
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Permanently stressed wage mage
May or may not have a death wish
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


A Mitsuhama wage mage who sold out everything for a "comfortable" life in the corporation. Unable to bear the tedium of her job any longer, she's started moonlighting as a shadowrunner for her ludicrously corrupt boss. She's in it for the thrills, hoping to relieve some of the stress that's been threatening to crush her alive.


  • Feel alive again
  • Go on a metaplanar quest
  • Renegotiate her contract for more vacation time


The first thing Milly Sawyer learned at college was that magic could be really, really boring. Cackling manabolts and metaplanar quests were all well and good, but those weren't the things that paid the bills. Wards and watchers, that's what the corporation wanted from her; day after day, month after month, building after building, wards and watchers. MCT's offer had been the luckiest of breaks, a once in a lifetime escape from the crushing poverty of the OU, but ghost was it draining. Her career was one of small concessions. A filed down tusk, an extra hour of work, a tirade from her boss that she silently bore, every day it seemed like she sold off another piece of herself. Before long there was nothing left to give, with even her own identity being lost to the company's troll reduction surgeries.

She justified it to herself, of course; It was all to escape. If she kept her head down and didn't raise a fuss, she'd never have to go back to the awful place where she grew up. It wasn't like she'd had any other choice, and anyone in her place would've done the same. Right? Yet as time wore on and her career stalled out Milly's justifications rang more and more hollow. The weight of her stress became too much to bear, and every day felt like the one where she was finally going to crack. Then, right before she reached the tipping point, her boss came to her with an offer: shadowrunning.

He said it was a chance to feel the thrill of magic again, and make herself a lot of money in the process. It was minimal risk too, if she followed her orders to the letter. Of course Milly didn't buy it, but the thought of being able to use her powers again made her agree nonetheless. She knows that this can only end badly, but if it staves off the dread for only a few weeks it'll be worth it. Even if she gets geeked, at least she'll have died getting to feel something again.

Narrative Significant Qualities



Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Derailed DeliveryJ.R.1 August 2085
Performance EnhancementNiven19 July 2085
Runnin' from the Dock of the BayLHOG27 February 2085
Race To The WarAsmodeusMeatgrinder20 February 2085
Infrastructure TheoremAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking11 October 2082
Tracing the ShotDejapes5 October 2082
Joule's No Good, Very Bad DayAurora1 September 2082
Gland Theft AltoCutierThanThou30 August 2082
Gnawer, I Hardly Knew HerAuroraA Ghoulish Case23 August 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments