in the company has access to a plethora of weapons at his disposal. But, with each and every one he spends most of his time ensuring they not only serve the part but look it as well. +2 to checks made to acquire firearms. However, said firearms come included with the custom look attachment. The player can decide what it looks like but Arma prefers it to look like an art piece or very sleek.
|Aspect=Eye for talent
|Description=Arma while being very selective about who he trusts, often having many skilled individuals on his radar that may be able to use in his goals and ambitions. +2 to checks made involving prime level runners or people of a similar or greater skill level/caliber.
|Description=Arma wishes to root out weaknesses, and has found insect spirits to be a blight that MUST be removed, no matter the cost. +2 to any active or knowledge checks made that pertain to insect spirits.
|Aspect=Fashion and Function
|Aspect=Fashion and Function
|Description=Being an individual of style and preparedness, Arma is more than aware of the value presentation and protection both present within day to day life. +2 to checks made to acquire armor. Said armor however will resemble a form of armored suit even if it would make little sense such as millspec or FBA but hey, the man has taste.
|Aspect=I'll do it myself
|Aspect=I'll do it myself
|Description=Knowing himself being present is the most efficient way for him to accomplish most matters. Arma may find it worthwhile and not too much of a hindrance to perform certain actions or favors himself. If the player wishes to use this trait roll an opposed test. The player with this contact uses their negotiation + loyalty - notoriety vs double the connection rating of Arma + or - any other relative modifiers the GM finds appropriate given the difficulty and nature of the request asked. If the check succeeds, Arma will use his Active dicepool instead of whatever other dicepool for the favor asked. If the player fails this roll, Arma finds it unworthwhile and will not fulfill the request at all.
|Description=Knowing himself being present is the most efficient way for him to accomplish most matters. Arma may find it worthwhile and not too much of a hindrance to perform certain actions or favors himself. If the player wishes to use this trait roll an opposed test. The player with this contact uses their negotiation + loyalty - notoriety vs double the connection rating of Arma + and - any other relative modifiers the GM finds appropriate given the difficulty and nature of the request asked. If the check succeeds, Arma will use his Active dicepool instead of whatever other dicepool for the favor asked, adding the bonuses from any of his other qualities if applicable. If the player fails this roll, Arma finds it unworthwhile and will not fulfill the request at all.
|Aspect=I've ran the numbers
|Aspect=I've ran the numbers
|Description=While Arma can react quickly and adapt to a given situation, if given time to make a calculated plan for himself to execute, his effectiveness increases by approximately 33 percent in his own words. If Arma is given at least 24 hours of prep to fulfill a request, the check is made with a +2 bonus.
|Aspect=Silver Tongue
|Aspect=Silver Tongue
|Description=With his many years as both a suit and negotiator, he has a silver tongue to match his steel body. +2 to active checks made to negotiate.
|Description=With his many years as both a suit and negotiator, Arma has a silver tongue to match his steel body. +2 to active checks made to negotiate.
|Aspect=The negotiations were short
|Description=Having seen more than a fair share of deals gone wrong and having to resort to more drastic measures, Arma's abilities in a fight are second to VERY few. +2 to Active checks made that would involve Arma getting into physical conflict.
|Aspect=The one percent
|Description=Living amongst and working with countless individuals involved with the upper rankings of megacorps, diplomats or politicians of countries, or simply individuals that have amassed millions of nuyen through various methods legal or not. Arma has learned how to deal with such individuals with utmost efficiency. +2 to checks that deal with incredibly wealthy or powerful individuals.
<!-- Above is an example of a positive aspect. You may duplicate this as many times as necessary. -->
|Aspect=You're going to like the way you look
|Aspect=You're going to like the way you look
|Description=Having a high degree of knowledge as to the inner workings of cybernetics and of the fashion industry, every piece of ware he sells always resembles the best of the best. +2 to checks made to acquire Cyberware. If the ware in question is a cyberlimb, it automatically comes with the Casemod plugin at rating 4. The exact design and cost of it being up to the player. But most typically Arma prefers it to look some degree of formal.
|Description=Having a high degree of knowledge as to the inner workings of cybernetics and of the fashion industry, every piece of ware he sells always resembles the best of the best. +2 to checks made to acquire Cyberware. If the ware in question is a cyberlimb, it automatically comes with the Casemod plugin at rating 4. The exact design and cost of it being up to the player. But most typically Arma prefers it to look some degree of formal.
|Aspect=You've got taste
|Description=Arma while clearly prefering to remain safe at all times with adequate protection, the man appreciates anyone with a good sense of style and quality. +2 to checks made to attain high fashion armor clothing.

