Renton Prison Break

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Revision as of 14:22, 21 August 2022 by Merpkiller (talk | contribs)
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Renton Prison Break
Date2083-MM-DD"2083-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Ryan Danes
Crazy Hoof
The Scarlet King


In the aftermath of a failed protest being broken up by Knight Errant improperly, Runners are hired by a local group of good-dooers to free the wrongfully imprisoned, when stealth and subterfuge fail, the group whip out the big guns and bring the fight to the Knights.


The Meet

The meet was rather simple, old, rundown bar in the middle of nowhere, while it was closed, the runners were still quietly ushered inside by the Johnson, who immediately threw the runners off by using his real name, Brynn Stevenson,-

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

The Scarlet King adjusts the ARO on Crazy Hoof's commlink for everyone's HUD to showcase a waypoint right above his head. It's titled "Stupid Idiot"

M3chan1c: "Guys, this is why we have Meth!"

Player After Action Reports (AARs)