Worlds Collide

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Worlds Collide
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Renton Crusade
Night Hunter group
Troll Killers group
Humanis Policlub group
True Blood group
Casualties and losses
True Blood Leader


In which the runners are called in as reinforcements to a Skraacha community under siege from a metaracist group

The Meet

At 5PM a Wednesday evening, a signal for help is sent out among fixer groups of the Seattle area by Ghaz, a Skraatcha lieutenant promising a substantial cash bounty for anyone competent helping him defend his community from metaracists assailants. The message is heeded by Samsara, Stygian, Skimmer and Sp4rks, who all make their way ASAP towards the pin pointed location by their respective fixers. On the way however, when Sp4rks and Stygian got friendly tips from heavily chromed human gangers to avoid the area, Samsara and Skimmer got straight up insulted and mocked by those very people. Ghaz welcomes the runners reinforcing his ranks in what is an old abandoned parking building, with pick up trucks lined up full ammo and various ordinance inside. A young trog comes by to serve the runners coffee before delivering Belts of ammo to other fighters.

The meet was quick and to the point, Ghaz is expecting an assault from groups of metaracists gathering around the building, and he wants to keep his people as safe as possible. To this end, he gives to the runners liberty to do what they can to this end. The meet coming to a close, the team started talking about various approaches to the situation, quickly evaluating the enemies ranks to 30 against around 10 ally fighters. Suddenly, an explosion happens right above their heads, at the second level of the parking building. They run upstairs to see through the newly created hole in the wall a woman with a loudspeaker, beaming confidence and sporting a cowboy attitude to boot. She addresses the building demanding they surrender, to which Ghaz did not loose time telling her to fuck off and that he won't risk the life of innocents to their hands. A spirited back and forth followed after which the cowboy woman challenged Ghaz to a stand off, tomorrow at about the same time she and Ghaz are to meet here, and whoever is still up after the other fall get to have it it's way. Seeing that as the best way to protect his people, and maybe not piss off Warboss, he accepts the deal.

The Plan

The situation being seemingly defused for a time, the team got to work to try and ensure a satisfactory outcome for Ghaz. Sp4rks tried to hack the woman's commlink, but failed at doing so. However, Skimmer got a recording of the scene that he passed to Sparks to try and find more information about the woman. Turns out she is named Carolina, and is known for being an enforcer in of the Humanis policlub, she has a reputation of efficiency and mercy, often leaving survivors in her wake after her operations. Skimmer used the time of the search to repair the destroyed wall with pieces of metal, while Stygian and Samsara mulled over plans to keep any assault from happening. A second search later, the team identified a probable Humanis operation location where they could find hopefully some blackmail material, or more info on their assailants at least. Looking at the place in the matrix however leads very little information, as all Sp4rks can see are commlinks, and no host to infiltrate from a distance.

The precious time obtained by the delaying of the confrontation is used to evacuate Ghaz's people, they took the underground sewer system to find a safer place to stay for a day or so.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)