Debts of Dishonor

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Debts of Dishonor
Part of Search for the Sevenfold Staff
LocationCordoba, Spain
Status Threat Level: Prime
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Angra Mainyu


  • 3/16 - 6 Hrs
    • Meet complete. Heracles in route via Smuggling to outskirts of Madrid. The rest of the team en route via private jet and needs to go through Customs.
  • 3/18 -
  • 3/20 -


During the events of Disasterpiece Theater, Blackhawk was forced to rely on Lamashtu in order to escape from the CAS without incident and with his truck in tow. In doing so, he ended up owing the drake three chips and it has come time for those debts to get called in.

Lamashtu wants Blackhawk to take the job from the Draco foundation to travel to Cordoba and find a missing shard of the Sevenfold Staff. While there, however, she has a little ‘side job’ for him, looking for another artifact from the tombs of the Hermetic Order of Catalonia, a sect of Qabballistic mages and traditionalist orthodox Jews hidden under the eyes of a Christian Inquisition within Spain.

The Meet

The team meets with Adowa "Moria" Webster after the various calls from their fixers, or in Blackhawk's case, his fixer and Lamashtu. She hires the team to recover the "Shever Hiyim" from Cordoba, an ancient Jewish artifact that they have divined to be there. The team gets ten percent in advance and begins to go over the specifics of getting into Spain when most European Countries are heavily gun contolled and secure. The team accepts the job with the rather large promised payment and begins to sort out how they're getting to Spain.

The Plan



  • Parliamentary Monarchy
    • King Juan Carlos II, an ogre
    • President Antonion Perez
    • General dislike of metahumanity, with pockets of Humanis style hatred
    • Lots of Anti-Semitism remains in Cordoba, resulting in a number of attacks on the Jewish Community.
  • Key Shadowrun Communities / Organizations
    • Ares has a strong presence in Euskal Herria
    • Aztechnology has its European HQ in Barcelona
    • Renraku Computer Systems in Madrid
    • Saeder-Krupp is the AAA with the strongest presence. Not only does it control the heaviest industries, but it owns Viento Systems, which is the traditional Matrix provider in the Country
    • Very little actual organized crime in Cordoba due to tourism, small town, etc.
    • About 50 Years ago the city was under attack by Shedim. It seems to have "resolved" without any obvious resolution, the new simply just stop talking about it.
  • The Man
    • The Man is as big as a Troll and as fast as an elf
    • The photo matches the memory from Chameleon, but much worse. Heracles realizes that really strong magic can cause an effect similar to noise




  • Chameleon contacts Der Opa who gets him in touch with Cascade to smuggle both gear and people into Spain.
  • Chameleon contacts Elle Palms for a divination which reveals the image of a "beautiful, perfect, human" with thoughtful, intelligent, eyes, that seems to almost be looking back at him.
  • Chameleon and the team contacts Orianna Cazador in order to get the memory of the person of interest out of Chameleon's mind. They head to the Funhouse in Redmond Barrens, managing a good enough introduction to get her help. She requires their assistance getting a small faction of gangers "back into the fold" before she's willing to help, however. The team manages to intimidate, by way of shooting someone with stick and shock with a CS: Genitals. It's very effective. They get a 4 Hit Image of the figure, with a focus on the eyes being expressive


  • Chameleon plans to practice and rehearse for a local persona
  • Rent a van to get from Madrid to Cordoba and pick up Heracles

Once in Cordoba

  • Scout the city physically and astrally
  • Get a sense of the map of the place
  • Blackhawk sticks to the sewers to avoid the sun and people
    • Looking for the Tetragrammaton Amulet during his off time
    • Researching the Tetragrammaton Amulet

The Run

Travel to Spain

Madrid to Cordoba

Cordoba: The City of Light



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)