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The daughter of rich parents, Yue isn't her given name - but the old one is burned. Perhaps even literally - the damage of breaking her oaths was extensive.
The daughter of rich parents, Yue isn't her given name - but the old one is burned. Perhaps even literally - the damage of breaking her oaths was extensive.

Initiated into the Triad at an early age, Lingchi was a faithful servant and a faithful mage until a breach of her trust and an insult that went too far. Her attempts at retaliation were ineffective, and quickly her family paid the price for her insolence.  
Initiated into the Triad at an early age, Lingchi was a faithful servant and a faithful mage until a breach of her trust and an insult that went too far. Her attempts at retaliation were ineffective, and quickly her family paid the price for her insolence.
The Triad uses magical tattoos to keep their people loyal - and Yue was forced to take more bindings than most. Her magic, her sight, her physical strength, all bound up in the tattoos covering her. For some time, she lived in bondage. But when it became too much, she hatched a plan - cut the chains tying her, and pay whatever cost is required to escape.
She set a date with a doctor - one belonging to the Yakuza. A stack of nuyen - only her own - paid for the cost of the used 'ware she would need. And then? To cut her way out of the ties that bind? To break the magical power flowing through the tattoos?
Lingchi had the doctor cut her arm off, knowing full well what came next.
The backlash was ferocious, the damage massive, and her magic would never be the same. She was freed - but it cost her an arm and her eyes. Where she could, the old tattoos have been replaced. Her old hair has been replaced. Days of recovery later - she fled across the sea.
On the boat over, the person next to her asked her name, but the dazed mage could only mutter about what she saw in the sky hanging above. Yue Liang. 'Bright moon.' They called her that the rest of the voyage.
In Seattle though? She got nicknamed by disdainful members of the Triad. They wouldn't go after her - but they ensured that she'd be reminded every day of what she'd done.
Lingchi. Death by a thousand cuts. An execution by dismemberment, reserved for traitors. For now, Yue owns the name, for that is the name that gets her work.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

Revision as of 16:49, 15 September 2023

Scarred Mage
Brightest Moon
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.September 4th, 2054
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - D
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension7

Character Information


A mage burned by her own allies, sent packing across the sea and setting up shop in a city she doesn't know.

Ah. And she's lost her arm, eyes, and half her magical power. Some would call it inauspicious as a start. But Yue considers herself to have been born under a lucky star.


  • Don't die.
  • Rediscover what magic is.
  • Cleanse her aura of the taint left by the previous owner of her arm and eyes.


The daughter of rich parents, Yue isn't her given name - but the old one is burned. Perhaps even literally - the damage of breaking her oaths was extensive.

Initiated into the Triad at an early age, Lingchi was a faithful servant and a faithful mage until a breach of her trust and an insult that went too far. Her attempts at retaliation were ineffective, and quickly her family paid the price for her insolence.

The Triad uses magical tattoos to keep their people loyal - and Yue was forced to take more bindings than most. Her magic, her sight, her physical strength, all bound up in the tattoos covering her. For some time, she lived in bondage. But when it became too much, she hatched a plan - cut the chains tying her, and pay whatever cost is required to escape.

She set a date with a doctor - one belonging to the Yakuza. A stack of nuyen - only her own - paid for the cost of the used 'ware she would need. And then? To cut her way out of the ties that bind? To break the magical power flowing through the tattoos?

Lingchi had the doctor cut her arm off, knowing full well what came next.

The backlash was ferocious, the damage massive, and her magic would never be the same. She was freed - but it cost her an arm and her eyes. Where she could, the old tattoos have been replaced. Her old hair has been replaced. Days of recovery later - she fled across the sea.

On the boat over, the person next to her asked her name, but the dazed mage could only mutter about what she saw in the sky hanging above. Yue Liang. 'Bright moon.' They called her that the rest of the voyage.

In Seattle though? She got nicknamed by disdainful members of the Triad. They wouldn't go after her - but they ensured that she'd be reminded every day of what she'd done.

Lingchi. Death by a thousand cuts. An execution by dismemberment, reserved for traitors. For now, Yue owns the name, for that is the name that gets her work.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • placeholder:


  • placeholder


  • placeholder

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Sealab 2085SarcarianExtreme11 November 2085
Waiting to be KnownSarcarianHigh10 November 2085
Ghost of Halloween PastAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHigh31 October 2085
The Full Moon Makes the Flowers BloomSarcarianMedium11 September 2085
Better Living Through ChemistrySarcarianDeadly22 June 2085
Intermediate EntomologySarcarianDeadly12 June 2085
3EM20; Those Born EvilFangblade_Deadly24 December 2084
RevolutionsFangblade_Amatsu KazeDeadly19 November 2084
Go big, go loud, or go home!TidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesExtreme18 November 2084
PULLTHETRIGGER+55Fangblade_High11 November 2084
Sojourner Between StarsSarcarianHigh9 November 2084
BANGYOURHEAD+55Fangblade_High2 November 2084
A slightly rainy day in KansasLotusSwarming SeasonHigh20 October 2084
Our Fellow Sorcerer's Corpses Part 1Fangblade_Deadly16 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 1Açai.0Low8 October 2084
So Goes Darkness Part 1Fangblade_And Love You Shall FindDeadly7 October 2084
Heist Gone WrongBulldogcMedium6 October 2084
As Goes LightFangblade_When the hunters came to town
And Love You Shall Find
30 September 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Joe Smith 3 3 Fixer(N,K,G,A) Fixer Procurer of exotic goods, Hang gliding enthusiast, Linguist, Smuggling expert Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
[[Contact_Rules#Group_Contacts|]] Group Contact Not Found. Expression error: Missing operand for +.Property "FactionRep" (as page type) with input value "Expression error: Missing operand for +." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. Please Create Group using Template:Faction If you do not have any group contacts Remove this template entirely.



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 X
3 X
6 X

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 x
3 x
5 x

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Mei Li (Fake, Rating 4, UCAS)

  • Mage License (Fake, Rating 4)
  • Firearms License (Fake, Rating 4)





Matrix Persona


Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments