The Underground Bakery Part 3

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The Underground Bakery Part 3
LocationDowntown, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Knight Errant
KE Mage
KE Explorer
KE Decker
Air Spirit
Fire Spirit
Casualties and losses
None Total


In which the runners are hired to recover property and assets seized by Knight Errant.


Saul Goodman is the greatest pasty chef and baker in Seattle, operating "The Underground Bakery" and catering events in high society and the shadow community. Unfortunately, his prized tools and catering professionals have all been seized by Knight Errant, on the trumped up charges of Possession and Intent to Sell the drug Novacoke. Now Saul needs the runners to recover his gear, free his minions, and return the company van. All they need to do is break into a Knight Errant precinct Downtown...

The Meet

The runners all receive calls from their various fixers, instructing them to head downtown and meet Saul Goodman, Head Chef of the Underground Bakery. Upon entering the shop, they are each treated to particularly fantastic examples of Saul's cooking; pastries of the highest caliber, almost magically delicious. Saul explains that his cooking has suffered after losing his prize rolling pin, which is magically attuned, imbued, and focused to increase his culinary expertise. Promising them each four months of personal pastries, he also offers a hefty amount of nuyen for their agreed upon service of bringing back his implement. The crew happily agrees, taking a large bag of pastries with them as the ride off to plan the attack.

The Plan

The Run



  • 14k Nuyen
  • 4 Karma -or- Inspired (Artisan) at chargen price
  • Saul Goodman (5/2) -or- 12 CDP
  • 1000 Nuyen off of lifestyle costs for 4 months (Goodman's Pastry delivery)
  • NO additional CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)