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Despite how many firm hand shakes and serious faces Adam gives, he is easily tempted by the prospect of new information, and is often more than willing to trade information on his clients for it if he thinks he'll get away clean. If such a situation occurs, roll 2d6. if the result is greater than or equal to 7 minus Loyalty, Congratulations! Adam is feeling professional or likes you enough to not sell you out. Otherwise, well, Adam learned some juicy new gossip and some not-so-juicy things are in store for you. +
Bill's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run. +
Hikari is a master at the pop-up business, but it keeps her rather busy. When trying to contact her, make a contact availability test as though her connection were 3 higher than usual, before applying any additional modifiers. +
Happy leads not a double, but a triple life, he keeps an old-school planner overstuffed with colorful tabs to keep it all straight. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal. +, One ill-tempered customer could burn his entire life to the ground. Happy is sociable, but extremely cognizant of any poor reputation of those in his clientele. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do. +, Runners are dangerous people. The nuyen is worth the danger, but fraternization isn't part of the job description. Happy is outwardly friendly, but cold and calculating underneath the surface. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf. +
Lucia is under a luck curse from a dragon that she can't figure out how to break. Whenever she performs a check or uses her Lucky feature, roll a d6, on a 1 the check has the opposite effect than intended, similar to the "Bad Luck" quality. +
Philip gets excited about the technical aspects of his work, and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a d6. If they roll a 1, Philip gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test. +
this is someone who doesn’t think that their contacts are runners and doesn’t understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. +
This contact will not do any active checks that require her to leave her sanctum for fear of being caught. +
If asked to research particularly covert topics like Dissonant groups, government organizations or secret societies, 3310 will refuse to not ruin her stable life. She'll only do Matrix Searches regarding more mundane topics like blueprints of public buildings, local cultures or peeping through public traffic cameras. +
Aaron has a short fuse, and is a busy man. If your 'elevator pitch' takes longer than 30 seconds (timed by GM), you will be put on hold to 'verify' your story. This hold will last until Aaron has regained his composure, up to 1d6 hours. +
Abdul is, by mass, far more machine than man. Unfortunately, this means lots of repair and tuning time. When you attempt to contact him, roll 1d6. On a 1, he is busy getting his 'ware retooled and cannot help you for the remainder of the run. +
Abracadebra hates being interrupted when running a G&G game and has a bad habit of losing her commlink after a little too much deepweed. Always make an Availability Test for Abracadebra when trying to contact her, with her Connection 3 higher than normal. +
This contact is constantly trying to kill you. However, she is exceedingly bad at it, and such attempts should be both hilarious and pity-inducing. She will not help anyone with anything while sober. +
Adrien operates in space, and only in space; he is unable to provide appreciable aid on anything other than Knowledge checks or with getting into orbit if the person contacting him is not already in outer space as well. +
Agamemnon has been burned hard by allowing himself to get too close to people in the past, and he is slow to trust as a result - he cannot be taken as a contact with a starting loyalty rating of less than 3, and will burn a runner if his loyalty drops below this threshold. +, Agamemnon works primarily through intermediaries, operating out of a fortified underground bolt hole which he is very reluctant to leave without a good reason – -2 on all rolls that require him to physically leave his sanctuary (though he can use astral projection without penalty), and he will refuse to do so at all during daylight hours. +
Aidan's a bit paranoid about even his closest friends working with elves, and so always makes visual comm calls even if DNI or voice would be preferable. If you contact Aidan Byrne while on a run, all non-human passing elves with you must make a Threshold (8-Loyalty) Disguise + Intuition check, or else you roll a d6, adding the amount of elves who failed but subtracting your loyalty (with a minimum roll of 1). On a 1-2, he is reluctantly able to still fulfil the request asked of him. On a 3-4, he demands twice as much payment as he would usually. On a 5+ he outright will not work with whoever is contacting him, and attempts to call him in the same day fail. +
Aisee’s only got the one body handy, and it’s not exactly a tank on legs. Unless provided with a suitable drone (GM discretion) to perform its work, a Loyalty test is required to get Aisee to travel to you rather than coming to its clinic. Otherwise, you’re getting a delivery drone full of morphine and that’s it. Oh, and don't expect it to do anything that could risk its own code. +
Alabaster is eager to discover the world, while she is in Seattle most of the time she could be elsewhere, roll an edge roll (Threshold 2) If failed Alabaster is out of town and probably of the country. +
As a shaman, Aleshanee fully believes in the coexistence between metahumans and spirits. She will not knowingly aid anyone who abuses the latter or does something which could harm the balance she strives to protect. +