Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear

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Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Bear
Part of Compound Interest
LocationSeattle, Tacoma (Docks)
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven White Vory Red Vory Red Ledger
Red Ribbon
Red Ledger Rigger
Red Ledger Goons
Casualties and losses
Oberon (He Got Better), Neznayka (Almost), Red Ribbon's Sense of Safety on the Matrix Many Goons Many Goons Repo has a cool new scar from fighting Gator.


Spray, Pray, and Co-Pay ended badly for Neznayka. With her delivery to the White Vory imminent, she signals her fixer and friend, Chloe Green. Hopefully, she can find good help in time...


Once upon a time, a clinic in Redmond was beset by street gangers, who held the patients within hostage, demanding payment. Through subterfuge, fast talking, and some very quiet shooting, a team of runners liberated the hostages. Unfortunately, the gang in question would have continued to apply pressure on the clinic, and so one Neznayka offered herself - and the White Vory bounty on her head, set by her father - up in exchange.

Now, a scant few hours remain to rescue Neznayka before she takes an economy ocean cruise to Russia.

The Meet

One by one, the runners each get called by Chloe Green, and are informed that they're lucky enough to be someone that Neznayka trusts enough to help her. They are given a general idea of what dock the Vory they're looking for could be using, and a cabin at which to meet up with their co-workers.

Of course, no Johnson awaits the runners at their cozy cabin meetup. Saint and Oberon arrive first, followed by Red Ribbon and Insonia. Venomous glares are delivered to the latter two of the group by Saint, who certainly hasn't forgotten Ribbon's wrongdoings, and doesn't take kindly to Insonia's Ancients regalia.

Now all together, the runners put their heads together to try and pull something out of this mess.

The Plan

The plan began with scouting and research. Ribbon begins to send her drones forward to scout, while the rest of the group pools their knowledge and calls contacts to narrow down which Tacoma dock Neznayka was taken to. They narrow their search to three, then two locations - and when Ribbon's fly-spy spots out Red Ledger members, they know they're in the right place.

After some drone eavesdropping and scouting, the group determines that Neznayka has already been taken to the Vory ship in dock, and Repo is still on board. After overhearing his muffled voice through several walls, they determine he's located within a structure on the ship's deck. Unfortunately, some additional scouting of shipping containers is neglected, which will come back to bite them later...

From here, an infiltration plan is concocted - Oberon will shapeshift into a seagull and get closer to the ship, keeping an eye out for astral threats. Meanwhile, Insonia and Saint will swim to the side of the ship, bypassing Ledger's forces and many of the Vory's guards. They'll sneak to the place where Repo was heard - where it's thought that Neznayka was taken - take out their enemies, and escape with a hacked boat controlled by Ribbon.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Red Ribbon

God, no, I don't want to think about that run. That was already threatening to go wrong one of eight ways, and I somehow managed to find the secret ninth way to frag it up. I don't know how Oberon survived being shot to pieces, but I'm glad that his death's not on my head, because it sure as hell would have been if he'd stayed down.

Next time, I'm going to get visual confirmation on our target. No more assumptions. No more stupid fights. Someday that's going to get all of us killed.

What? Yeah, we got Nez back alright. I should be happy about that? I am. Look at me! Just grinning from ear to ear.

...seriously, I am.


<Retrieving Patient Records> . . . . . . . . .
<Audio Log Found, Date: 02-23-85, Title: Intake and Triage>
<Playing Log, Captions Automatically Generated with SmartSpeak(TM) by DocWagon(TM) Medical Services>
[The sound of medical EKGs beeping, and the muffled roar of engines and gunfire behind it. Plastic and glass clatter against one another, as if the location itself is shaking and moving. A machine voice similar to that found in the smart First Aid kits common among consumer triage units reads out probable prognoses.]
"Nez..." [speaker, a dull-sounding woman, audibly sniffs] "... Please stay with me..."
[The sound of a muffled explosion.]
<File Corruption Detected, Halting Playback>