A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?

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A Wolf In Wolf's clothing?
Part of Trophäenjagd
LocationSeattle, Redmond
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield
Crimson Crush
Black Sabbath


When Klaus' prized head picks itself up and walks off, he realizes he's duped! Someone, or something has made its way onto his blimp and stolen away the head from a wolf he had hunted. In order to get it back, he resorts to getting others to do his work for him! And such, the runners are called in to handle the situation with tact and diplomacy. Which does not happen.


Klaus is a hunter by trade by trade but a trader by day. He's a master of paying others to shoot things for him! Yet when his prized 'kill' is decapitated in his own house, or blimp, nothing could get in the way of him retrieving it. Except of course, the Crimson Crush members he aggravated by intruding on their turf. And such, without anyone to hire to get his item back, he turns to the runners to do it for him.

The Meet

Meeting Klaus on his blimp, Drengr, Black Sabbath, Saint, and Frieren discussed the nature of the gig. Given the nature of the missing item, Klaus said they'd pay good money to have it back. Negotiations didn't get far, and so the team set out to do a bit of legwork to find the item.

The Plan

Frieren summoned a spirit to find the wolf head with a printed image, which lead the team to a megabuilding in Tourist Ville. With that information, the team decided to hop to the building and talk their way inside.

The Run

With the team stacking up and searching the floors of the building, they had a lot of ground to cover, so they searched the floors from ground to bottom. Getting to the fourth floor they realized just how locked up it was. Saint tried their best with the backup from Drengr and Frieren to try and negotiate their way in. Grobbgaard, the leader of the place, agreed to meet with Drengr, but to no avail. The negotiations were met headfirst with rejection. And such, the team decided to tripple down on combat.

Many seconds elapsed and the whirlwind combat was a flurry of spells, spirits, and stealth. Saint Ran upstairs to find the head, Frieren Dracoformed and used her spirit to support Saint, Drengr summoned and protected Black Sabbath, and Black Sabbath soaked damage and healed the team. As they spent minutes clearing out the fourth floor, the wounded Frieren eventually ran downstairs to escape, happenstance meeting with a one Grobbgaard running away with the wolves head. Saint, not wanting them to get away, jumped the five stories with a sick 720 50/50 goofy darkside, landing directly on and pulping Grobbgaard, ending their escape and rescuing the wolf head.


The rest of the team was able to escape, chiding not only the Crimson Crush, but Klaus as well. Being picked up by Klaus and his blimp, the team chewed him out even further. Being given access to Klaus' wine stash, the teams' chiding turned to grumbles, as the surly and now swirly sleuths escaped with not only a pocket full of cash, but also a belly full of booze.


Rewards for - 19 RVP High (overtime)
10000 Y (5RVP)
10karma (10RVP)
10CPD (4RVP)
counts as initiation/ assention
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield - 6/3 (8 CDP) also +1 favor
Quals at gen rate-
mentor spirt for The Big man with the soaking plan
dare devil for Saint
Agil defender for Frieren
first impression - Drengr

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Fuck gangers, fuck corporate asshats, fuck this job. I'm going all out from the start next time, I don't even know what I was thinking. Idiots.


Well well. Here we are, our first gig in Seattle. What a blast! I had much fun, and even got a bottle or two of Fae wine. True Sulla my friend, come hither! I have brought you more wine, darling~