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Street Cred4
Public Awareness1
D.O.B.Feb 14th, 2062
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - E
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension11

Character Information


Paz was born to a world she didn't want and was scorned by it. Now she wants nothing but to carve her own fate away from the cultures she was born into.


"...We'll get there, yeah? Let's focus on making the world know I was real."

  • Come to terms with her inner clown.
  • Develop into her clownery, mastering the art of becoming a clown on the outside


Born to titled parents of the Tir Tairngire chivalry who held stature not only in the court but as well as at the local Ares Macrotech facilities, Pacifica Oceanic was adored by her parents until ripe age of 16. Everything changed that day when she told her parents, for her birthday no less, that she didn't want to be nobility. She didn't want to work at a corporate job. She didn't want these expectations thrust upon her.

And they took exception to that.

Burning the young girl's SIN, disowning her and vowing to never dare acknowledge her presence if she had the audacity to make herself known to them again. Paz was heartbroken, to say the least. And she did what any young girl who no longer existed would do - she took the motorcycle she was given for her birthday last year, a hefty sum of her parent's liquid assets, and ran to Seattle.

There, she forged her own path for three years, modelling when the coin started to dry up. Eventually [now that she was of legal age] she tried her hand at joying, trying to make the cash she was used to living at. But the gigs weren't enough. Especially not now that there was an empty feeling sinking into the pit of her stomach. That she wasn't enough. For her, for the world, for anyone. Surely, of course, this was just about her looks, right? Some sweet new modular synthetic limbs would fix that! And they did, for the time being. She started an onifans, she did a couple errand runs, she made decent cash. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon shadowrunning and the real paydirt to be found. Paz sold her synthetics back to Dr. Henry Wallace, gave him almost every last ounce of scratch she had. She knew that between whatever limbs he could give her, tuned out to the max and her ol' trusty shotty -- There was nothing this world could do to stop her.


Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Natively running hot - (Biocompat chrome + Redliner) Our girl Paz is BUILT to live this dream
  • Black Market Connections - And she's chosen to live it fast and hard


  • Creature of Comfort Middle - Old habits die hard
  • Predjudiced (Common) ELVES - But that doesn't mean they can take me down with them
  • No One Left Behind - She knows what it is to be abandoned. Never again.
  • Attention Seeking - ...shut up, every runner has family issues
  • Distinctive Style - BUT GOD DAMN DO I LOOK GOOD THO
  • Lightweight - It's actually kinda funny

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Peace: Noblesse Oblige 1RobintonUnto the Furthest HorizonExtreme25 February 2086
Too Hot to Hana-dleLHOGDeadly28 September 2085
Or'zet! An opera in three acts: confrontationVilliersAll The World's a StageDeadly7 September 2085
DuvetFangblade_And Love You Shall Find
The Light Before We Land
Deadly24 October 2084
So Goes Darkness Part 1Fangblade_And Love You Shall FindDeadly7 October 2084
Minime Senuisti" Part 1youmayfireDeadly1 October 2084
Blitzkrieg BopFangblade_Medium27 September 2084
Small EmbersAsmodeusDeadly15 September 2084
A Tail of Tons of ExplosionsLHOGMilk Run24 August 2084
Ghostwire in the ShellFangblade_Sign of ZetaHigh23 August 2084
"Fragile? It Must Be Italian!" FinaleYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After AllExtreme15 August 2084
The Virgin AffairYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Medium5 August 2084
Honking good timeAuroraHigh4 August 2084
Rally For Technorights!AuroraThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly2 August 2084
Embrace Your SINsYouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Medium27 July 2084
Skulls SplittingLotusLow24 July 2084
Libertines and LaesYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Deadly23 July 2084
You don't make up for sins by going to churchDraknicThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly22 July 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dr. Henry Wallace 6 3 Custom(G,A,K,N) Cybertechnologist Cybertechnologist, Designer Deltaware, Cyber Snob, Embrace the Chrome, Biotechnologist, Black Market Pipeline, Cyber-Singularity Seeker Even
Hyena 6 2 Fixer Fixer Former Grey Wolf, Business Owner, Know Your Neighbors, A Taste For Violence, Secret Stash, Firepower, Racketeer Even
Beatrice Veronica 6 2 Gear Weapons World Seattle R&D Executive Officer Company Woman, At Arm's Length, Working Hours, Weapons World, Heavy Ordnance, Assault on (Every) Keep, Longarms Love, Snip(e) It for Me!, Automatically Available, Pretty Pistol, Ares Insider, Wheeling and Dealing, Armed and Fabulous Even
Azra Kaplan 2 1 Service Salish Border Patrol Agent Wait in Line, The Border Doesn't Patrol Itself, This Is My Route, Smuggle In, Smuggle Out, The Wolves? Grey Even
Ms. Moira 1 2 Legwork Adoptive Grandmother Basic needs first., Word on the Street, Rat Catcher, Life in Redmond Even
Hassan Bahreini 4 1 Networking Political Networker A Man of Principle, Creature of the Swamp, Shrek, Donkey, Lord Farquaad, Princess Fiona, Dreamworks Even
Elias Zenthra 7 4 Fixer Elven Noble Party Connoisseur, Tairngire Military Service, In the Know, Courtly Patron, Inheritor of old ties, Party HARD, Don't forget, magic makes the money work., Eyes on the prize Even



  • Rae
  • +7 New Century Party
  • +5 Scatterbrains
  • +2 Telestrian Industries


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Elizabeth Conry UCAS R4 Restricted Augmentation, Drivers, Firearms, Restricted Armor, Restricted Vehicle, Bodyguard



She is dressed like - wow I hate to say this - a pimp with the style of a cyberpunk. I said the thing.

Seriously, refer to images.

Matrix Persona

An average blonde human girl, with white wings on her back and her eyes gouged out. She wears a simple white toga and no shoes.

Ref Images

P23 Combat.png Paz.png Paz2.png PAZ CASUAL.png

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments