Charge Headfirst to Freedom

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Charge Headfirst to Freedom
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Johnson the Johnson
Mercinaries (humanis contractors)
Voice of the Whirlwind
Ryan Danes
Mojo Joe
Triple Trouble
James Gaffagin, "The Butcher"
The Sniper
The Decker
The Mage
Casualties and losses
One Phoenix SO many reproductive organs
ITs amazing how much the phrase "humanis" Evokes "called shot Genitals"


Seeking to replace his car, Mojo Joe opened his wallet to only find 266 nuyen. Clearly the solution to this is CRIME! Calling his Pal M3chan1c, the two of them assembled a team of professionals for a run of vendetta fueled wetwork, one they vetted beforehand to confirm he would have the exact car Mojo Joe was eyeing. They got in, captured the team of four humanis approving mercenaries, and mojo got the car he wanted, but at what cost?...


To minimize any and all connections he could from his recent move, mojo decided to give up his phoenix to minimize all connections. But if he did that, he would need a new car, and didn't have the MONEY for a new car... So he called his friend M3chan1c and they went to a mcdonalds, the kinds behind the bar providing them with WICKED alchohol as they assembled a group, with a plan, They were going to rob someone who had a dodge charger. They did some quick searches, and decided to hit a group that had been doing wetwork for humanis.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

M3chan1c:"Seein' that garage was like walkin' around a candy store, damn shame I couldn't really find much I needed outta that."

4NG3L: "This run was a bit unconventional compared to previous ones I have been a part of. But, the crew I was running with, a couple of which I have run with before, handled things well, especially with the prep-work. Execution of the plan was surprisingly smooth, even if there was an injury of one of ours. Nevertheless, there were no casualties on either side, which scored us the greatest profits. On top of that, I scored a new toy..."