
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Snake/Drake Themed SURGE
Summoning Focused Mysad
I love to encourage Personal Growth
the stronger my friends are the more useful they are
RedditI dont Do Reddit
MetatypeDwarf (Meta. Mod. To Human)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - B

Character Information


Zahhak is a Bitter Draconic snake SURGE of short stature. She is a Mystic adept focused on the summoning of Norwegian and Egyptian spirits(playing into her theme, she often calls reptilian/dragon themed spirits). She's also quite good with a knife if you need surgery or emergency medical care. She spends a lot of time at other clinics assisting Street Docs "helping the people". She doesn't care about the people, she cares about reputation, she's just being subtle about it.


She is a researcher first. she loves to dive deep into magical studies to grow and expand herself, its nearing the point of obsession.

Make friends, ones that can overlook her "social disorders"

*Cough Cough* Become a Drake *Cough Cough*


A little Mood music to begin

Warning: contains dark themes.

Lara Richter, Is one of many children of Treant and Myconid Richter, but not in the traditional sense. She was grown in a laboratory along with Twelve other siblings. Originally, the husband and wife pair just wanted children, but they didn't have quite the money to make that happen. But they were both Brilliant Scientists, receiving funding from Saeder Krupp to work on conceptual Growing methods in exchange. Lara was the youngest, each child being born 6 months apart. They were permitted to bring there kids home, living in a designated Saeder Krupp sponsored living facility, where they could be secretly monitored. This was the early years, living part time between a corporate testing facility and a quaint family home. The older children started to get involved with jobs as the years went on, becoming lab assistants to there parents and other scientists, some weren't into that noise and took on other jobs. But the routine was interrupted, by a flying ball of ice.

During the year of the comet, her family experienced a chaotic event. Lara Surged at the age of three. None of the family was affected, leaving her the sole Changeling of the family, and batch. Initially this lead to a great deal of isolation for her, being called a freak by her own siblings and family. By the time the family had fully warmed up to it again, the damage had been done, resulting in her being a bitter child, no memories of playing, happiness, just being the resident monster. She stuck to herself, isolating herself despite her family's attempt to reconnect, proffering to read books and scroll around the matrix for articles then interact with others. she would spend hours and days on end reading and absorbing, only seeing what she was allowed too, but unlike her parents, the people monitoring her feed didn't really care about what she was looking at as long as she wasn't making contact with the world. She was more interested in magic and the body then any person she's ever met. Her siblings would often bring her books home from the lab, and research notes, and all kinds of other things, mainly because Her siblings felt bad for her, because her appearance was so bizarre, but the things they were bringing home were very advanced, and some of it was very graphic, definitely not something a little mind should be reading.

despite her conditions and issues, she turned out to be a very bright mind. So much so that once she turned twelve, she got to assist in lab activities, which had branched out into all kinds of other genetic and nano-reaserch. It was admittedly not the best place for a young adult to be, some fucked up shit happened in that lab, She saw a LOT of cadavers/dissections before she even hit puberty as a result.


Her family was scattered about Schwartzkopf machinations, in the form of researchers, guardians, Special operations, but at the end of they day, they would all come home, to four generations of family. This didn't really mean much to Lara, after all, these were the people who thought she was a monster, and she still believed they did and were just putting up a false face. To demonstrate her bitterness, she went so far as to have her body adjusted, pulling further away from her dwarf heritage. It was a painful day for the family when she came home that day, but they refused to give up on her.

It all came crashing down though in 2080.

