Trevor Avila

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Trevor Avila
Magical Organ Repossession Specialist
Tamanous Organ Repo-Man
Contact OwnerDIvergent0
Owner's Discord Name
MetatypeElf Ghoul
Preferred Payment MethodPound Of Flesh AND Nuyen
Personal LifeGrim
AspectsGhoul Organlegger
Chaos Magician
Mentor Spirit: War
Organ Repossession
Combat Specialist
Tamanous Made Man
Poor Self Control: Vindictive


An old underling of Lil' Boomer who now outranks him due to his time in the clink, he's a full mage who specializes in repossessing organs not fully paid for at the Body Mall. He stutters whenever he's not talking about magic.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Ghoul Organlegger -4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.
Chaos Magician Trevor is a powerful Chaos Magician
Mentor Spirit: War Trevor lives for violence
Organ Repossession If you need an organ repossessed, Trevor is your man.
Combat Specialist Trevor likes his combat spells.
Tamanous Made Man Trevor can network well among Tamanous, and pull their resources.
Anatomy Trevor has picked up a lot about anatomy while pulling organs out of people.
Poor Self Control: Vindictive Trevor will offer services at a discount if the target has pissed him off (in addition to putting more effort into it).


Knowledge Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Scab WorkSi1asA Taint On Us All6 September 2082
Ghoulish infightingAuroraA Ghoulish Case1 May 2082
Reverse Street DocsAurora28 March 2082