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==The Run==
==The Run==
Once on location Veles, Blackhawk, and Artemisia prepared to sneak into the hospital through back doors/airducts ect while Heracles and Nu11stack prepared some false credentials to allow Delphi to walk in as a Doctor. The plan is to allow Delphi to get access to the corpse and perform an autopsy before it is incinerated at dawn. Nu11 prepared and planted the false credentials while Heracles looped cameras. Delphi entered the facility while the others slipped in, mostly un-accosted in all fronts. During the autopsy a medical intern approached and Delphi tricked her into assisting with the procedure. The body showed a few points of interested. The ware installed in the body was pre-crash ware, extremely old, and apparently part of the French foreign legion. Additionally  there was some fungus on the body that grows exclusively within the SOX. Delphi extracted the eyes for further investigation and performed Psychometry on the corpse, experiencing the victims death. This reading along with some data recovered from the cyber-eyes provided some fresh leads --NEED INFO ABOUT HOW WE FOUND THE DUDE IN DEBT TO THE VORY---.
Once on location Veles, Blackhawk, and Artemisia prepared to sneak into the hospital through back doors/airducts ect while Heracles and Nu11stack prepared some false credentials to allow Delphi to walk in as a Doctor. The plan is to allow Delphi to get access to the corpse and perform an autopsy before it is incinerated at dawn. Nu11 prepared and planted the false credentials while Heracles looped cameras. Delphi entered the facility while the others slipped in, mostly un-accosted in all fronts. During the autopsy a medical intern approached and Delphi tricked her into assisting with the procedure. The body showed a few points of interested. The ware installed in the body was pre-crash ware, extremely old, and apparently part of the French foreign legion. Additionally  there was some fungus on the body that grows exclusively within the SOX. Delphi extracted the eyes for further investigation and performed Psychometry on the corpse, experiencing the victims death. This reading along with some data recovered from the cyber-eyes provided some fresh leads, the scene of the crime, the Dock du Rove. Some more matrix work and the team learned the name of the shooter, Cecillien Soto, along with his address. The runners advanced on his house only to find Cecillien abducted over a debt with the local Vory. Delphi felt bad and decided to help the couple out of a jam, Delphi provided enough money to pay off their debts and the team went after the Vory.
In order to help the couple out of a jam, Delphi provided enough money to pay off their debts and the team went after the Vory.

The team moved on the Vory facility by the docks in order to rescue the captured informant, --INSERTNAME--. The team discovered a barrier around the warehouse, Veles slipped and located the suspect mage, neutralizing them. With their "Big Gun" out of commission, the rest of the Vory guards fell to the might of the fairly fight heavy team. They revived an unconscious --INSERT NAME HERE-- and learned that all of the stuff he "Recovered" from the body was fenced. He provided the name of the fence and the team set out to find the stuff. A quick trip and a small bribe and the fence provided the team with what was left of the objects. These objects pointed to runners to a tribe of locals within the SOX loving in the area of Luxembourg. With this information, Nu11 contacted Napoléon to try and obtain some further information about what might have happened to dissonant following Project --name--. While he didn't know much about the aftermath, the team did convince him to send some soldiers as support when the raid happens. The added prestige from assisting with the endeavor with the rebellion is worth the favor.
The team moved on the Vory facility by the docks in order to rescue the captured informant, Cecillien, neutralizing them. With their "Big Gun" out of commission, the rest of the Vory guards fell to the might of the fairly fight heavy team. They revived an unconscious Cecillien  and learned that all of the stuff he "Recovered" from the body was fenced. He provided the name of the fence and the team set out to find the stuff. A quick trip and a small bribe and the fence provided the team with what was left of the objects. These objects pointed to runners to a tribe of locals within the SOX loving in the area of Luxembourg. With this information, Nu11 contacted Napoléon to try and obtain some further information about what might have happened to dissonant following Project Présage. While he didn't know much about the aftermath, the team did convince him to send some soldiers as support when the raid happens. The added prestige from assisting with the endeavor with the rebellion is worth the favor.

