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("Trog you never knew you needed.")
Metatype(Homo sapiens ingentis - Gigantus)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness1
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.03-12-2063 (European Dating)
Metatype - A
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - D
Resources - E

Character Information


Thrud is searching for redemption for her grave mistake, and to become powerful enough to not fall to the weakness that caused that mistake.


Finding Redemption for her "grave error", making a new life, restoring her honor and her confidence. Learning all she can about magic, and improving her skills and abilities.


Thrud, as she calls herself, was born in Denmark in the early 60'ies, a trog true and through, though atleast in the Scandinavian Union, such things were not as harsh as others. Raised as part of a New Norse "Clan" of trolls, she was barely in her teens, when she awakened, and was sent, as had become the new standard in her family, to learn the ways of the Runes from the Clan Shaman. Things were good, and life was great for the young Giantess, she was learning fast, she had fast friends, and a teacher who saw in her potential. She had even made friends with a mentor spirit, a stoic warrior woman, who guided her to become stronger, not just of body, but of mind. But, then, one day, her life was twist turned upside down. SURGE doesn't care about who you are, how happy you are, or how sad you are, and when SURGE struck Thrud, more than just pain struck her, it came like a blazing bolt, and in her pain she lost control of herself, and when she finally recovered her senses, she was in a room littered with dead, including her teacher, and she had become, as she saw it, a monster. So, she ran. Ran from Europe, Ran from her home, panicked, even though her spirit tried to talk sense into her, she refused, claiming that she would need to learn to control herself, and atone for her sins, before she could face them. She stowed away on a boat, and since then, has travelled afoot, hitchhiking, hiding and living as she can, and has now found herself hovelling as far as she could, from home. In a place she feels is worthy of her punishment. The Barrens, Seattle.

Narrative Significant Qualities

SURGE, Horns, Tail, Hooves, Devilish Eyes, Mood Hair, Computer Illiterate, Farraday Himself, Motion Sickness, Distinctive Style, Critter Spook, Nocturnal, Bioluminescence, Big Regret

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Be The Easter BunnyGhostlinSuffer the Children12 April 2081
Revenge Served Hot with a Side Dish of Molten SlagEye of the Storm12 April 2081
The Assassination of Joe Bogus by the Coward Kevin CrimesOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 April 2081


DocWagon Reputation : 2


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 3 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Halvor Ingvarsson 4 2 Custom(G,K,A,N) Talismonger Wanted, Enchanter, Planeswalker, Sons of Odin, Thaumaturgist, Norse Tradition Even
Fia Aloise 1 1 Legwork Cafe Manager Street Rumors, Mafia Knowledge Even




In Character Information

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