五代ロータス (Godai rōtasu)

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五代ロータス (Godai rōtasu)
Godai 2.png
Street Ninja
A killer and a machine. Bows and martial arts.
Just don't ask him to talk.
Theme Song
Discord@Pokémonemocow7 (they/them)#9225
Street Cred8
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - A
# Initiations17

Character Information


A man on a mission and the skills to kill. 五代ロータス may not have any practical skills, but through his limited time outside of Japan he has picked up some etiquette.

五代ロータス was born in Japan to SINless parents as part of a project run by Shiawase. The corp would be allowed to play around with the fetus' biology, the mother would carry it to term, then the corp would pay the couple a large sum of money to keep them quiet and the child in corporate control. His life would be a hard one. Daily medical procedures and combat drills, with the occasional philosophy lesson. When he awakened things only got worse. Now he is on the run, having set himself free, and hiding in Seattle.

(Why 1 CHA?) 五代ロータス was born with ASD, which made picking up on the few social cues he experienced even harder. This combined with his training and conditioning has lead to him struggling to understand other people on a fundamental level. Having spent some time in the real world, he has picked up the ability to know when to keep his mouth shut.


Find the bastard that headed the experiment.

Find peace.

Mechanical Goals Spreadsheets


Born SINless in Japan, 五代ロータス is a killing machine and experiment gotten free.

Narrative Significant Qualities



Antipathy (CF 57)

Driven (Find The Bastard That Did This) (RF 154)

Prejudice (Specific, Outspoken) (Shiawase Employees) (SR5 82)

Superhuman Psychosis (CF 59)

Uneducated (SR5 87)

Wanted (50k Shiawase)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Sprinting GallowsAsmodeusHigh10 July 2084
The Deadliest PredatorTidanShockDeadly13 December 2083
High Moon ShowdownKeeper MDeadly6 December 2083
Silvered by KnightEva4 December 2083
Hoist The Holly RogersAuroraHigh27 November 2083
Find Your FlameAuroraExtreme14 November 2083
Bring back the pollinator expertKaterSalemDeadly29 August 2083
Running a MarkAsmodeusDeadly27 August 2083
Setting the SnareArchtmag20 August 2083
Renton Prison BreakAurora20 August 2083
We Didn't Start The FireIsaacLight in the ShadowsDeadly17 August 2083
Hanson's QuandaryAsmodeusHigh15 July 2083
A Mundane Hunting TripAurora27 June 2083
Handshake ProtocolAsmodeusDeadly25 June 2083
A Ghoulish PackageAuroraDeadly24 June 2083
Hung Lung Mun And The FinnigansAuroraMedium19 June 2083
Some Very Angry DrugsEvaDeadly2 June 2083
Friendly Neighbourhood PoliticsArchtmagHigh21 May 2083
'A Raccoon's Raid'High14 May 2083
Thanks for the involuntary testKaterSalemNo Legion But Still DeadlyHigh13 May 2083
Experitech wheelsDoc MncMedium7 October 2082
Something That History has not ForgottenPatGrffinDead Gods StirMedium28 September 2082
Daily CardioDiscoMedium27 September 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
The Margins 3 4 Fixer Corporate Supplylines, Corporate Connections, Corp Grudges, Community Bastion Even
Doctor O+ 4 3 Custom(G,A,N,K) Street Doc/Organlegger Medical, Illegal, Organlegger, Ghoul Organlegger, Armorer, Ware, Rarities Even
Brynn Stevenson 4 3 Fixer Fixer First Impression, Ambitious, Trustworthy, Renton Resident, Social Adept Even
Captain Madeline Palermo 5 3 Gear Black Market Armorer Ares Macrotechnology, Armorer, Ex-Firewatch, Firearms, Laser Weapons, Milspec Gear Even
Black Cat 5 3 Gear Black Marketeer Burnout Adept, Black Market Connections, Gun Runner, Gang Leader, Demolition Expert, Back Alley Chop Shop Even


Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Red Dragon Association +4
Humanis -2
Flaming Sword -2
Skraacha -2
Cutters -10



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Tajima Shigeki


Godai 1.png


Dark clothes that won't get in the way when moving quickly.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments