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Short of stature, but that's not the first thing people notice. Her cybereyes have stars in them - artificial ones. Her hair is ordinarily black, but at night, it lights up: mirroring the milky way, a comet occasionally streaking along one of the strands. On her (non-cyber) hand, one small LED panel has a sun and moon, circling with the time of day. Up along her arm trail constellations, and across her full back is the entirety of the draco constellation - not that it gets shown often. It is there to replace the swirling dragons whose traces remain in the skin separating the edges of the panels.
Short, pale eyed, white haired. Calm, smiling, eager to be helpful.

=== Clothing ===
=== Clothing ===
Long pants, heavy coats, short sleeves - something to let her arms remain free, to show the changes she's made to herself. Yue will not allow others to view her in the old light, not that many in Seattle would have even known who she was back then.
Fancy coats and dresses.

===Matrix Persona===
===Matrix Persona===
On the Matrix, she appears as a humanoid constellation - a hollow space of darkness, interspersed with stars and swirling planets.
An old-fashioned, Victorian era dress, with a face like a UCAS dollar bill and the All-Seeing-Eye for its eyes. Custom work, expensive looking.

==Media Mentions==
==Media Mentions==

Revision as of 07:14, 9 January 2024

Machiavellian Monster
Vivacious Vampire
Black Lodge Aspirant
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.September 4th, 2054
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


A vampire mage seeks to join the Black Lodge - the real Black Lodge, not the knock-off her parents are in.

She's not telling anybody about that, though. Nope! Just a genuinely great person, here. No problems whatsoever.


  • Join the Lodge. Fully. Whatever that means, whatever that takes.
  • Grow more powerful. Obviously.
  • Gain friends (minions) to help her position.

Goals She Won't Admit to Herself

  • Make friends. Actual friends.
  • Get over her aversion to herself.


A child of privilege - relatively speaking - Gehenna was born to hangers-on of the Black Lodge's outer circles. The family would host parties, make political donations, and provide behind-the-scenes support for them. This structured lifestyle was one that Gehenna resented - so she rebelled by throwing parties, sneaking out, and doing whatever she wanted. She even rebelled by selling secrets online - eventually, even getting into infobrokering circles in the shadows, trading data back and forth. All the while, she was growing as a mage - spells only, her self-centered attitude drove the spirits away.

It all went away, though, when she received the shock of her life. On the way back from a party, she was intercepted by someone who seemed to know she was coming.

A vampire. Though she couldn't have known it - and still doesn't - her parents had arranged for her to be turned without her knowledge, in the hopes that a more powerful caster as a daughter would bring them further into the Lodge's good graces. They'd promised to develop a mage in the shadows, one who'd labour to the Lodge's ends. One who could bring them filthy lucre. They documented her as dead, and explained that she should build a reputation in the shadows, to build up to proper membership.

Their daughter Vivian will obey - and use the power she gains to get out from under her thumb.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Towering Ego (Dedicated Spellslinger, Metaviral Attunement, Too Pretty to Hit) - Gehenna considers herself to be above others, to the point that she will not deign to work with spirits and is happy to impose her will upon others.
  • Relentless Gossip (Prime Datahaven Membership) - Being enough of a gossip to get good info has led Gehenna to interesting circles.


  • Leaning Tower of Ego (Poor Self Control (Vindictive), Social Appearance Anxiety, Superhuman Psychosis) - Gehenna has a fragile, fragile ego. When someone challenges her or gets one over on her, she can't let it go, and anything that gives them ammo to insult her is unwelcome. Pawns should stay in their place.
  • Driven (Join the Black Lodge) - Surprise of surprises, she wants to get back in her family's good graces by joining the Lodge.
  • A Horror in the Mirror (Social Stress (Infected), Unsteady Hands) - Gehenna's deadly afraid of infected. Her nerves are tight as a string. And any time she's forced to acknowledge herself, she's as terrified as she is by any other infected. It's easy to leave her shaking in her boots.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Harbinger of WarTidanShockExtreme19 September 2085
An Ace Up One's SleeveSarcarianHigh1 May 2085
Front Point & CenterAsmodeusHigh24 April 2085
Uncle Silas Asks a FavorSarcarianHigh10 April 2085
Pretty Fly For A Fly GuyAnumatiMedium26 March 2085
Two Greys Make a GreyezeneMedium13 March 2085
Mostly ArmlessjitMedium18 February 2085
B Positive, Young VampirejitLow17 January 2085
Shakedown BreakdownjitCompound InterestMedium16 January 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Silas Vespasiano 5 2 Fixer Black Lodge Fixer Black Magician, High Society Socialite, Made Man, Politico, Talismonger, Theory Savant Even
News Van Dan 3 2 Legwork Guerilla Reporter (Infobroker) Infobroker, Conspiracy Theorist, Drone Operator, Hacktivist Even
Liam Montgomery 4 3 Service Lawyer Cui Bono, Bona Fide, Bona Vacantia, Corpus Delicti, Habeas Corpus, Amicus Curiae Even
Cascade 4 3 Service International Smuggler and Fence It's not fun if there's no Risk!, Smuggler Specialist, Garage of Ganked Gear, Stimulant Savant, Getaway Driver, Driver picks the Music, Passenger shuts their trap Even
John Baptiste Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location



Compulsory Execution Unit -10 Rep

People of Redmond -2 Rep

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

If there's any symbol most associated with her, it's the shimmering stars in her eyes and the constellation running up her arm and onto her back.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A biblical reference. Also, apparently a screen name for some mage spinning secrets.
3 A relatively trusted infobroker on the Nexus. Recently started running as a mage, rather than sticking to infoselling.
6 There are reports in KE's hands of a woman matching the runner's description being attacked and killed by a vampire.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A decent mage, with a few connections in high society.
3 An infobroker with expensive taste. Often found at parties, usually with a drink in hand. Dresses like she thinks she's important.
5 A powerful mage, who's not shy about using spells others might find distasteful.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Burner Rating 3: Jessica Rabbitini, Rating 3, UCAS


Short, pale eyed, white haired. Calm, smiling, eager to be helpful.


Fancy coats and dresses.

Matrix Persona

An old-fashioned, Victorian era dress, with a face like a UCAS dollar bill and the All-Seeing-Eye for its eyes. Custom work, expensive looking.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments