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Fixer and Black Clinician
Contact OwnerYouMayFireWhenReady
Owner's Discord NameYouMayFireWhenReady
Public Contact?Yes
LocationOrk Underground
AgeMiddle Aged
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceMusic Lover
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsAnger Issues
Once Burned
Twice Shy
Us or Them
Good Trouble
Uncle Sauron
A Common Enemy
Ork Forges
Wizard of Isengard
Secrets of the Uruk-hai
What Can Men Do Against Such Reckless Hate?
Advantage of Angband
The Fire of Orthanc



Hez-kukra is the street name of Zachary Washington, leader of the largest Sons of Sauron cell in the Seattle Metroplex. Washington is a talented cybertechnologist with a doctorate from Evo’s Far Eastern University in Vladivostok. His front is that of a body-shop in the Ork Underground where Skraacha (and the occasional Son of Sauron) and their carefully-vetted allies can receive exceptionally good black clinic cyberware and bioware augmentations in a seemingly bargain-bin chop-shop.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Anger Issues Hez-kukra is easily insulted and generally abrasive, so if he detects even the hint of a slight against his business, his face, his family, his dog, you name it, he refuses to deal with you until you apologize and make some form of amends. Worse yet, even the slightest hint of bigotry against any marginalized group will put you straight in his dog house. A slight against Hez-kukra or his kin requires a favour or a monetary gift to make amends and any instance of bigotry will require double the effort.
Once Burned, Twice Shy To raise Loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful reason for Hez-kukra to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time.
Us or Them Under no circumstances will Hez-kukra do anything they believe will harm metahumans (elves excepted.) If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to a majority metahuman group (gang, policlub, place of business, et cetera) decrease their Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty ever drops to 0, Hez-kukra will consider the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the targeted killing of metahuman civilians (even elves!) the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
Good Trouble Hez-kukra has a soft-spot in his heart for actions (especially violent ones) taken against "oppressors" and will work extra hard to support hooding runners or those whose missions are on the clear side of justice (GM’s Discretion.)
Uncle Sauron A long-time social activist and freedom fighter, Hez is well connected with MOM and ORC and is rumored to know people who know people in the Sons of Sauron.
A Common Enemy Hez-kukra has at least a minor relationship with all the major/majority ork and troll gangs in the Seattle Metroplex.
Ork Forges Hez-kukra’s cell is adept at making equipment, and modifying equipment, in-house.
Something Stronger Than A Cocktail Hez-kukra’s crew is very adept at making explosives in-house.
You Need a Hand(load)? Hez-kukra’s crew are very skilled at wildcatting ammunition.
Wizard of Isengard Hez-kukra has access to a powerful, anonymous magician in support of his operations.
Secrets of the Uruk-hai It's no mere chop-shop: Hez-kukra runs a clean, fully-staffed black clinic out of his Ork Underground base of operations and can install augmentations up to Betaware Grade.
What Can Men Do Against Such Reckless Hate? Hez-kukra is able to leverage his connections with Evo to get his hands on bleeding-edge combat-oriented augmentations but has little interest in any other form of augmentation, cosmetics especially. Hez-kukra will not allow any "troll reduction" surgeries to be run out of his black clinic, ever. No exceptions.


Knowledge Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The 0th Law of ThermodynamicsJohnThe Metroplex Governor Race of '8419 July 2084