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Mystic adept infiltrator/assassin
Master of sneakiness
(Or so she hopes)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.April 2nd, 2058
Metatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - D
Resources - C

Character Information


Shimmer is a magical infiltrator and assassin exploring the world outside of elven society.


  • Explore the world
  • Make some money of her own


Cassandra was born to moderately wealthy elven parents living in Portland. Her childhood was relatively uneventful, but partway through university she decided she’d had enough of the isolationism of elven culture and dropped out to explore the rest of the world. She decided to start off by heading to Seattle, and once there ended up falling in with the ancients. There she learned how to shoot, sneak and better control her magic, but ultimately decided that their attitude was too close to that of mainstream elven culture and parted ways with them as well. She’s now doing runs independently in Seattle until it loses its novelty and she moves on to another city.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • National SIN: Shimmer was born a citizen of Tir Tairngire.
  • Focused concentration: Shimmer has spent more time learning how to control the spells she knows than expanding her knowledge of spells.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Diamonds Are ForeverBardInATavern6426 July 2081
Leave the Cage and Take the KeyGhostlinAdversaries12 July 2081
It's High NoonTeksura14 June 2081
RVDocMcGuffinAdversaries20 April 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ether 5 2 Fixer Fixer Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld Even
Source 4 3 Custom(G,A,K,N) Talislegger Awakened, Alchemist, Healing Potion Even
"Wild Goose" 2 2 Gear ID Manufacturer SIN Forger, License Forger, Matchmaker Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table



Shimmer is of average elven build, standing at just under 2 meters tall. Her skin is pale and her hair is black, save for some purple highlights. Her elflike cybereyes, while otherwise natural looking, have a slight purple glow to them. She can usually be found wearing fairly fashionable casual clothes. When shadowrunning she wears an armored gray jumpsuit that doesn’t interfere with her movements.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments