Victor Vale

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Victor Vale
Small-time Hooding
Contact OwnerHorror-Rip8809
Owner's Discord NameSample Text
Public Contact?Yes
LocationRedmond, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodFavors
Personal LifeToo much of a do-gooder for romance
FactionStreets of Redmond
AspectsThe direct approach
Sneak Thief
Charity comes 'round again
Fell off the back of a truck


Victor Vale is an over-enthusiastic barrens rat who's survived farther into adulthood than many have. A particularly selfless streak survived along with him, and now he uses his sticky fingers to buoy up those around him, enrich himself, and occasionally hire runner teams to do what he deems "for the good of the barrens." Unfortunately, even for a thief, he tends to be too direct for his own good. While he has the best of intentions, he could really learn to think one more step ahead.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
The direct approach Victor doesn't really think twice about his decisions. When making an active, networking, or gear check with him, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 1, Victor does something lovably stupid. He may get the job done, but regardless of that, he does it unsubtly, in a way that will complicate things later on for the runners.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Sneak Thief He's good at what he does. Add +2 to Active checks involving sneaking or stealing.
Charity comes 'round again Victor spends a lot of his money on helping the people around him that can't make it so easily. He's viewed positively among the SINless - add +2 to all networking checks concerning them.
Fell off the back of a truck Given his ability to pick up illegitimate goods, Victor can occasionally be convinced to fence them to runners. Add +2 to gear checks involving gear of F availability.


Knowledge Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

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NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Redmond RageSample TextCompound Interest31 December 2084