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===NPC who know this contact===
===NPC who know this contact===
*[[Beatrice Veronica]]

==Narrative Significant Runs==
==Narrative Significant Runs==
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[[Category:Public Contacts]]

Latest revision as of 05:42, 4 July 2024

Arma Remington
Ares Arms Seattle Chief Financial Executive
"Function and Fashion should not be so far removed."
"That would be most inefficient."
Owner's Discord NameTidanShock#tidanshock
ArchetypeCustom (A,G,K,N)
MetatypeElf (Basically just a robot at this point)
Preferred Payment MethodServices
Personal Life[REDACTED]
FactionAres Macrotechnology
AspectsSilver Tongue
I'll do it myself
I've ran the numbers
You're going to like the way you look
Ares Suit
Do it with style
Fashion and Function
You've got taste
The negotiations were short
Cards close to chest
Unclear Data
The one percent
Constantly up to something
Eye for talent


Arma Remington is an incredibly efficient and hands-on type of person. Going against the typical perception and mindset of most suits, especially corporate ones. Arma was once a young starting Elven intern that worked for Ares Macrotechnology for over a decade. His amazing diplomatic ability and keen intellect leading him to a full time position. Not long after at a rapid yet still reasonable pace Arma would climb the ranks of the company. Eventually earning a firm position in the Seattle division of Weapons World not too long after. Though he was transferred over to Ares Arms once Weapons World had been bought back by Monobe International. Always liking to do his business face to face to work his charm and style. Seeing first hand what sort of arrangements were being made and calculate how they would affect the company. Though this would sadly come back to bite him as during one of his regular routine diplomatic meetings, an agitated mage decided to vent their frustrations about the ongoing deal they were negotiating via an immense amount of force. Leaving Arma nearly lifeless and clinging onto life by threads. After rapid response via Docwagon and on person staff Arma managed to survive the attack but at the cost of having most of his limbs and bodily functions replaced with cybernetics. After recovering and meditating upon the incident, Arma came to a realization. He did not want to back down from his face to face approach that had gotten him this far. Instead he would buckle down. Showing the world he would not relent from his goals and ambitions. Using every spare nuyen and bit of time he had to train, upgrade his body/ware, and become among the (if not THE) most lethal suit in the entire corp. A force to be reckoned with in both influence and raw combat ability. Ready to show anyone who would dare cross or harm him not the wrath of the corporation, but his own.

Notes for GMs

  • Arma in terms of personality is a robotic and calculative individual, making sure every action he takes benefits him and his end goals. However strange tidbits of the person still resides as he has a very keen love of fashion and looking the best. Resulting in a particular combination. A suit focused on quality and letting things develop. As opposed to quantity and "cutting things loose" when they prove to be ineffective. Believing all that he lets work with him are among the best of the best, or have the potential to be. Otherwise he simply does not seem to care about the matter or individual at hand unless it pertains to business or the aforementioned plans he has.
  • Arma's plans are vast in scope and incredibly deadly to both himself and people he works with. Yet in his mind he believes it to be possible. He has survived and done the impossible before. And just maybe lightning may strike twice. Ultimately Arma's plans mainly pertain to bringing Ares to the new golden age as he sees it by strengthening it further. Making their military strength and weaponry second to none. Almost insulted how even amongst the big 10 the corporation invested in military weapons and strategy does not even posses the strongest military. So, he will bring forth a new golden age by both improving its weapons development and military might. Increasing the quality as opposed to the quantity Ares already has mastered. One of the ways he intends to bring about this change is by purging Ares of its weaknesses, one of which to him is the bug spirits that infect it. Obviously such a task is great in risk and likely to not go well unless EVERYTHING goes precisely as he plans it. Also being able to adapt perfectly to any changes and hiccups along the way. Yet Arma fully intends to do this with all the metahuman determination he had when not a machine. Believing it to be the best course to take. Allowing Ares to be free of outside influence and truly become the greatest it can be.
  • Arma will rarely if ever intentionally betray or backstab any runner that he has in his contacts. He values trust and honesty with those he works with, expecting in turn the same amount he gives them. Which is why Arma as a contact is hard to obtain. If a runner has him as a contact Arma views them as being among the best of the best. Their inclusion in his plans means they are vital to it in some capacity, as Arma sees gaining their trust as part of that process. For when the time comes said loyalty and trust on both parts will be put to the test. And if the runner decides not to show Arma the same level of trust or attempt to betray/backstab him... he has dealt with far stronger individuals before both in terms of influence and raw power. What is one more obstacle in the grand scheme of the new golden age?

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Cards close to chest Arma's plans and ambitions are calculated yet vast in scope. Being VERY particular about who he trusts and allows to be a more active part in his day to day ventures. Arma's loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs, and can only be raised by 1 loyalty at a time.
Constantly up to something Arma is a man who does things old fashioned. Sometimes to his detriment since as a result of this his schedule is often incredibly packed. Always roll availability when contacting Arma, treating his connection as 2 higher than usual for the roll. However, for each point of loyalty above 2, the additional availability decreases by 1.
Unclear Data Arma is very much a man with big ambitions, and as a result of that every move he makes is precise and calculated. Anything that would hinder him enough as to where his plans would suffer (GM discretion) is an action he will not take. (His plans are detailed in Notes for GMs.)
Ares Suit Knowing the company inside and out, Arma is well familiar with the workplace culture, history, and mannerisms of Ares. +2 to any check made that involves Ares Macrotechnology.
Do it with style Arma being as high a position as he is in the company has access to a plethora of weapons at his disposal. But, with each and every one he spends most of his time ensuring they not only serve the part but look it as well. +2 to checks made to acquire firearms. However, said firearms come included with the custom look attachment. The player can decide what it looks like but Arma prefers it to look like an art piece or very sleek.
Eye for talent Arma while being very selective about who he trusts, often having many skilled individuals on his radar that may be able to use in his goals and ambitions. +2 to checks made involving prime level runners or people of a similar or greater skill level/caliber.
Extermination Arma wishes to root out weaknesses, and has found insect spirits to be a blight that MUST be removed, no matter the cost. +2 to any active or knowledge checks made that pertain to insect spirits.
Fashion and Function Being an individual of style and preparedness, Arma is more than aware of the value presentation and protection both present within day to day life. +2 to checks made to acquire armor. Said armor however will resemble a form of armored suit even if it would make little sense such as millspec or FBA but hey, the man has taste.
I'll do it myself Knowing himself being present is the most efficient way for him to accomplish most matters. Arma may find it worthwhile and not too much of a hindrance to perform certain actions or favors himself. If the player wishes to use this trait roll an opposed test. The player with this contact uses their negotiation + loyalty - notoriety vs double the connection rating of Arma + and - any other relative modifiers the GM finds appropriate given the difficulty and nature of the request asked. If the check succeeds, Arma will use his Active dicepool instead of whatever other dicepool for the favor asked, adding the bonuses from any of his other qualities if applicable. If the player fails this roll, Arma finds it unworthwhile and will not fulfill the request at all.
I've ran the numbers While Arma can react quickly and adapt to a given situation, if given time to make a calculated plan for himself to execute, his effectiveness increases by approximately 33 percent in his own words. If Arma is given at least 24 hours of prep to fulfill a request, the check is made with a +2 bonus.
Silver Tongue With his many years as both a suit and negotiator, Arma has a silver tongue to match his steel body. +2 to active checks made to negotiate.
The negotiations were short Having seen more than a fair share of deals gone wrong and having to resort to more drastic measures, Arma's abilities in a fight are second to VERY few. +2 to Active checks made that would involve Arma getting into physical conflict.
The one percent Living amongst and working with countless individuals involved with the upper rankings of megacorps, diplomats or politicians of countries, or simply individuals that have amassed millions of nuyen through various methods legal or not. Arma has learned how to deal with such individuals with utmost efficiency. +2 to checks that deal with incredibly wealthy or powerful individuals.
You're going to like the way you look Having a high degree of knowledge as to the inner workings of cybernetics and of the fashion industry, every piece of ware he sells always resembles the best of the best. +2 to checks made to acquire Cyberware. If the ware in question is a cyberlimb, it automatically comes with the Casemod plugin at rating 4. The exact design and cost of it being up to the player. But most typically Arma prefers it to look some degree of formal.
You've got taste Arma while clearly prefering to remain safe at all times with adequate protection, the man appreciates anyone with a good sense of style and quality. +2 to checks made to attain high fashion armor clothing.


Knowledge Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 17 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Red Ribbon-1-2
Six of Hearts1Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Through the Red TapeTidanShock25 May 2085