The Consequences Of Her Actions

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The Consequences Of Her Actions
Part of Hail to the Pumpking
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Pump King Jack
King Beef
Casualties and losses
None A whole lot of feral ghouls


Jack gets a promising-looking vessel!


During the progression of the metaplot Hail to the Pumpking Jack's begun getting increasing amounts of pushback. He's decided to switch his approach in terms of coping with the Sixth World as a result.

The Meet

Jack is available as always and offers the team two potential options: scout three possible migration sites for the Starscreamers or capture a mutaqua for him. This creates some discord among the runners, since Babylon most certainly doesn't want Jack to get a hold of such a thing. Eventually, however, they appear to decide to go through with it, partially because Babylon's ally spirit, Gomorrah, persuades her to go with it. Legwork begins and thankfully some of the runners know Nameless, others know Lamashtu, Babylon also knows Carmilla, all of which will help do the legwork for the initial scouting operations in case the hunt goes bad. Babylon's also been under the Renraku Arcology where the mutaqua's been sighted, so she knows a way in already. While the rest are preparing their assault and wait for deliveries, Babylon attempts contact with Herenight to keep him up to date.

The Run

Once the legwork is done, the team uses Ghaz and his underground smuggling routes to drive underground. The route takes a while.



Player After Action Reports (AARs)