This Is Midnight

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This Is Midnight
Part of Hail to the Pumpking
LocationMetaplane of Man
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
Pump King Jack
La Rapide
Ty Vallynn
Mimic Mantises
Gum Toad
Guardian Izanami
Hat Lady
Casualties and losses
Santa & Diet Coke Army Gum Toad's Spirit Formula


Team heads to the metaplanes on behalf of Grand Duke Zaleos, a spirit keeping tight security over a geomancy-stabilized astral gateway terminal in Sophocles. They raze a notorious Gum Toad, Amerio's networking operation by disrupting the toad to its home plane and stealing its formula. Pumpking Jack is given a brief window to seize control of the networking contacts himself and make an arrangement with Zaleos.


During one of Babylon's previous metaplanar quests, she came across a Gum Toad that seemed to work off forming far-reaching networks of acquaintances and contacts, roughly equivalent to a fixer in the spirit world. He was owed favors and fulfilled them in turn, occupying a robust position despite his sleazy attitude. There was a plan to eventually dethrone this all too familiar personality of owed debts and collecting favors. In addition, Ty Vallynn went on an initiation ordeal not too long ago in Sophocles and discovered that a three story office building housed a peculiar astral gateway, its stability ensured by various proto-Enochian sigils scattered across Sophocles' alleyways. Little else was known about it other than that spirits occasionally came through, possessed bodies prepared for them and went on their way in Seattle.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run


Other interesting tidbits:

Rewards (2x Runtime Multiplier, total 40 RVP)

  • 40,000 Nuyen in gold bars (20 RVP)
  • 6 Karma (2 RVP)
  • For Ty: 4 Karma (4 RVP)
  • For everyone else: 8 CDP (4 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  1. Optional Contact: Pumpking Jack 5/1 Halloween Lord (5 RVP or 10 CDP)
  2. Optional Contact: Adeptus 2/1 Guidance Spirit Fixer (2 RVP or 4 CDP)
  3. Optional Quality for Swerve: Witness My Hate at chargen rate

Player After Action Reports (AARs)