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Revision as of 06:38, 26 January 2024 by Fangblade (talk | contribs)
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Lord Rehr.png
Unseelie Agent
Melegit samriel qua?
(Are you feeling discomfort)
Contact OwnerFangblade_
Owner's Discord NameFangblade_
Preferred Payment MethodFavors
Hobbies/ViceVindictive, Tarot
Personal LifeTaken
FactionUnseelie Court
AspectsUnseelie Agent
Fae Wild
Agent no more
Fae Magic
Magical Threats
It's never enough
Give me your life


Born into the elusive and enigmatic fae courts, Lord Lirael Rehr emerged as a scion of the Unseelie lineage—a house notorious for its cunning and manipulation. From an early age, Rehr displayed an unnerving charisma and an innate talent for bending others to their will. Their silver hair, as brilliant as moonlight, and eyes that pierced through the darkness, marked them as a figure of intrigue even within the fae courts.

Rehr's upbringing was steeped in the complexities of fae politics, where alliances shifted like shadows, and power was a coveted currency. Rehr, however, sought to elevate their position beyond the confines of the courts. With a cruel streak that set them apart, they mastered the art of coercion, using both charm and manipulation to bend others to their whims.

As Rehr reached maturity, the call of the urban sprawl lured them beyond the mystical realms of fae, into the neon-lit shadows of Seattle. They established themselves as a fixer within the city's underworld, adopting the title of "Lord Rehr." Short silver hair, pale skin, and eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness became the trademarks of their otherworldly presence.

In the shadows, Lord Rehr forged alliances with those who were lost. Their ability to coerce others into servitude, whether through charm or subtle threats, garnered them a network of loyal agents. Among these, Eniafialla emerged as a devoted and shadowy protector, their fates intertwined in the dance of power and manipulation.

Lord Rehr's cruelty became legendary, and a whisper in the shadows warned of the misfortune that befell those who sought their help in desperation. To accept aid from Lord Rehr was to willingly step into a web of deceit and manipulation, where every favor came with a hidden cost. Those who found themselves entangled in Rehr's schemes often suffered unforeseen consequences, as the fae lord reveled in the chaos and misery that trailed in their wake.

Lord Lirael Rehr, a living embodiment of fae intrigue, now moves through Seattle, a puppet master pulling the strings of fate with a malevolent smile and eyes that glow like icy stars in the dark. The city's shadows whisper of their influence, a cautionary tale to those who would dare to dance with the fae lord.

GM Notes

Please check out tips Arch made for running Seelie Fae. These apply to Rehr. As well, please check the following:

  • Rehr is unbelievably cruel. Many negotiation attempts may not work because they are unwilling to give even an inch unless a chip is given.
  • Rehr will, if found that their connections are Seelie, will not burn them, but will instead become unieldingly cruel and will extort them as much as possible.
  • While potentially seeming this way, Rehr is not one for wanton violence or destruction. Instead, their games are long or have subtle undertones where the outcome of dealing with Rehr may not immediately be visible.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Unseelie Agent Fundamentally, Rehr is here to seek motivations unseen they must indulge in, not to stick out their neck too far for some fragile mortal runners. As such, they will not perform game actions at significant risk to themselves or their standing for any runners with fewer than 5 loyalty. Additionally, they will always ask for karma, favors, or tangibly useable information and is not above talking runners into spirit pacts to cement those things.
Fae Wild A curious amount of knowledge of astral topography
Agent no more Rehr used to hold themselves in a position of being a frontline agent. Now, their operations are much grander. As such, any quesitons about frontline espionage or terror combat, she is the right person.
Fae Magic Touched by the weave, Rehr is an extremely adept full mage who specializes in alchemy. As such, they know much about Alchemy, Summoning, and Spellcasting.
Magical Threats Having lives and dealt with the denizens of the courts, Rehr has much info on the magical threats.
Syndicates If you have a question related to syndicates, they know much.
It's never enough Flattery will get you everywhere with Rehr, but if you give them a penny, they'll take a pound. If you flatter them by calling them 'Lord Rehr', they'll expect it of you, and will not give a bonus unless you are more extravagant with your honor than the last time. Lord Rehr > Lord Lirael Rehr > Lord Lirael Rehr, master of the shadows > Lord Lirael Rehr, master of the shadows, lord of the pale moon etc, etc.
Give me your life Should you find yourself in a dire situation, and can find yourself to Rehr, they may potentially help you, but only if you agree to a weighty pact with potentially devastating consequences.


Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

True Sulla
Sir Woofenstein Wagmaster the 1st with Sulla

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Golden Wake of DeathFangblade_Amhrain na Preachan6 March 2085
Run, Little BlackbirdFangblade_7 February 2085
Dog Days are OverDiscogoblin25 January 2085