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(29 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Extremely beautiful Russian redheaded with an eye for fashion who spends more time either rigged into her Roadmaster or elbow deep in a vehicle's workings.
Extremely beautiful Russian redheaded with an eye for fashion who spends more time either rigged into her Roadmaster or elbow deep in a vehicle's workings.
She names her drones after avians: Chocobo (roadmaster), Finch and Sparrow (rotodrones), and hummingbird (fly-spy)
She names her drones after avians: Chocobo (roadmaster), Finch and Sparrow (rotodrones), Hummingbird (fly-spy), and Goose (Catalina II)

Line 57: Line 57:
Fill her body with bio augments and geneware.
Fill her body with bio augments and geneware.

Get an attack helicopter.
Get a girlfriend. (hopefully one that won't complain about Blue Jay being a shadowrunner)

Become famous like her parents wanted her to be.
Become famous like her parents wanted her to be.
Line 69: Line 69:

*'''Glamour, Charisma Exceptional Attribute, Good Looking and Knows It'''
*'''Glamour, Charisma Exceptional Attribute, Good Looking and Knows It, Charisma Metagenic Improvement'''
**A beauty to behold
**A beauty to behold with an alluring voice
*'''First Impression'''
*'''First Impression'''
**She can wiggle her way into people's hearts
**She can wiggle her way into people's hearts
*'''Candle in the Darkness'''
*'''Candle in the Darkness'''
**She tries to keep up her reputation as being a good person
**She tries to keep up her reputation as being a good person
*'''Common Sense'''
**Many different missions in many different locations means experience
*'''Magic Resistance I'''
**A lot of training to deal with magical threats
*'''Ogre Stomach'''
**SURGED and can now resist even the most hardy of alcohols

Line 81: Line 87:
*'''Code of Honor (Warrior's Code)'''
*'''Code of Honor (Warrior's Code)'''
**Just because she recognizes the need for violence doesn't mean she wants people to die needlessly
**Just because she recognizes the need for violence doesn't mean she wants people to die needlessly
*'''Asthma, and a minor grass allergy'''
*'''Asthma, Minor Grass Allergy, Impaired Reaction'''
**All brains and beauty, her body is actually quite frail when working for too long
**All brains and beauty, her body is actually quite frail when working for too long
*'''Mood Hair'''
**She shaves her SURGED hair and wears a wig, otherwise it might give away her deceptions
*'''Critter Spook'''
**Her SURGED nature seems disturbing to animals
*'''Astral Hazing'''
**Now SURGED, she is anathema to magic

==Run History==
==Run History==
Line 110: Line 122:
|Name=Daniel Davidson Junior
|Name=Daniel Davidson Junior

Line 146: Line 158:
|Name=Hotah Mahkah
|Name=Hotah Mahkah
|Name=Sora Ozaki
|Name=Jackie Jack
Line 163: Line 199:
| 10
| 18
|Draco Foundation
|Draco Foundation
Line 172: Line 208:
|UCAS Emerald Grid Uprooting Initiative
|UCAS Emerald Grid Uprooting Initiative
| 2
|West Coast Monolith
| 1
|AllWire Inc
| 2
| 2
Line 181: Line 223:
| -3
| -8
| 0
| -5
|NterLOK Production
| 0
| -2

Line 217: Line 259:
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |1
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |1
|Healthy, Calm, Mundane
|Healthy, Calm, Mundane, possesses a Grey Mana Tattoo on her entire back, surrounded by Astral Hazing
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |2
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |2
|No Cybernetics
|One standard cybernetic in brain
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |3
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |3
|mid essence
|low essence, one alphaware cybernetic in spine
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |4
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |4
|3.455 Essence. 4 bio augments: 3 in brain, one in kidneys.
|1.455 Essence. 5 bio augments: 3 in brain, one in kidneys, one in endocrine system.
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |5
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |5
|Six deltaware cybernatics: 3 inside the right ear, one inside the eyes, two in spine. Genetically modified: body (twice), skin, nervous system and digestive system
|Six deltaware cybernatics: 3 inside the right ear, one inside the eyes, one in spine. Genetically modified: body (twice), skin, nervous system and digestive system

Line 242: Line 284:
|'''Angel Kilroy'''
|'''Angel Kilroy'''
|Driver's License, Pilot License, Drone Operator's License, Matrix Software License, Firearms License, Restricted Augmentations, Restricted Armor, RCC ownership, Drug possession
|Driver's License, Pilot License, Drone Operator's License, Matrix Software License, Firearms License, Restricted Augmentations, Restricted Armor, RCC ownership, Drug possession

Line 253: Line 295:
===Matrix Persona===
===Matrix Persona===
An anthropomorphic blue jay wearing her suit, with feathered wings and tail of course. Her agent program is a lifelike canary that often sits on her shoulder.
An anthropomorphic blue jay wearing her suit, with feathered wings and tail of course. Her agent program is a lifelike canary that often sits on her shoulder.
==Character Plot Hooks==
Blue Jay considers themselves a supporter of the N-51.
She won't enter Aztlan due to matching the physical description of a 'major witness that went missing' at the same time as Cuauhtemoc Tezcacoatl -an executive and former Blood Panther- was kidnapped.
She successfully outran Kevin Crimes when she was the getaway driver during a run, and later lost to him in a close street race. She considers the score to be 1-1.

==Media Mentions==
==Media Mentions==

Latest revision as of 01:05, 3 June 2024

Blue Jay
Heartthrob Rigger
A delivery girl with a huge che-, I mean huge truck
MetatypeElf (Dryad)
Street Cred9
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awardsnone
Date of BirthApril 1, 2061
Foldergoogle drive
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Extremely beautiful Russian redheaded with an eye for fashion who spends more time either rigged into her Roadmaster or elbow deep in a vehicle's workings. She names her drones after avians: Chocobo (roadmaster), Finch and Sparrow (rotodrones), Hummingbird (fly-spy), and Goose (Catalina II)


Fit every possible upgrade into her Ares Roadmaster.

Fill her body with bio augments and geneware.

Get a girlfriend. (hopefully one that won't complain about Blue Jay being a shadowrunner)

Become famous like her parents wanted her to be.

Get an anthrodrone that can pass as a real person.


She was going to be a trid star. Her parents working for EVO were high up enough to give her everything she needed to succeed. It didn't last long though. Her parents were killed in an attack and it looked like she was next to die. So she grabbed what money was still left in the family safe, discarded her SIN, and paid to be smuggled away where no one would come looking for her. She moved to Seattle where no one will care what job she does and got a control rig to take advantage of her vehicle hobbies. She had the brains and the guile to start over, making contacts and pretending to blend in to a middle suburban home. One day a Mr. Johnson contacted her looking for someone with technical skills, and the rest is history.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Glamour, Charisma Exceptional Attribute, Good Looking and Knows It, Charisma Metagenic Improvement
    • A beauty to behold with an alluring voice
  • First Impression
    • She can wiggle her way into people's hearts
  • Candle in the Darkness
    • She tries to keep up her reputation as being a good person
  • Common Sense
    • Many different missions in many different locations means experience
  • Magic Resistance I
    • A lot of training to deal with magical threats
  • Ogre Stomach
    • SURGED and can now resist even the most hardy of alcohols


  • Distinctive Style
    • No one forgets the beauty of a dryad
  • Code of Honor (Warrior's Code)
    • Just because she recognizes the need for violence doesn't mean she wants people to die needlessly
  • Asthma, Minor Grass Allergy, Impaired Reaction
    • All brains and beauty, her body is actually quite frail when working for too long
  • Mood Hair
    • She shaves her SURGED hair and wears a wig, otherwise it might give away her deceptions
  • Critter Spook
    • Her SURGED nature seems disturbing to animals
  • Astral Hazing
    • Now SURGED, she is anathema to magic