The runners loaded in to Nu11st@ck's road master and returned to the SOX. Thanks to a Veles' past with MET 2000 the team received free access to the region and entered unobstructed. Half way to Luxembourg the team encountered a road block, locals with stolen MCT gear. Nu11 floored it and Artemisia placed an angled physical barrier. Nu11 jumped the barrier while the rest of the team surprised some of the troopers. Many returned fire and the vehicle took minor damage, but they escaped otherwise unscathed. Finally at the city Delphi asked a local drug dealer for some drugs and info about the tribe that owned the necklace the team found. They were called the Roïds, a group that does frequent the city. The team split up to try and find out more.
The runners loaded in to Nu11st@ck's road master and returned to the SOX. Thanks to a Veles' past with MET 2000 the team received free access to the region and entered unobstructed. Half way to Luxembourg the team encountered a road block, locals with stolen MCT gear. Nu11 floored it and Artemisia placed an angled physical barrier. Nu11 jumped the barrier while the rest of the team surprised some of the troopers. Many returned fire and the vehicle took minor damage, but they escaped otherwise unscathed. Finally at the city Delphi asked a local drug dealer for some drugs and info about the tribe that owned the necklace the team found. They were called the Roïds, a group that does frequent the city. The team split up to try and find out more.
Veles visited the local ghoul commune, nu11 and Delphi the local waterhole, Blackhawk a local Whorehouse, and Artemisia and Heracles went to the local food bank.
Veles visited the local ghoul commune, nu11 and Delphi the local waterhole, Blackhawk a local Whorehouse, and Artemisia and Heracles went to the local food bank. Through a series of brilliant social manipulations and bribes the team discovered that the tribe they seek is typically located someplace near the town of Sarrebourg, visits Luxembourg occasionally to trade for supplies, and the local merchant, Guerst, may be able to help them contact the gang. Blackhawk didn't get laid at the brothel but did go on a very expensive drug trip of self discovery for free! The team talked with Guerst and he mentioned that his boss needed a heart transplant. They had a heart lined up but it was stolen by The Brotherhood of the Spirit, one of their local shamans goes by the name of Sister Laura. While investigating the Brotherhood, the team stumbled upon [[Astrid]] a fellow runner. She was able to tell them a little bit about the "Cult" which seemed to be a subgroup named the Disciples of Cleansing Fire, a toxic cult.
The Runners approached a church where the Brotherhood lived and the team scoped out the area. The church contained a dozen "toxic" children and 4 Toxic magician adults. Nu11 positioned a sniper rifle at extreme range and took aim at one of the adults while Veles and Blackhawk attempted to sneak in. Delphi aimed to distract the adults with a display of drakedom. As the infiltration snuck in they had to down one of the adults. This alerted the rest of the adults via a mind link spell. One summoned a nuclear spirit, once this occurred Nu11stack fired, downing the summoner. Mean while Delphi instructed the last to wander into the SOX for ever. The field was cleared of hostiles and the team decided to try and save the children. They reached out to the Draco foundation and negotiated a place in their ranks. Nu11 reached out to the N-51 one smuggle the kids out of the SOX first, while Delphi convinced the kids to leave, pretending to be a certain special dragon's agent. With the heart in hand and the team feeling good about saving the kids, they returned to the merchant to get their information. The Dr. performing the surgery said there was no time to waste to perform the transplant, Nu11 and Delphi assisted the attempt proving access to an autodoc for further help. The surgery was a success and the team went to bed. The next morning arose to further troubles. The contact had fallen to a coma and will likely be of no further help. Artemisia wasn't willing to probe his mind so the team took a gamble and spoke with the Dr instead. As luck would have it, he did remember our body and provided a new lead, Der Schrotter in Forbach. Delphi decided to risk an astral journey and projected to locate Der Schrotter. She managed to locate and "negotiate" an in person meeting if the team made the trip but they all suspected a trap. With few leads to go on the team set into the wastelands towards Sarrebourg to see if they can find the Roids.
Blackhawk and Veles entered the town on foot, performing some physical recon while Delphi and Artemisia went in to talk with the local populous, attempting to locate the Roids current location. Heracles and Nu11st@ck stayed in the roadmaster and monitored the situation remotely. With a brief investigation the team found bodies of the Roids burnt and rotting everywhere. Veles located a living kid, partially turning ghoul. The team flew the kid back to Luxembourg via Dustoff and negotiated with the local shamans to treat him with hopes that he has some information and would share it should he survive the disease. While waiting to find out the team traveled to Forbach. When approaching the town the local guards informed the team that one of them would need to pass "The Gauntlet" in order to enter. The team unanimously volunteered Veles. The Gauntlet turned out to be a massive feral ork chained to a wall on K-10. The goal, retrieve one of its ears. Veles was up to the task and successfully knocked the Ghoul out, taking minor damage herself. This victory allowed an introduction to the local smuggling lord, Sergeant Maxime Santos. Santos claimed to have the information the team needed, but in return wanted a favor, a "simple" task of recovering a commlink from someone attempting to escape the SOX. The team was sent to a local guide "The Crazy" to direct the team to the landing zone for the escape vehicle.
The Crazy acted a bit suspicious but directed the team to the location without incident. At the landing zone a couple of smugglers informed the team that the expected TBird crashed to the south and the team headed out to the site. The team moved towards the crash site and while investigating the plane crash Nu11st@ck got attacked on the matrix, he kept the attacker at bay while Delphi performed a reading on a medkit found at the scene. The vision indicated a target survived and was dragged off with mentions of "those bastards of Hambach". The team decided to follow down the matrix attacker, a presumed technomancer, and then proceed to find the survivor. The team located a group of local natives, the baby technomancer among them. Heracles took some time to instruct them in the basics with hopes that the natives would help with some information. They pointed the team towards a crew of local gangers who looted the crash site and the likely location of the "survivor". Blackhawk quietly slipped in while most of the rest of the team attempted to talk their way through, attempting to negotiate for the commlink they were looking for as well as possibly releasing the survivor. Through a ton of teamwork and sheer luck the negotiations succeeded and the team traded supplies and some weapons/armor for the survivors and the commlink. Veles connected with her MET2k contact to arrange for a transfer of the survivors. With the commlink in hand the team returned to Der Schrotter. In return Der Schrotter directed the team towards a jackpoint located near Faulquemont, ground zero of a nuke explosion near the Esus archology. Veles decided to go in and plant a data tap so that the deckers can access the needed data. After dealing with some ghouls she got to an active terminal and managed to run a data cable out to the two deckers and the hack was on.
Heracles and Nu11St@ck got simple marks on the host via the data terminal and entered. Almost immediately the patrol IC spotted them. Heracles got to work destroying IC while Nu11 looked for the needed data. A few minutes later, a big data bomb, and some encryption later Nu11 got the prison data the team was looking for, just in time to escape from the host before spiders arrived. The two got in an out fairly unscathed and the team set to plan an assault on the prison.
The team approached the prison after a bit of rest and decided to attempt to infil the a few team members to get a data tap on the hosts so the deckers can locate the prisoner. Almost immediately Blackhawk got spotted by a camera additionally Heracles was spotted on the matrix. A beefy AI was in charge of the facility defenses and began to ward off Heracles/Blackhawk. Immediately recognizing the threat Heracles Began to eject the AI from the host while Nu11stack started looking for the needed files. Veles, Blackhawk, and rat form Artemisia continued to work towards the hanger with Delphi trailing on the astral. After dodging a few Data Spikes, Heracles succeeded and the AI surrendered to the team, offering to help them raid the prison in exchange for its freedom. Heracles agreed and the AI turned over admin access of the host to the deckers while turning automated defenses on the guards. This allowed the meat team to sabotage the helicopters and armory while making their way to the target cell block. A few guards remained and were easily dispatched by the team. The team freed their target plus five additional resistance prisoners. Artemisia turned all 6 to rats and carried them out in a sack. Once outside the team spotted an inbound helicopter, the HTR team mentioned by the AI. Using Nu11st@cks turret mounted arrow link Veles plugged the helicopter at 150 yards, immediately Heracles rebooted the rigger controlling the copter. Once that happened Nu11st@ck jumped in and turned the chopper around. Once this happened the HTR team leapt from the chopper and attached the team. Blackhawk and Veles made short work of five of them, Nu11 landed the helocopter on the final one and the team escaped, taking the chopper back to Luxembourg.

The team scrapped the helocopter and traded some of the parts plus some money to get smuggled back across the border and out of the SOX. They returned to Joan and released D'Artagnan. They were pleased. The team also discovered a stowaway. The Madam hired as a guide had snuck into the Roadmaster and escaped the SOX with the team.
Run Reward for "Qui sème le vent...Récolte l'Atomique." (200 RVP 35x 5.7 for 34 hours of run)
60 Karma (60 RVP)
140k Nuyens or gear rates for magical supplies (F6 for power or weapon foci, F8 for any others) (70 RVP)
42 CDP (20 RVP)
+ 1 Street Cred (1 RVP)
Count as initiation, submersion or ascenscion.
Rest of RVP can be picked from option below.
Friend made along the way :
Charles de Batz de Castelmore dit d'Artagnan's Rapière (11 RVP) (F6 Weapon Focus) (for Artemisia)
Lieutenant-Colonel Chantale Dutreil /2nd in Command of Met2K in the SOX (8/1) (8 RVP)
D'Artagnan/ Résistance Leader (6/4) (9 RVP)
Alabaster/ Wandering Wanderer (2/5)  (6 RVP)
[[Edouard Napoléon Bonaparte]] (6/3) (8 RVP)
Joan of Arc / Résistance Networker (4/4) (7 RVP)
Quality (Can pick up to 30 RVP taken off karma) :
For Heracles :
-Can buy off Basement Dweller (8 RVP)
Perceptive 2 at chargen price (10 RVP)
For Veles :
Mundane ascenstion
-Lucky (12 RVP)
-Daredevil (8 RVP)
-Natural Leader (5 RVP)
For Blackhawk :
-Drug Tolerant (6 RVP)
-Adrenaline Surge (12 RVP)
Guts (10 RVP)
For Nullstack :
-Gearhead (11 RVP)
-Subtle Pilot (4 RVP)
-Prejudiced (Outspoken to Bias againt technomancher) (2 RVP)
For Delphi :
Candle in the Dark (5 RVP) (Need to take a code of honor)
-First Impression (11 RVP)
-I'm open for other suggestion
Fro Artemisia :
-Sensei (Blades) (5 RVP)


