Kevin Crimes' Skin In The Game

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Kevin Crimes' Skin In The Game
Part of The Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Cutters
Blue Jay
Kevin Crimes


The cutters stole some biotech from the J and she wants it back.


The Meet

The team met up with the J, Jinx, at an unused event space in Bellevue. A fairly simple job she wants some stolen biotech returned and she needs it done quickly and cleanly. A bonus was offered if the team could accomplish this without injuring anyone or being spotted. The pay offered, 20,000 nooj each and the possibility of some damage compensators.

The Plan

Perform some basic scouting activities, after which Bumble and Samsara would stealthy enter the building and locate/retrieve the goods. Ez would provide spiritual support and Blue Jay acts as the getaway driver.

The Run

The run began with Ez sending a spirit to investigate the facility and assess their magical defenses. While doing this Blue Jay performed a casual driveby inspection of the facility. There were a handful of guards on the ground and roof access and a force 5 barrier surrounding the facility. Not swayed by the security Sam came up with an entry strategy and she and bumble executed it approaching from the back.

Sam climbed to the 3rd floor and scouted one what she could from the roof, looking through some skylights and glass doors. None of those locations seemed to contain the box the team needed to aquire. Next she checked out the second floor windows. Seeing Kevin Crimes interrogating a Halloweener in one of them. In the room with him was a secure looking chest large enough for the package. Resolved to get him out the the room Ez intimidated a cutter insulting Kevin from down the hall with the help of Sam's micro transceiver. He bit the hook and left to punish his crew for their impudence. While he was gone Bumble and Same sliped into the room and broke open the safe. Inside was some juicy looking loot but not that package the team was paid to get. Bumble examined the area in more detail and located the package on the lower level in a workshop guarded by a Cutter with a large pistol. Making use of his remote mimicry he drew the attention of the guard away from the box, giving time for Sam to grab it and flee back up stairs. Team entry then both jumped out the window just as Kevin returned and the escape was on. But not before Sam freed the Halloweener just to stick it to Kevin.

Back at the roadmaster, Blue Jay picked up the infiltration team and sped off with cutters and Kevin in pursuit. The cutters were easily left in the dust but Kevin not so. He was pissed and began ramming the road master. In a clutch moment Sam forced the roadmaster to the side which cased Kevin to miss and smash into another vehicle instead. With Ez and Bumble cheering her on Blue Jay dropped down a cloud of smoke and while in it performed a 180, zooming past Kevin and out of the chase. The team was away and returned to the J package in tow.


The freed Halloweener was released and acted like a dick despite being freed for nothing and the J was pleased with the results, paying the full reward plus bonus access to some high rating damage compensators.


20,000 Nuyen


May purchase R12 Betaware Damage Compensators for 9 RVP

+1 Genesis Consortium Reputation

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Bumble "Seems like Seattle might be getting soft... Hiring an assassin to do a no kill job seems unusual but what ever pay is pay and I need to get better. At least I got an opportunity to practice being a ghost. These new found powers of mine are excellent but they come at a cost and part of that cost is difficulty operating in the day... Nothing to do about it but not become dependent on those powers."