Spray, Pray, and Co-Pay

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Spray, Pray, and Co-Pay
Part of Compound Interest
LocationSeattle, Redmond (Avondale)
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Red Ledger
Red Ribbon
Peter "Mephisto" Essex
Red Ledger Rigger
Red Ledger Goons
Casualties and losses
Neznayka has been taken captive by Red Ledger. N/A


In which Neznayka's insurance policy does not cover her while she is out of network.


"We're bettin' it all on Red, baby!"

Red Ledger has had a blistering hot streak these last few weeks. Minus the mysterious disappearance of two adepts, it seems like everything's been coming up red.

Capitalizing on the weakened turf of the Red Hot Nukes after the Crimson Crush blowback caused by the events of Shakedown Breakdown, Red Ledger has expanded their borders and foisted the Red Hot Nukes out of their turf in Avondale, though not without casualties. Fortunately, the Avondale Community Clinic is always there to provide for the downtrodden citizens of the Redmond Barrens, whensoever tragedy may strike.

Red Ledger, however, have very different ideas of community outreach compared to the Red Hot Nukes. Repo, fresh off their gang war victory, establishes a new contract with the community clinic, with a restructured price plan to boot. What was originally cheap healthcare in lieu of DocWagon becomes extortion. Repo, intending to negotiate down, asks the patients and their families collectively for 25,000 nuyen in medical expenses, both to cover their medical bills and in order to cover the casualties Red Ledger sustained by 'liberating' them.

Tensions rise over the next day or two, until conflict breaks out in the form of an angry mob attempting to storm the clinic to retrieve their loved ones. Driven back by gangers spraying full auto, they have no choice but to plead with Fate, who, perhaps hearing their cries, spreads the whispers of their pleas to the shadows.

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Sibyl: "I feel like I've been in a bad trideo. Four random strangers stumble into a hostage situation and save the day. It has everything. A contortionist gnome with a trained racoon and a squad of rats in the ducts. An anthrodrone in gang colors. An animal trainer mystery woman with a fake face. And of course, a clueless seer sent on a wild goose chase following red herrings down a rabbit-hole of mixed metaphors. That sonofabitch Metzger has got some 'splaining to do. The good samaritans come up with a plan worthy of a bad action trid. Damn thing works too ... right to the last minute or so. Turns out the psychopath ganger and the ganger moll rigger have a history. Turns out the mystery lady with the expensive perfume has a bounty ... from her father? Oh yeah, mystery lady and ganger moll also have a history. Tha action trid turns out to be a mystery instead. I do know one thing though, I hate fragging mysteries. I'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. I'll need some frankincense, some myrrh, and some ganja. We'll see what Oracle has to say tonight.