Any leftover can be use in Karma or Nuyens

==Game Quotes==
==Game Quotes==

{{Gamequote|Amusing quote from game.}}
{{Gamequote|"I would like to jury rig your shell".}}
{{Gamequote|"moose, more like Moosaiah".}}
{{Gamequote|"Ok, so I'm just gonne turn you into rats now - Artemisia".}}

==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Blackhawk]]: ''"Took a bit longer than I thought it would. Just glad things turned out well. Found someone that actually is similar to me... guess I really aint alone out there after all. Regardless though, I wish that man hadn't had to die... overestimated his armor and body. Greatly. I just... guess life gives and takes. Hopefully I can make amends for that too. Heh... got a long list of those already, what's one more weight on my conscious? Viva las Resistance I guess."''
[[Nu11st@ck]]:"Well, that was certainly an adventure... Roving wilderness, a possibly rogue AI on the loose, a strengthened French resistance. I have a feeling this whole area is up for some turmoil shortly. I really don't love that we let that AI go, that thing is fragging dangerous, possibly too dangerous and now its loose on the matrix? Not good. Pretty sure [[Heracles]] is a dirty techno though... Not really sure how, chummer had a deck still? Going to need to investigate a bit more. The stuff he did to my deck, pretty incredible but what else could he have done to it in secret, going to need to strip the thing and return reset it to be safe. He was a competent ally, maybe they aren't all the privileged assholes I've been assuming they are?"
[[Artemisia]]: I ... I have a lot to think about. I offered my mind to Delphi to further her con. It was for a good cause but it was so ... easy for me to do. She's still alive in my mind and I fear her. Delphi is a drake and her blood is worryingly delicious. Blackhawk is a vampire that hunts other vampires. Well, a Sukuyan. Somewhat different. Regardless, the French resistance is bolstered and I now have a blade to live up to. All for one and one for all.

Latest revision as of 08:12, 1 August 2024

Qui sème le vent... Récolte l'Atomique
Part of Contre-Révolution
Part of Rad Wars 2084
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved
La Resistance
Major Corp Vory


"The recent deployment of Marianne cost us a lot, the Résistance is scattered and we lack proper leadership, every little group want to get the upper hand and we are actually losing time and resources with infighting, although there is a solution. One figure that is unanimously alike in the circle of the Résistance. We call him D'Artagnan and as off now he is likely held in a secret prison in the middle of the S.O.X, we'll pay well for those who will put their life on the line for this one."


The Meet

The team gathered at the meet location within the SOX. Joan of Arc, the J, discussed the job with them. She wants the runners to locate and "release" D'Artagnan from the mysterious prison that he is currently being held within. Info about where he is being held and who is holding him is unknown. It is suspected that the DGSI is responsible somehow. The only lead is a corpse that was bring into a hospital in Marseille The team agreed after some negotiations and started to plan.

The Plan

The team started out trying to find as much info as they could about D'Artagnan and anyone that might have a reason to abduct and possibly hold him. In addition some basic information gathering about Marseille. Only a small amount of background info was available, the matrix was surprisingly dark on the subject in question. D'Artagnan himself is a former revolutionary who may have been a little too "active" to avoid capture.

The team took off towards Marseille and prepared to infiltrate the hospital where the target currently rests.

The Run

Once on location Veles, Blackhawk, and Artemisia prepared to sneak into the hospital through back doors/airducts ect while Heracles and Nu11stack prepared some false credentials to allow Delphi to walk in as a Doctor. The plan is to allow Delphi to get access to the corpse and perform an autopsy before it is incinerated at dawn. Nu11 prepared and planted the false credentials while Heracles looped cameras. Delphi entered the facility while the others slipped in, mostly un-accosted in all fronts. During the autopsy a medical intern approached and Delphi tricked her into assisting with the procedure. The body showed a few points of interested. The ware installed in the body was pre-crash ware, extremely old, and apparently part of the French foreign legion. Additionally there was some fungus on the body that grows exclusively within the SOX. Delphi extracted the eyes for further investigation and performed Psychometry on the corpse, experiencing the victims death. This reading along with some data recovered from the cyber-eyes provided some fresh leads, the scene of the crime, the Dock du Rove. Some more matrix work and the team learned the name of the shooter, Cecillien Soto, along with his address. The runners advanced on his house only to find Cecillien abducted over a debt with the local Vory. Delphi felt bad and decided to help the couple out of a jam, Delphi provided enough money to pay off their debts and the team went after the Vory.

