Difference between revisions of "Red, White, and You"

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Line 138: Line 138:
Deadly TL - 20 RVP
Deadly TL - 20 RVP
20,000 Nuyen - 10 RVP
20,000 Nuyen - 10 RVP
2,000 Nuyen - Negotiation Bonus
2,000 Nuyen - Negotiation Bonus
10 Karma - 10 RVP
10 Karma - 10 RVP
2 CDP (Base)
2 CDP (Base)

Mikhail Antonov C2 L1 - 2 RVP
Mikhail Antonov C2 L1 - 2 RVP
Narcissus [Free Spirit] C6 L1 - 6 RVP
Narcissus [Free Spirit] C6 L1 - 6 RVP
Anansi -  
Anansi -  
Ducky -  
Ducky -  
Gulliver -  
Gulliver -  
No Caller ID -  
No Caller ID -  
Pasiphae -
Pasiphae -

Revision as of 21:43, 10 March 2025

Red, White, and You
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Red Vory
White Vory MCT
No Caller ID
Konstantin Peskov
Boris Sokolov
Mystic Black Magic Adept
Biosam 1
Unknown Soldier
Casualties and losses
5 0


This is still a draft _____________________________________
_____This is still a draft _____________________________________
__________This is still a draft _____________________________________
_______________This is still a draft _____________________________________
____________________This is still a draft _____________________________________


Konstantin Peskov, a White Vory, is coming to Thun Field.
Mikhail Antonov, a red Vory wants him dead and hires a group of runners to do the wet-work.

The Meet

Mikhail Antonov invites the runners Anansi, Ducky, No Caller ID, and Gulliver to Runner Bar 16 to propose wetwork. Bar 16 is famous for its LARP community which Larps being Shadowrunners. So, our runners go with the flow and dress up like 'Runners'.

Mikhail explains the job: The target, Konstantin Peskow, is coming to Seattle for 48 hours. Mikhail wants the runners to kill Konstantin during this time-window. No trace is allowed to lead back to Mikhail and the Red Vory. He offers the runners 20k Nuyen which the runners negotate up to 22 200 Nuyen per person, of which 5 000 are paid up-front. After egreeing, Mikhail leaves and the runners start planning.

=The Plan

After thoughtful delibaration, the runners decide to attack on Boris Sokolov's car, in which Konstantin Peskov is going to be transported from Thun Field to to Seattle. Planned point of engagement: just before the highway ramp from the 31st Avenue onto State Route 512. Only two runners are skilled with firearms, so they are tasked to disable Boris' car, after wich all runners will engage in open combat.

After completion of the job, drive to the next entry to the Ork Underground and 'disappear'. If necessary, highjack a car to make the escape.

The Run

Konstatn's team hires or has a diviner who performes a crystal-ball divination. By chance, the runners are still wearing the disguise they were wearing at RunnerBar 16. This includes No Caller ID being disguised as Riga Toni whom the runners plan to misdirect the blame towards. The time before

Team MCT adepts white-flag. Seer white-flags.

Uncle Keith Spirit of Fire Pasiphae guidance spirit No Caller ID Gulliver Ducky

adept Biosam1, Black Magic Adept Decker Opponent Spirit of Man named Narcissis [F6] Turned Free Anansi Seer Rotodrone Biosam2

Deathcount: Konstantin Peskov Boris Sokolov Decker Rigger Black Mage Adept

No Caller ID: Liudmila



Deadly TL - 20 RVP

20,000 Nuyen - 10 RVP

2,000 Nuyen - Negotiation Bonus

10 Karma - 10 RVP

2 CDP (Base)

Optional: Mikhail Antonov C2 L1 - 2 RVP

Narcissus [Free Spirit] C6 L1 - 6 RVP

Anansi -

Ducky -

Gulliver -

No Caller ID -

Pasiphae -

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)