Melia Blake

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Melia Blake
Elven Royalty
Contact OwnerArchtmag
Owner's Discord NameArchtmag
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTír Tairngire
AgeElven Adult
Preferred Payment MethodServices, Knowledge
Hobbies/ViceMagical Power, Tasteful Luxury
Personal LifePublicly Uninvolved
AspectsSociety Connections
Royal Estates
Elven Expert
Soft Power
Hard Power
Land of Promise
Dusty Lore
Noblesse Oblige


Notes for GMs

  • Melia at times displays a patronizing attitude towards pro-democracy types. She pays lip service to the new face of power in the Tir, but, like many in her social circles, it's a contrivance.
  • She does truly believe in the ideals of the Rite of Progression though, that the best of common birth will rise, reaching the status they belong in. Likewise, those who are frivolous and unworthy of their station will be made lesser. A meritocratic ideal, of a sort.
  • She has a bias towards elves. She also has a slight disdain for dwarves. She doesn't express it much. It's a very subtle thing. She's also not a huge fan of humans in the Tir, mainly due to geopolitical concerns and because of the various human supremacy movements. Orks and trolls are fine though. Really everything else too.
  • Melia recognizes that runners are exceptional people, and as a result, has a solid respect for them. This doesn't always translate to a friendly relationship, runners can be quite contentious as well after all, but it does underlie her interactions with runners.
  • Melia tends to watch and plot, rather than make rash action. She's not the type to betray a runner calling them for help on a job. It's much better to build ties, and learn things, rather than burning bridges for short term gain. She's in a secure position, so she can afford that attitude.
  • Melia is protective of people she views as hers. Serve her well in her times of need, gain a solid relationship with her, and she will try to provide for you in turn. That is the ultimate responsibility of rulership after all.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Example Negative Aspect This is an example negative aspect. You can write the fluff text here. Be sure to clear the negative aspect with thematics. If you do not wish to have a negative aspect, feel free to delete this section.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Land of Promise Melia's reach is longest in the heart of her power. +2 to Tests involving Tir Tairngire.
Society Connections Social events aren't just for fun. +2 to Knowledge or Networking Tests involving government officials, the wealthy, or the famous.
Royal Estates Melia owns many properties, and her position shields her from inquiry. +2 to Tests to find a safehouse. +2 to Tests to divert law enforcement attention.
F The T
Dusty Lore Melia is a bit of a scholar. She's interested in all the dusty old secrets of the world. +2 to Tests involving history, lore, or discovery.
Elven Expert You could say it's a bit of a personal concern. +2 to Tests relating to elves, elven culture, elven organizations, and elven magic.
Neo-Feudalism While the Tir has liberalized economically in the aftermath of the Revolution, much still remains the same. Melia has ownership, whether fully or partial, in many different lands and businesses. +2 to tests involving businesses, properties, and corporations in the Tir. +2 to tests involving any people she might have economic power over.
Soft Power The right word said at the right time can be more valuable than any runner. +2 to Tests involving a diplomatic touch.
Hard Power Other times, violence really is the answer. +2 to Tests involving the Tir Military, Tir Ghosts (Whether in official service or not), Shadowrunners, and bribable tools of violence in general.


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 16 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
See-lie You LaterAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle4 January 2084
Scarlet FootstepsArchtmagBy Royal Decree5 April 2083