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Blind Healer
(Short Blurb)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - D
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A young elven mage and expatriate from a wealthy Tir Tairngire family, disowned after running away with an oni mercenary. Alone and truly independent for the first time in his life, the pampered elf is doing his best to learn how to stand on his own two feet.


Keep his new family safe.

Become financially stable.

Acquire a bottle of Taéngelé.


Oracle was born in Cara’Sir, the second youngest of five children to a wealthy and affluent family. A congenital defect of the optic nerve meant that no amount of money or cyberware would ever let the young elf see, but a second freak accident of birth would grant him a chance at a semi-normal life: Magic. He developed abilities quite young and showed a natural aptitude for it as well. As soon as he was old enough his family hired tutors to help him understand his power, and quite soon he was able to see the world through the second sight all magicians call assensing. It wasn't perfect of course, at once more and less than sight, yet at an advisors instruction he further learned how to see through the eyes of others to further level his abilities with the able-sighted.

Overcoming his condition was hardly a miracle of course, even if he had been born without magic he would likely have lived a comfortable life. Oracle was born into a privileged upper class in a society where elves were already a privileged upper class. He inherited the Comital social rank, and would go on to confirm his place as a Count in the Rite of Progression. His father, Malcolm Astor, was a war hero and a board member of the New Dawn Corporation, a name with enough pull for his children to build off of or simply coast by on if they so chose. The entirety of his life had been set up for him from birth, and yet he still found a way to lose it. Oracle’s family, particularly their patriarch, always reached above their station. Their social climbing would leave the family wealthy, well connected, and suffering no lack of enemies. Oracle became used to the presence of armed bodyguards early in his life, but none would stand out significantly until he met Kotomi Yoshimura. An oni mercenary who had done previous work for the family, Kotomi was hired to be Oracle’s bodyguard as he traveled abroad to further his education. For the first time in his life being out from under the prying eyes of his parent’s, and depending on her not only for protection but her sight, Oracle found himself growing closer to his grizzled orkoid bodyguard. Eventually, their relationship grew to be quite intimate.

It would turn out, unfortunately, that Oracle was not as far from the eyes of his family as he thought. Kotomi received a message informing her that her employment and guest pass into the tier were both immediately terminated, and shortly after Oracle would receive a message from his father with a simple choice: return home immediately, and without his trog lover, or do not come home at all. He made his choice, and has been living with his oni girlfriend (and now wife) ever since.

For a time Oracle traveled the former united states with Kotomi as she sold her services to the highest bidder, using his knowledge of medicine and magic to make sure she survived whatever foolish decisions she made. As time went on though and Kotomi aged she decided it was time to settle down before she was too old to enjoy a normal life… or too slow to get her chance to see it. They bought a nice place in Seattle’s Ork Underground where Kotomi had family, and decided to try out the legitimate life. Sadly “legitimate life” had its own pitfalls. While assassins and gangers may not have been hunting them, a far more deadly foe was on their trail now, the tax man. Kotomi had to go into debt to open her own place of business, and for the first time in his life Oracle had to find a real job. Luckily his wife's nephew, an oni going only by the name Wayfarer, had connections with a local detective agency and was able to pull some strings to get him hired. Oracle had only met Wayfarer once under… unusual circumstances, but he seemed a good enough sort.

Well, the oni’s air of legitimacy was only skin deep it seemed. Arcane Eye PI, the agency the ex-military oni vampire worked for, was shock of all shocks involved in less than legal activities. Oracle wasn’t new to shadowrunners, his wife had been one after all, but the idea of becoming one himself had hardly ever crossed his mind. Still, they seemed to rake in quite a bit of cash. Far more than he would ever see in a more legal profession. Oracle thought on he and his wife’s money problems, and decided he did not want to spend the rest of the short time the two had together worrying over bills. If he had to put his life at risk to get the happy life and family he so wanted, well, then so be it.

How dangerous could it possibly be?

Narrative Significant Qualities


Privileged Family Name: Even outside of Tir Tairngire, his family name has pull. For good and ill.