The team moved on the Vory facility by the docks in order to rescue the captured informant, Cecillien, neutralizing them. With their "Big Gun" out of commission, the rest of the Vory guards fell to the might of the fairly fight heavy team. They revived an unconscious Cecillien and learned that all of the stuff he "Recovered" from the body was fenced. He provided the name of the fence and the team set out to find the stuff. A quick trip and a small bribe and the fence provided the team with what was left of the objects. These objects pointed to runners to a tribe of locals within the SOX loving in the area of Luxembourg. With this information, Nu11 contacted Napoléon to try and obtain some further information about what might have happened to dissonant following Project Présage. While he didn't know much about the aftermath, the team did convince him to send some soldiers as support when the raid happens. The added prestige from assisting with the endeavor with the rebellion is worth the favor.

The runners loaded in to Nu11st@ck's road master and returned to the SOX. Thanks to a Veles' past with MET 2000 the team received free access to the region and entered unobstructed. Half way to Luxembourg the team encountered a road block, locals with stolen MCT gear. Nu11 floored it and Artemisia placed an angled physical barrier. Nu11 jumped the barrier while the rest of the team surprised some of the troopers. Many returned fire and the vehicle took minor damage, but they escaped otherwise unscathed. Finally at the city Delphi asked a local drug dealer for some drugs and info about the tribe that owned the necklace the team found. They were called the Roïds, a group that does frequent the city. The team split up to try and find out more. Veles visited the local ghoul commune, nu11 and Delphi the local waterhole, Blackhawk a local Whorehouse, and Artemisia and Heracles went to the local food bank. Through a series of brilliant social manipulations and bribes the team discovered that the tribe they seek is typically located someplace near the town of Sarrebourg, visits Luxembourg occasionally to trade for supplies, and the local merchant, Guerst, may be able to help them contact the gang. Blackhawk didn't get laid at the brothel but did go on a very expensive drug trip of self discovery for free! The team talked with Guerst and he mentioned that his boss needed a heart transplant. They had a heart lined up but it was stolen by The Brotherhood of the Spirit, one of their local shamans goes by the name of Sister Laura. While investigating the Brotherhood, the team stumbled upon Astrid a fellow runner. She was able to tell them a little bit about the "Cult" which seemed to be a subgroup named the Disciples of Cleansing Fire, a toxic cult.

The Runners approached a church where the Brotherhood lived and the team scoped out the area. The church contained a dozen "toxic" children and 4 Toxic magician adults. Nu11 positioned a sniper rifle at extreme range and took aim at one of the adults while Veles and Blackhawk attempted to sneak in. Delphi aimed to distract the adults with a display of drakedom. As the infiltration snuck in they had to down one of the adults. This alerted the rest of the adults via a mind link spell. One summoned a nuclear spirit, once this occurred Nu11stack fired, downing the summoner. Mean while Delphi instructed the last to wander into the SOX for ever. The field was cleared of hostiles and the team decided to try and save the children. They reached out to the Draco foundation and negotiated a place in their ranks. Nu11 reached out to the N-51 one smuggle the kids out of the SOX first, while Delphi convinced the kids to leave, pretending to be a certain special dragon's agent. With the heart in hand and the team feeling good about saving the kids, they returned to the merchant to get their information. The Dr. performing the surgery said there was no time to waste to perform the transplant, Nu11 and Delphi assisted the attempt proving access to an autodoc for further help. The surgery was a success and the team went to bed. The next morning arose to further troubles. The contact had fallen to a coma and will likely be of no further help. Artemisia wasn't willing to probe his mind so the team took a gamble and spoke with the Dr instead. As luck would have it, he did remember our body and provided a new lead, Der Schrotter in Forbach. Delphi decided to risk an astral journey and projected to locate Der Schrotter. She managed to locate and "negotiate" an in person meeting if the team made the trip but they all suspected a trap. With few leads to go on the team set into the wastelands towards Sarrebourg to see if they can find the Roids.

