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Runners go clear up a smuggling safehouse so the Skraacha don't get eaten alive. Everyone's happy.

Jack's there to meet folks as always. He's spooky, the area's spooky, Milliam acts as a guide, having met him before. Jack explains that he managed to get through to the Skraacha and is in talks about negotiating a ceasefire, maybe even an alliance with them, much like how he did with the Ancients. Milliam is aware, as Warboss sent him to the job. As a gesture of good will, he'll help by clearing the underground tunnels of some unwanted visitors. To establish a night-time martial law, Jack allowed the streets to flood with infected that he barely corralls to not invade buildings. At dawn, they retreat underground to the depths of the earth, but recently they've begun spilling horizontally to other parts of the Underground.

They get a small number of targets to track down while Jack seals the entrances he made. Thanks to Fed Up being a smuggler himself, he knows of a potential safehouse, an abandoned industrial factory. The team checks it out, but find it abandoned with bare signs of habitation. They lay a trap on the cargo elevator leading underground before night falls, and...


Revision as of 14:48, 16 April 2021

Face Your Fears
Part of Hail to the Pumpking
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Pump King Jack
Feral Infected
Fed Up
Casualties and losses
Two Strain IIs, one Strain I.


Runners go clear up a smuggling safehouse so the Skraacha don't get eaten alive. Everyone's happy.


Jack's there to meet folks as always. He's spooky, the area's spooky, Milliam acts as a guide, having met him before. Jack explains that he managed to get through to the Skraacha and is in talks about negotiating a ceasefire, maybe even an alliance with them, much like how he did with the Ancients. Milliam is aware, as Warboss sent him to the job. As a gesture of good will, he'll help by clearing the underground tunnels of some unwanted visitors. To establish a night-time martial law, Jack allowed the streets to flood with infected that he barely corralls to not invade buildings. At dawn, they retreat underground to the depths of the earth, but recently they've begun spilling horizontally to other parts of the Underground.


They get a small number of targets to track down while Jack seals the entrances he made. Thanks to Fed Up being a smuggler himself, he knows of a potential safehouse, an abandoned industrial factory. The team checks it out, but find it abandoned with bare signs of habitation. They lay a trap on the cargo elevator leading underground before night falls, and...



Player After Action Reports (AARs)