Distinctive Style: Oracle always has been happy to be the center of attention, and everything from his way of dress to his mannerisms are finely tailored to leave an impression... unfortunately, thats not often a good thing in the shadows.

SINner: Oracle hasn't been burned from the system yet. Though most of his records may be held by the hermit kingdom of Tir Tairngire, he retains a digital footprint.

Blind: Oracle's flesheyes have been defective since birth, it is only through assensing and magic that he may see the world.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
ShenanrigansTidanShock13 July 2085
Snake beneath the FlowerTidanShock13 June 2085
RatatorkyTidanShock18 May 2085
The D-TeamTidanShock11 May 2085
You're up to batTidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes20 April 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amadou Zheng 5 2 Fixer MCT's Magical Middle Manager All for the Bottom Line, The Boss is the Boss, Corpo Connections, Wannabe Crime Lord, Fell Through the Cracks, Can't Spell "Smuggler" Without "Smug", Lawyer Up, Livin' the Dream, Working Relationships, Big Ego, Small Man Even
Alejandro Contreras 3 4 Gear Shamanic Talismonger East Bay, Shaman, Talismonger, United Talismongers Association Even
Annar le Mael 6 1 Service Doctor Modus Operadi, Talismonger, Court Healers, Alchemy, Maintained Rituals, House Calls, Medical Experimentation Even
Ghaz 2 3 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House 1


Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Cutters +2
Lakewood Giants +3
Skraacha +3
Astral +2








In Character Information

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Tir Tairngire expatriate with expensive tastes.
3 Bounces between residences in the Orc Underground
6 Still active national SIN connection, real name Fionn Astor

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Shamanic spellcaster operating in the Orc Underground
3 A rich kid who bounced outta one of the Tir’s and shacked up with an Oni mercenary.
5 He was disowned by his wealthy family back in Tir Tairngire, it was a whole big scandal.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Awakened
2 No cyberware, Magician
3 No alphaware
4 No bioware, Essence 6, Magic 6
5 No deltaware, gene treatments, or nanotech. Not a technomancer.


Fionn E. Astor (National SIN, Tir Tairngire)

 - Mage License
 - Summoner License
 - Private Investigator License

Ciran A. Wright (Fake SIN, Rating 4)

 - Mage License (Rating 4)
 - Summoner License (Rating 4)


A pale, lithe, young man who stands 6’3”. His face is angular yet youthful, with a straight grecian nose and thin pursed lips. He has large, pale blue eyes set deep in his skull, and long wavy dark hair.


Oracle’s tastes in clothing testify to his origins, too rich for his humble station and too strange for typical UCAS fashions. He favors gold and white, colors pristine and cherubic (And clothing easily cleanable, because by the end of most runs they are no longer so pristine). He wears flowing, loose clothes that hang off his thin frame, usually accompanied with a designer cloak and delicate gloves. A white headdress covers his naturally dark hair to keep it from clashing with his chosen fashion, and a gold colored upper face mask covers his unseeing eyes. He often adorns himself with expensive jewelry, but the only piece he always has to hand is a simple bronze and amber ring.

Matrix Persona

An elf in white robes, the face always obscured in the darkness of the hood it wears.

A separate commlink and persona used in his personal life is himself, but with cat ears and tail.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1 The family that disowned him still expects he will come crawling back one day.
Aspect 2 His wife Kotomi is unaware of his shadowrunning life, and certainly wouldn't be happy if she found out.
Aspect 3 Oracle's family had many enemies in Tir Tairngire and beyond. Disowned or not, some might still have an interest in him.
Aspect 4 Oracle's father has his fingers in many pies, friends in places high and low. From military, to gangers, to corpo, any could have Astor money backing them, particularly if they are connected to Tir Tairngire.
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Miut - If you heard some weird crashing noises coming from the side of your house last night, sorry that was me. I fell in the trash bin trying to wrestle out an old beat up piece of scrap. Come to think of it, I think I got jabbed by something sharp (hoping it wasn't a needle) so can you come by soon to check me out??? Thanks.