Blackhawk and Veles entered the town on foot, performing some physical recon while Delphi and Artemisia went in to talk with the local populous, attempting to locate the Roids current location. Heracles and Nu11st@ck stayed in the roadmaster and monitored the situation remotely. With a brief investigation the team found bodies of the Roids burnt and rotting everywhere. Veles located a living kid, partially turning ghoul. The team flew the kid back to Luxembourg via Dustoff and negotiated with the local shamans to treat him with hopes that he has some information and would share it should he survive the disease. While waiting to find out the team traveled to Forbach. When approaching the town the local guards informed the team that one of them would need to pass "The Gauntlet" in order to enter. The team unanimously volunteered Veles. The Gauntlet turned out to be a massive feral ork chained to a wall on K-10. The goal, retrieve one of its ears. Veles was up to the task and successfully knocked the Ghoul out, taking minor damage herself. This victory allowed an introduction to the local smuggling lord, Sergeant Maxime Santos. Santos claimed to have the information the team needed, but in return wanted a favor, a "simple" task of recovering a commlink from someone attempting to escape the SOX. The team was sent to a local guide "The Crazy" to direct the team to the landing zone for the escape vehicle.

The Crazy acted a bit suspicious but directed the team to the location without incident. At the landing zone a couple of smugglers informed the team that the expected TBird crashed to the south and the team headed out to the site. The team moved towards the crash site and while investigating the plane crash Nu11st@ck got attacked on the matrix, he kept the attacker at bay while Delphi performed a reading on a medkit found at the scene. The vision indicated a target survived and was dragged off with mentions of "those bastards of Hambach". The team decided to follow down the matrix attacker, a presumed technomancer, and then proceed to find the survivor. The team located a group of local natives, the baby technomancer among them. Heracles took some time to instruct them in the basics with hopes that the natives would help with some information. They pointed the team towards a crew of local gangers who looted the crash site and the likely location of the "survivor". Blackhawk quietly slipped in while most of the rest of the team attempted to talk their way through, attempting to negotiate for the commlink they were looking for as well as possibly releasing the survivor. Through a ton of teamwork and sheer luck the negotiations succeeded and the team traded supplies and some weapons/armor for the survivors and the commlink. Veles connected with her MET2k contact to arrange for a transfer of the survivors. With the commlink in hand the team returned to Der Schrotter. In return Der Schrotter directed the team towards a jackpoint located near Faulquemont, ground zero of a nuke explosion near the Esus archology. Veles decided to go in and plant a data tap so that the deckers can access the needed data. After dealing with some ghouls she got to an active terminal and managed to run a data cable out to the two deckers and the hack was on.

Heracles and Nu11St@ck got simple marks on the host via the data terminal and entered. Almost immediately the patrol IC spotted them. Heracles got to work destroying IC while Nu11 looked for the needed data. A few minutes later, a big data bomb, and some encryption later Nu11 got the prison data the team was looking for, just in time to escape from the host before spiders arrived. The two got in an out fairly unscathed and the team set to plan an assault on the prison.

The team approached the prison after a bit of rest and decided to attempt to infil the a few team members to get a data tap on the hosts so the deckers can locate the prisoner. Almost immediately Blackhawk got spotted by a camera additionally Heracles was spotted on the matrix. A beefy AI was in charge of the facility defenses and began to ward off Heracles/Blackhawk. Immediately recognizing the threat Heracles Began to eject the AI from the host while Nu11stack started looking for the needed files. Veles, Blackhawk, and rat form Artemisia continued to work towards the hanger with Delphi trailing on the astral. After dodging a few Data Spikes, Heracles succeeded and the AI surrendered to the team, offering to help them raid the prison in exchange for its freedom. Heracles agreed and the AI turned over admin access of the host to the deckers while turning automated defenses on the guards. This allowed the meat team to sabotage the helicopters and armory while making their way to the target cell block. A few guards remained and were easily dispatched by the team. The team freed their target plus five additional resistance prisoners. Artemisia turned all 6 to rats and carried them out in a sack. Once outside the team spotted an inbound helicopter, the HTR team mentioned by the AI. Using Nu11st@cks turret mounted arrow link Veles plugged the helicopter at 150 yards, immediately Heracles rebooted the rigger controlling the copter. Once that happened Nu11st@ck jumped in and turned the chopper around. Once this happened the HTR team leapt from the chopper and attached the team. Blackhawk and Veles made short work of five of them, Nu11 landed the helocopter on the final one and the team escaped, taking the chopper back to Luxembourg.


The team scrapped the helocopter and traded some of the parts plus some money to get smuggled back across the border and out of the SOX. They returned to Joan and released D'Artagnan. They were pleased. The team also discovered a stowaway. The Madam hired as a guide had snuck into the Roadmaster and escaped the SOX with the team.


Run Reward for "Qui sème le vent...Récolte l'Atomique." (200 RVP 35x 5.7 for 34 hours of run)

60 Karma (60 RVP)

140k Nuyens or gear rates for magical supplies (F6 for power or weapon foci, F8 for any others) (70 RVP)

42 CDP (20 RVP)

+ 1 Street Cred (1 RVP)

Count as initiation, submersion or ascenscion.

Rest of RVP can be picked from option below.

Friend made along the way :

Charles de Batz de Castelmore dit d'Artagnan's Rapière (11 RVP) (F6 Weapon Focus) (for Artemisia)

Lieutenant-Colonel Chantale Dutreil /2nd in Command of Met2K in the SOX (8/1) (8 RVP)

D'Artagnan/ Résistance Leader (6/4) (9 RVP)

Alabaster/ Wandering Wanderer (2/5) (6 RVP)

Edouard Napoléon Bonaparte (6/3) (8 RVP)

Joan of Arc / Résistance Networker (4/4) (7 RVP)

Quality (Can pick up to 30 RVP taken off karma) :

For Heracles :

-Can buy off Basement Dweller (8 RVP)

Perceptive 2 at chargen price (10 RVP)

For Veles :

Mundane ascenstion

-Lucky (12 RVP)

-Daredevil (8 RVP)

-Natural Leader (5 RVP)

For Blackhawk :

-Drug Tolerant (6 RVP)

-Adrenaline Surge (12 RVP)

Guts (10 RVP)

For Nullstack :

-Gearhead (11 RVP)

-Subtle Pilot (4 RVP)

-Prejudiced (Outspoken to Bias againt technomancher) (2 RVP)

For Delphi :

Candle in the Dark (5 RVP) (Need to take a code of honor)

-First Impression (11 RVP)

-I'm open for other suggestion

Fro Artemisia :

-Sensei (Blades) (5 RVP)

Any leftover can be use in Karma or Nuyens

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Blackhawk: "Took a bit longer than I thought it would. Just glad things turned out well. Found someone that actually is similar to me... guess I really aint alone out there after all. Regardless though, I wish that man hadn't had to die... overestimated his armor and body. Greatly. I just... guess life gives and takes. Hopefully I can make amends for that too. Heh... got a long list of those already, what's one more weight on my conscious? Viva las Resistance I guess."

Nu11st@ck:"Well, that was certainly an adventure... Roving wilderness, a possibly rogue AI on the loose, a strengthened French resistance. I have a feeling this whole area is up for some turmoil shortly. I really don't love that we let that AI go, that thing is fragging dangerous, possibly too dangerous and now its loose on the matrix? Not good. Pretty sure Heracles is a dirty techno though... Not really sure how, chummer had a deck still? Going to need to investigate a bit more. The stuff he did to my deck, pretty incredible but what else could he have done to it in secret, going to need to strip the thing and return reset it to be safe. He was a competent ally, maybe they aren't all the privileged assholes I've been assuming they are?"

Artemisia: I ... I have a lot to think about. I offered my mind to Delphi to further her con. It was for a good cause but it was so ... easy for me to do. She's still alive in my mind and I fear her. Delphi is a drake and her blood is worryingly delicious. Blackhawk is a vampire that hunts other vampires. Well, a Sukuyan. Somewhat different. Regardless, the French resistance is bolstered and I now have a blade to live up to. All for one and one for all.