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
To turn a tideTidanShockExtreme14 April 2085
Kaze No NeFangblade_High11 February 2085
RATS in The Barrens Part IVilliersAll The World's a StageMedium30 December 2084
Party BalloonSyphilenHigh29 December 2084
Meatgrinder, Part 1 - Tide of DarknessAsmodeusMeatgrinderDeadly21 December 2084
Hot Potato (Chips)Sample Text9 December 2084
Go big, go loud, or go home!TidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesExtreme18 November 2084
Eye of the FirestormLHOGDeadly16 September 2084
Slurping SpinalsUser:ThunderHigh6 September 2084
Winning through logisticsZerreContre-RévolutionMedium16 August 2084
If's and Maybe'scountsfromzeroMedium6 August 2084
Sand under the bridgeTidanShockThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly20 July 2084
Nabbing the KnockoffsLHOGMedium14 July 2084
Twisting FateAsmodeusHigh29 May 2084
Kevin Crimes' Skin In The GameAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesMedium23 May 2084
Operation Wild Card Part 1ZerreContre-Révolution13 May 2084
Sangre Por SangreSarcarianSemi-Prime2 April 2084
Pied Piper PlumbingAsmodeusFestering InfestationMedium10 March 2084
Kidnapping is very not-goodArchtmagHigh6 March 2084
Call in the RemnantsZerreContre-RévolutionHigh21 February 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dr. Henry Wallace 6 3+2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Cybertechnologist Cybertechnologist, Designer Deltaware, Cyber Snob, Embrace the Chrome, Biotechnologist, Black Market Pipeline, Cyber-Singularity Seeker +1
Tanya 2 4+2 Fixer OtherCon Advocate Unreliable, Nutty, Lorax, Bubbly Buddy-Buddy, SURGE Sympathizer Even
Daniel Davidson Junior 5 6+2 Gear Import/Export Warehouse Owner Black Market Connections, Vehicle Dealer, Drone Dealer, Pricy Customers, The Parts to Build, Well Defended Even
Edmond Beaulieu 4 3+2 Gear Boutique Owner Boutique Owner, Clothing Design, It'll Keep You Safe, It'll Look Good, Too!, Yeah, I can add that on for you. Even
Jim Reed 1 2+2 Legwork Knight Errant Cop Knows the system, Is willing to bend. Even
Le Bourguinion 6 2+2 Networking Mercenary Group Leader Newfound Connections, Reconnaissance, Field Hospital, UCAS Partnership, Task-Force Intel, Shared History, Gunship +1
Cascade 4 2+2 Service International Smuggler and Fence It's not fun if there's no Risk!, Smuggler Specialist, Garage of Ganked Gear, Stimulant Savant, Getaway Driver, Driver picks the Music, Passenger shuts their trap Even
Ryan Mercury 8 3+2 Generalist Shadowrunner Dunkelzahn's will, Adept, Assets, Incorporated, Shadowrunning Essentials, Shadow Star, LA Native, Spy Games, Dracocraft, Bonk!, Security, circumventing and securing., Extracting information, Foundation Relations, Too Busy For You Even
Hotah Mahkah 6 2+2 Fixer Whiteclay Mob Fixer Whiteclay Made Man, I Know a Guy (Lots, Actually), In the Family, Location, Location, Location, Valuable Vices, Alter Ego, Cheyenne Blues, Ride Rental, Magic Man Even
Commander 5 3+2 Networking Black Ops Veteran JURY Protocol, Old-School Operative, Casevac, Tactical Insertion, Shady Knowledge, Military Intelligence, Safehouses, Shady Deals Even
Sora Ozaki 4 3+2 Service Air Traffic Control Supervisor ATC Supervisor, Air Boss, Ms. Worldwide, Space Available, Loadmaster Even
Jackie Jack 5 1+2 Generalist
Retired Prime Runner and Therapist
Example Positive Aspect, The big leagues, Stick it to them, In the shadows, Gonna need something bigger, Don't sell your soul kid., History best left forgotten Even
Otsdarva 4 1+2 Custom(A,G,K,N) Barrier Mage Chaos Magic, Manipulation Magic, Fixated Master Alchemist, Advanced Alchemy, Magic Lodges Even



Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
N-51 18
Draco Foundation 10
Genesis Consortium 1
UCAS Emerald Grid Uprooting Initiative 2
West Coast Monolith 1
AllWire Inc 2


Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Cutters -8
NterLOK Production -2

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Description
1 Healthy, Calm, Mundane, possesses a Grey Mana Tattoo on her entire back, surrounded by Astral Hazing
2 One standard cybernetic in brain
3 low essence, one alphaware cybernetic in spine
4 1.455 Essence. 5 bio augments: 3 in brain, one in kidneys, one in endocrine system.
5 Six deltaware cybernatics: 3 inside the right ear, one inside the eyes, one in spine. Genetically modified: body (twice), skin, nervous system and digestive system


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Angel Kilroy UCAS 5 Driver's License, Pilot License, Drone Operator's License, Matrix Software License, Firearms License, Restricted Augmentations, Restricted Armor, RCC ownership, Drug possession


Surprisingly short even for a dryad, she has the look of a supermodel with deep blue eyes and long red hair, which she uses to hide her control rig. Smooth skin, lustrous wavy hair, and all of the curves makes her stand out like a sore thumb.


Almost always dressing fashion-forward with a clean, deep blue business suit and a plunging neckline, but her face obscured by an ornate mask that looks like a blue jay (and is built as a ballistics mask). The exception being overalls when she's tinkering her ride.

Matrix Persona

An anthropomorphic blue jay wearing her suit, with feathered wings and tail of course. Her agent program is a lifelike canary that often sits on her shoulder.

Character Plot Hooks

Blue Jay considers themselves a supporter of the N-51.

She won't enter Aztlan due to matching the physical description of a 'major witness that went missing' at the same time as Cuauhtemoc Tezcacoatl -an executive and former Blood Panther- was kidnapped.

She successfully outran Kevin Crimes when she was the getaway driver during a run, and later lost to him in a close street race. She considers the score to be 1-1.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments