Happy Birthday, Zigzag

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Happy Birthday, Zigzag
LocationDowntown, Puyallup
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Knight Errant
Knight Errant Security Guard
Casualties and losses
None None


The runners are hired to provide snacks for a Birthday party in the honor of Zigzag, by her prospective boyfriend Patches.


It's gonna be Zigzag's birthday in just two days, and Patches wants to get her something he knows she will definitely enjoy; fresh meat for the party. Knowing that these kind of things don't just grow on trees, Patches calls on his sources in the shadows to provide for the big feast.

The Meet

Patches arranges to meet the crew at a rundown diner in Puyallup, eager to get to the terms of his job. He quickly details his needs, and offers 40,000 nuyen to the party hoping that that will be enough cash for an arm and a leg. Rhicter feels the need to push for more cash, and ends up getting him to agree to 10k, on the requirement that he get 2 arms, and 2 legs out of the deal. The team puts it's collective head together, and decides to reach out to various contacts to see if anyone has any help to offer in obtaining the desired items.

The Plan

The Run



  • 10k Nuyen (4 RVP + Negotiation bonus)
  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • Patches (Connection 2) at Loyalty 3 (4 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • Can buy Pets at gear reward prices from the pound
  • Can buy Dollmaster (Connection 6) at Loyalty 2 for -7 RVP or 14 CDP (except Shuffle, who didn't help return his truck)
  • Milliam's fake sin BURNED
  • Milliam gives information to Warboss and gains 1 Chip on him

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)