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|Aspect=Power Foci expert
|Aspect=Secret facilities
|Aspect=Weapon foci expert
|Aspect=big players insider

Revision as of 12:38, 6 April 2022

Agent of the Sea Dragon, Talis Monger
Contact OwnerKaterSalem
Owner's Discord NameKaterSalem#4675
MetatypeElf (Drake)
Preferred Payment MethodFavor
Hobbies/ViceServe the dragon
FactionSea Dragon
AspectsServant of the sea dragoness
Welcome to the Dragon Game
Orchialcum access
Sea Dragon influence
A wet grave or an audience with the Sea Dragoness
Dragon Game insider
Magic specialist
Traveler of the spirit worlds
Secret facilities
big players insider
The Empire of the Ocean


Bernd Kull (Sphinx), born in the Black Forest near Freudenstadt, is an elf and drake from the brood of Dunkelzahn. His Drake nature awoke late when he was already an accomplished mage and shadowrunner with the runnername Sphinx. In search of his roots, he landed in a indirect way at Sea Dragon, which took care of him. Now as he manged to follow the Draconic Tradition under the guidance of Sea Dragon he is an outstanding Enchanter and Summoner. Since he has access to the Orchialcum of the Sea Dragoness, he can produce outstanding foci for his customers. His mistress' goals are always at the forefront of his mind. Regardless of his loyalty to you, he is always ready to let you jump over the blade if it serves her.

Note: This is a Drake in reference to our Contact Rules you automaticly gain one point of Notoriety if you take him as a contact.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Servant of the sea dragoness Will never work against Sea Dragon and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty from the Sea Dragon. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against the Sea Dragon roll a loyalty check. if it fails he sets a bounty of 25.000 Nuyen on your head and burns you. If it succeeds he just immediately burns you.
Welcome to the Dragon Game No matter what this contact does for you he will always pursue the Sea Dragon's advantage. Regardless of loyalty, he will actively work against runners (GM decision) if he thinks he can work out an advantage for the Sea Dragon. This can range from false information to sending mercenaries to work against the runners. He will never let them see through. He will always deny it.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Enchanter +2 dice to checks involving magical paraphernalia: alchemical preps, fetishes, foci, reagents, formulae, etc.
Talismonger +2 dice to checks involving foci.
Orchialcum access +2 dice to checks involving foci with AV 16 and above.
Sea Dragon influence Its not easy to say no to a wish from the sea dragon. +2 dice to checks involving restricted or forbidden gear.
Secret facilities
big players insider
A wet grave or an audience with the Sea Dragoness
Dragon Game insider
Eco terrorists
Magic specialist
Traveler of the spirit worlds


Knowledge Checks 16 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Prometheus 4KaterSalem6 November 2083
It's Jarlin' TimeAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle
Temple in the Shadows
30 September 2083
Was that just a coincidence?KaterSalemArtifact hunt2 August 2083
Idiot you negotiated with a dragonKaterSalemThe Crow of Seattle10 June 2083
The old man and the seaKaterSalemArtifact hunt19 March 2083