Shakedown Breakdown

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Shakedown Breakdown
Part of Compound Interest
LocationSeattle (Redmond [Touristville])
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Red Hot Nukes...?
Red Ledger
Crimson Crush
Fire Spirits
Community Watch
Casualties and losses
N/A Three Fire Spirits and the Known Whereabouts of One Peter "Mephisto" Essex


In which the Johnsons come up a little short.


Red Ledger has a problem. Their meat? Extraordinary. Their matrix? Acceptable. Their Magic? ... Well, it could use some work.

With aspirations of big time business and big time profits, Ledger needs to up their game on the astral to stay competitive. Although sporting a few low level adepts and other Awakened, their don't have the knowledge or resources to train them. Huge problem, ne? Those are valuable assets going to waste right there!

To counter this, Hank and Walter Grey, twin dwarves and adepts, hatch a plan. Peter "Mephisto" Essex is a local mage who runs a small alchemical reagent shop in Touristville under the protection of the Crimson Crush - conveniently located close to their territory in the Redmond Barrens. The catch, of course, is that there's no way Red Ledger's muscle can outmatch the Crimson Crush's, let alone a former shadowrunner's, and it's unlikely Windfall and the rest of Ledger's top brass are willing to foot the bill to buy him out. Even if they could, tensions rising with the Crimson Crush would be bad for business, and not likely a prolonged conflict they could win in their current situation.

The Johnsons' plan? Pose as members of the Red Hot Nukes. Employ shadowrunners, and maybe tell a little white lie about collecting a debt. When the target inevitably can't pay up, have them kidnap him. Even if they find out they've been played and turn on them, it's the Red Hot Nukes they'll sell out to the Crimson Crush, and either way, once word gets out, it's the Red Hot Nukes Crimson Crush will go after, not innocent little Red Ledger. The opportunity to claim territory as warring factions divert resources elsewhere, or to claim allies in the pursuit of this conflict is a compelling side-benefit, on top of claiming an honest-to-God mage.

Plan set in stone, they gear up in red baseball caps and tacky nuclear-explosion sweatshirts, and they send out the call, bypassing the fixer network to directly post the job itself.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



  • Rewards for Shakedown Breakdown (Medium, 13 RVP)
    • 6000 nooj (3 RVP)
    • +2000 nooj (Negotiation)
    • +2000 nooj (Renegotiation with Leverage on Shady Johnsons)
    • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
    • 12 CDP (5 RVP + Base)
  • Optional for Gehenna:
    • An introduction to Alias (5/1) (5 RVP)
  • Optional for Makali'i:
    • 12000 nuyen worth of commlink upgrades at gear rates up to availability 15 (take the remainder as a cash reward at nuyen rates) (3 RVP)
  • Optional for Oberon:
    • Dwarf Essence (0 RVP) (Contingent on a run)
  • Optional for Insight:
    • Up to 4,000 bonus nuyen in paydata (2 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)