Norville Craddock

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Norville Craddock
Elder Mage Talislegger
Fallen Vault Keeper
Dealer of Dark Delights
The Shagster
Contact Ownersovelsataask
Owner's Discord Names.dawnfire
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodCredstick
Personal LifeUnethically Non-Monogamous
Abilities Considered Unnatural
Dreamland Voyager
Lost Faith
Hard to Reach
Sins of the Flesh
The Bitter Water of Marah
Keeper of the Vaults
Esoteric Tastes
All-Seeing Eye of God
Silver Tongued Devil
Armor of God
Peddler of Arcane Esoterica


A former member of the Vigilia Evangelica's intelligence apparatus, Norville Craddock had a crisis of faith following his exposure to the dark, ancient things the Church kept hidden. He became obsessed with that which he was supposed to protect, and found a new faith in following the Old Gods. Of course, the Church is none to pleased with this turn of events and wants Craddock silenced. Permanently.

These days, he's hiding out in Seattle, posing as a talislegger and plying his talents as a former intelligence operative to fund his newfound taste for all the vices he ignored for so long as a man of the cloth. When he's not indulging in sins of the flesh, Craddock is delving deeply into the dark mysteries that he once vowed to keep sealed away.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Wanted The Vatican wants Craddock eliminated, due to his knowledge of their Aquinae vaults and their contents.
Hard to Reach Between keeping himself occupied in brothels and drug dens, running a smuggling operation, dodging Vatican assassins, and exploring the metaplanes for more hidden lore, it's not easy to get ahold of Craddock. Always make an Availability Test for Norville with his Connection +3.
Silver Tongued Devil Despite his potential madness, Craddock is a charmer and expert negotiator. He always makes sure he comes out on top of any deal and is happy to use your mistakes against you: any favor asked of Craddock will cost an extra chip, and an additional chip will be lost if a character wrongs Craddock.
Abilities Considered Unnatural Although he originally Awakened as a Christian Theurge, exposure to forbidden knowledge has lead Craddock to instead become a member of the Elder God tradition and a follower of Seducer.
Peddler of Arcane Esoterica Craddock has set up a network of smugglers and talisleggers since relocating to Seattle, moving magical goods and paracritters of all sorts through the port city.
Dreamland Voyager Craddock has spent what feels like lifetimes traversing the realms beyond our own, communing with otherworldly entities and exploring alien environs.
Armor of God Between the dangers of talislegging and the need for defenses against bounty hunters, Craddock understands the value of good protection and is adept at locating armor and armor modifications.
Lost Faith While he's long since left the Church, Craddock still remembers the secrets of its orders and even still has a few moles in the Vatican.
Sins of the Flesh Since being found by Seducer after leaving the Church, Norville has become quite familiar with Seattle's vice dens and their patrons.
All-Seeing Eye of God Craddock's primary role within the Vigilia Evangelica was that of an intelligence operative, he is quite skilled in the field of tradecraft.
The Bitter Water of Marah Like any good lapsed intelligence operative, Craddock is intimately familiar with toxins and their uses, and his work as a talislegger gives him access to all sorts of exotic poisons.
Keeper of the Vaults As a former member of the Vigilia Evangelica, Craddock is well versed in ancient, forbidden magical knowledge that's been sealed away from the general public.
Esoteric Tastes Craddock and his smugglers have a talent for acquiring goods you won't find on store shelves, namely Restricted and Forbidden gear.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Dead in the WaterDawnfire9 June 2085
Disassembling & Cutting Supply LinesAsmodeus23 May 2085
Clever Pun About DocksDawnfire14 April 2085
Running Out of TimeDawnfire28 February 2085