
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Trades pic.png
Archetype: Aspiring Sourceror/Generalist
Former Otaku, New Technomancer
Discord: Elayda@Elayne_Malachite
Reddit: Elayne_Malachite[1]
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.January 14th, 2054
Sum to 10Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - A
# Optional Infected powers allowed0

Character Information


Trades is a matrix infiltrator who uses her living persona and extensive augmentations to help her crack systems. She barely has a spark of the resonance in her, but she's eager to develop the new matrix powers to replace what she had before.


Become a sourceror.
Develop mastery over the resonance alike to what she had as an otaku.
Hoard as much data as she can.
Get her skillwires geared up. She needs activesofts and better wires if she wants to make something of herself.


Born in Seattle, Trades was identified by her former tribe around the age of 7. She spent the next two years slowly being initiated into the mysteries of the matrix. Finally, it was time for her initiation into the resonance. When she returned from her time in the deep resonance, she could see the matrix in a new way. Where some might have seen the cluttered and patchwork symbology, Trades saw the elegant construction of underlying code. She took to her new skills with a great appetite leading a brief, but successful career as a shadowrunner leading up to Crash 2.0. Crash 2.0 also drew the curtain on her brief career as a shadowrunner since her abilities didn't translate into her emerging as an early technomancer. As data was gathered on technomancers and their relationship to essence, Trades began to suspect that her extensive augmentation may have been responsible for why she didn't emerge like many of the other otaku. She spent the next 2 decades working in Retrofit's clinic as her assistant using their skillwires.
In late 2084, Trades started to notice that she was able to do more in the matrix than should have been possible with just her datajack. It felt a little like how it had been to be an otaku, so she attempted another pilgrimage to the deep resonance in the hopes that maybe she might find answers. The deep resonance was lost to her like every other otaku, but she did manage to reach the resonance realms. When she arrived at Kernel Panic she was struck by another transcendental moment. It was as if she had been looking at the new matrix through a pair of blurry glasses and things had finally come into focus. Things slotted into place in her brain and her living persona sparked to life for the first time. Now she's back on the streets, and eager to restart her career as a shadowrunner.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Trades is a former Otaku even if it took awhile for her to emerge
Her teammates can trust her to keep their most important gear safe as part of her PAN.
A lot of matrix specialists can't move and hack; Trades can do both at the same time.
The matrix is never far away for Trades. She can start hacking at a moment's notice.


Is there data lying around? Trades can't help herself; she needs to grab a copy to peruse in her leisure time.
Trades can hardly stand to see the world without the filter of augmented reality.
Trades can't handle her drinks. She also can't handle her drugs, but she's got a firmer grasp on that.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Ghost Train Part 2Villiers2 June 2085
Cat BurglarDexcaliber31 May 2085
Mary in the HedgemazeFangblade_28 May 2085
My Big Fat Yakuza WeddingTidanshock25 May 2085
As Fireshadows ClashFangblade_An Obscure Wanderer24 May 2085
Disassembling & Cutting Supply LinesAsmodeus23 May 2085
Back to Bass-icsDawnfire20 May 2085
Vexing Vtuber VexperienceFangblade_Amatsu Kaze18 May 2085
Pass a Bad TimeTidanShock16 May 2085
Un Guerrier des Temps ModernesSarcarian13 May 2085
Disassembling the FoodchainVilliers7 May 2085
Pfalz Sense of SecurityVilliers2 May 2085
Ghost Train Part 1Villiers28 April 2085
Front Point & CenterAsmodeus24 April 2085
Resource ExtractionSarcarian23 April 2085
Clever Pun About DocksDawnfire14 April 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Heward Smith 1 3 Fixer Street Punk Unlicensed Vendor, Criminal Connections Even
Retrofit 1 6 Gear Shady Street Doc Augmentations, Cyberware Even
Webs Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 6 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Runaway Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 6 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Sentry Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 6 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location


Retrofit- They've been working with Trades since their days as Ultrabyte the Otaku. Retrofit helped Trades find a new life after crash 2.0 helping do firmware setup for cyberware in her clinic.


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 They're a decker
3 Before Crash 2.0, they were a cyberadept of one of the Seattle tribes.
6 She's got some niche posts in some BBS about adjusting to life with skillwires. She

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Trades is an up and coming novahot decker. She's started doing some odd jobs for people in early 2085.
3 Her symbology in the matrix is that of an architect. She makes adjustments to her blueprints in order to alter the fabric of the matrix.
5 They used to be an otaku known under the alias Ultrabyte. If you want to embarrass her, then bringing up the moniker she chose as an otaku is a safe bet. They fell off the radar for 20 years after Crash 2.0. In early 2085, she began making new appearances under the alias Trades. Nobody has reported her getting a deck, so it's a pretty decent guess that she's a technomancer.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
2 Trades possesses a greyware EARRS
3 Trades possesses an Alphaware datajack, skillwires, skilljack
4 Trades is currently at ~5.1 essence. They currently do not possess any Betaware or Bioware
5 Trades is a technomancer who possesses the Narco Geneware


Rating 4 (Eleanor Reeds, UCAS)

Burner Rating 2 (Sarah Breeks, UCAS)



Matrix Persona

Trades matrix persona is currently an architect. When she is engaging in traditional hacking, she tends to use symbology related to construction. She generally uses a blueprint as a symbolic focus for navigation and interaction. Her MARKs are small glass buildings.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments