A Ghoulish Case Of Heart Delivery

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A Ghoulish Case Of Heart Delivery
Part of A Ghoulish Case
LocationFrom Seattle to California
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Free spirits of Puyallup Saeder-Krupp
3 fire free spirits Segfault, decker
Helicopter Rigger
S-K Mage
number of other units
Casualties and losses
1 free spirit was disrupted


In which a commune of Ghouls employs runners to smuggle the heart of a recently deceased S-K defector to a dying patient in California, from Doctor O+'s clinic in Seattle.


The Meet

The team get individually called up to Doctor O+'s clinic, where the job is explained to them. Doctor O+ was operating on a patient that sadly died during operation, he learnt however that another patient from a colleague of his in california need a new heart, and is entirely compatible. Unable to turn to any official service to save this man, he turns to our team to make the express delivery through multiple borders.

The team considers it's options, helicopters, forging

The Plan

Sp4rks wants to go in guns blazing but Samsara prefers to do some recon before. Pell projects and analyzes their magic defenses, finding they are low outside of some wards and a BGC of 2 aspected to the Aztec religion. Sp4rks and Rabbit dive into the matrix, in search of interesting data, they rezz in a destination host and spot a Data host nested inside. They do not waste time entering it, and rezz in what looks like a prison corridor, here Sp4rks search for incriminating data about blood sacrifice, and finds an interesting file. As he goes to open it, Rabbit spots a databomb on it and gives him a heads up just in time, he proceeds to defuse and decrypt the file, raising the host's alarms.

Rabbit, as soon as the alarm sounds up throws up a Biofeedback laden data spike at the spider, killing him instantly. With the file, Sp4rks now drops back in the destination host as Rabbit jacks out, There he proceeds to have an intense cybercombat with a demi-GOD before Rabbit rezzes in again and uses an oversight in it's duellist defenses to data spike the demi-GOD, killing him.

Sp4rks proceeds to draw the incriminating file on every AR and trid projectors he can see, the building quickly shuts down and the team decides to walk in, passing for interested parties worried about those news about the temple.

The Run

Knocking at the door, they are received by an initiate of the temple, who they manage to convince to give them a tour. During the tour, some team members notice a hidden door, and inquire about it to the initiate. He is legitimately confused at it, as he never knew about such a door, but Rabbit convinces him by appealing to it's mentor spirit dragonslayer, to let them pass do their thing, to which the initiate responds well. Samsara promptly punches the door open and the group pass through, finding an elevator behind.

Getting down, the group opens up the bottom elevator doors to a prison-looking place, with ghouls behind bars, clearly being experimented on. Quickly, the sound of an HTR team approaching made themselves heard and the team prepared for a fight. The team was composed of 4 gunmen and one Aztechnology blood mage, who try as he might never managed to stab anyone.

The initiate ended the fight pretty beautifully by casting a huge fireball in the middle of the Aztechnology HTR gunmens, dropping them and making it look easy at that, the only OpFor still alive in the end was the blood mage, unconscious and bleeding out. Not being worth saving, Samsara killed him off before the team used the very van the OpFor used to abduct ghouls to liberate them from their cages and bring them back home.



  • 20k nuyen or 40k in 'ware (10 RVP)
  • Doctor O+ (Connection 3) at Loyalty 3 (5 RVP)
  • No CDP
  • Toltecoh (Connection 1) at Loyalty 3 (3 RVP)

For Rabbit

  • add 4 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)