She returned to her family manor after staying late to collect some books, to find Her family home had been raided, and her family had all been killed. The Machine of her mind began to process as she investigated, compartmentalizing quickly as to not hamper her in this dangerous situation she found herself in. She disguised herself as one of the raiders, who were all still on the property and moved into the house. There she found bodies being chopped up for parts, her family, Mages finding interest in her kin. She was a surge, not a drake though, and looked nothing like a dwarf, so she waltzed right in, and they ignored her. While they were busy harvesting corpses, she went upstairs, running her hands along the wall of the hallway as she looked around. I hate Dwarves... was the only strong thought going through her mind, there Penchant to stick together and help each other was the first reason this happened. She headed to her parents room, activating the manual override for the house security, and the house was filled with gas. With the flick of a switch twenty more people died, and she really could care less. She went downstairs and one-by-one poured acid down each victims gullet while they were still paralized, making sure they knew they had made an error and watching the light leave there eyes. She knew some of them were still outside, but it would take time to breach the manor on full lockdown, so she went from room to room, collecting trinkets, drams, clothes, cred-sticks, blankets, anything she thought might be useful. Her mothers Amulet, a gift commissioned by Schwartzkopf, was the only truly valuable article she collected. She knew her brothers had grenades, so she collected them, and one by one shoved them into her family, to deny the raiders anything of value, she refused to let them be chopped for parts. As the bodies were already open on the floors and tables, she took a kidney from each of them, sealing it for later before beginning to leave through a secret tunnel, two suitcases rolling behind her as she sealed the tunnel, and detonated the grenades remotely. Several messages were sent out from the assailants phones to Benandanti XXV members she knew from her time learning in there labs, hoping a response would come from the Great dragon, or anyone really. That was the last time she truly ever felt hope, as no response came. She watched from afar as the remaining raiders broke in, and left, with no retribution. She quietly left, heading to another country as she gave up on Schwartzkopf's vengeance bringing her satisfaction. She had the Kidneys she collected Cremated, and brought the small jar with her to the UCAS.

She has lived in Seattle for three years now, only growing more twisted as her unresolved issues had time to fester. Not in the form of depression, sorrow, or any of those things, but in detachment. She does not care anymore about other people, she doesn't feel the need to be charitable, she only cares if her calculating mind can find personal gain. She likes Shadowrunners, she has come into contact with many over the years as a street doctor. To her, those are the kinds of people you want to know. The wageslave is weak of will, the ganger is weak of body. Life is precious to the one expending it, she happily maintains that life, knowing that the stronger they become, the more valuble that "charity" she offered becomes in turn.

special notes

Zahhak has come to despise a lot of things over the years, but She reviles that she couldn't understand her family in time as one of the biggest. She was so angry and bitter that she stopped trying, despite her family's desire and efforts to reconnect with her. Now there dead and she can't work on it. This was a personal awakening to her that despite the fact she doesn't care about other people, she needs to try.

Zahhak hates Dwarves and SURGE. She doesn't outwardly express it to others, as she is really more bitter about herself. In her mind, it ruined her heritage, and her family respectively.

Her family home consisted of twelve individuals. She never found her Fathers body, assuming it had been fully dissected by the time she got home.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Nothing about this character is positive

Natural Venom & Fangs: She likes to milk her venom to coat weapons.


Astral Beacon: While she is not a drake and has a fully draconic aura, there's licks of it in there, and its powerful...

Changeling(Class III SURGE): She once was a dwarf, now she looks more like a very tall Gnome, complete with Fangs, scales in strategic locations, and a big meaty reptile tail. She's even cold blooded, she hates it.

Critter Spook: Her predatory aura makes animals uncomfortable.

Driven: Hidden Knowledge(magical): she would literally set Seattle ablaze if it got her five minutes with Schwarzkopf. The Surge fucked her over, but maybe if they take her as a drake the old fashion way, it would finally happen for her(not Schwarzkopf Specific but she has a preference)...

Impassive: Shes a Sociopath

Vestigial Tail: she's got a big meaty snake tail. she wear a lab coat to keep it private.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Crimson Grove RisesBulldogc24 March 2084
Viva Las AAAAATidanShock31 January 2084
Detour to PhoenixDraknic2 January 2084
Let there be danger noodleTidanShock5 December 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Adeptus 2 4 Fixer(N,A,K,G) Fixer Spirit Expert, Magical Appraiser, Location, Location, Location Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Zahhak is a Street doctor that moves around frequently, assisting in clinics all over the city.
3 She is also an accomplished magus, integrating that into her work. She's also a little greedy, charging extra for things like Anesthetics.
6 She arrived in Seattle around 2080 from the Germany, and built herself up from the ground as a brilliant doctor.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments