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Red Ledger Second-In-Command
The boss ran the numbers. You came up short.
Nothin' personal. Books stay balanced, savvy?
Contact OwnerHorror-Rip8809
Owner's Discord NameSample Text
Public Contact?Yes
LocationRedmond, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, Favors
Personal LifeAvailable
FactionRed Ledger
AspectsPay up or shut up.
Street Tactician
Knockout blow!
Top of the Line
A Nose for Danger


As second-in-command of Red Ledger, Repo covers the weaknesses of his boss, Windfall. She networks and schemes while he executes and enforces. This means that he's who most of the gang's muscle goes to when a fight's going to break out, and it often falls to him to implement the plans that Windfall draws up when actually out on the streets. He's the man who you fear when you miss your payments, and he'll break down your door without too much effort or a second thought thanks to assorted 'ware he's been able to pick up over the years.

When fighting, Repo prefers his bare hands over other weapons, but won't hesitate to take up an assault rifle if he thinks charging forward is going to get him killed. In line with Red Ledger's general hiring policy, his skill and presence of mind tends to rise a little above the rest, and it's made the difference between life and death on a few occasions already.

Some may wonder why Repo doesn't take leadership of the gang by force. Success would be a plausible outcome, were he to stage a coup, given that he works closely with the gang's best muscle. The reason is part pragmatic, and part sentimental: one, Windfall has connections that Repo knows he couldn't replicate if he were to depose her, and his boss has one mean spiteful streak - it's more likely that she'd die than work with him afterwards. Two, whether he'll admit it or not, working for Windfall has given Repo a position of petty power and influence for many years, and he's grown to quietly admire the way she runs things. Maybe, if you got him drunk enough, he would admit that he thinks Windfall is the better leader, and deserves the spot more than he does.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Pay up or shut up. Repo takes his job deadly serious. If you owe anything to Red Ledger, he will not perform favors for you or work for you until you've settled your debts. There is one exception - if you have the Made Man quality with Red Ledger, he will begrudgingly assist.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Street Tactician Repo's combat leadership doesn't come from an academy, but from years of experience in gang warfare. +2 to checks involving street combat.
Knockout blow! This man's haymakers hurt. +2 to active checks involving melee combat.
Top of the Line Repo keeps his people well-armed. +2 to gear checks when acquiring guns, ammunition, and ordnance.
A Nose for Danger Experience makes Repo a little more sensitive to when things are about to go wrong. +2 to surprise tests and active checks to spot out ambushes or hidden hazards.


Knowledge Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

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NPC who know this contact

- Windfall

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
All Men Aren't Created Equaljit31 August 2085
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your BearSleeveyCompound Interest23 February 2085
Spray, Pray, and Co-PayjitCompound Interest17 February 2085