Walking on Diamonds

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 05:40, 19 September 2021 by Twinnie (talk | contribs)
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Walking on Diamonds
Part of Call of the Shadows
LocationLas Vegas
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Sweetie Sinful



Mickey Coin needs book inspiration, so he reaches out to Barracuda in order to head to Vegas to find a story.

The Meet

Barracuda wakes to the fabulous gilded suited gambler cooking him breakfast in the kitchen of the iceberg, and propositions him with a job to hit up the Vegas strip in order to turn 10k into 50k. Barracuda recruits Sweetie Sinful and Catharsis, Catharsis pulling Prince in, before dialing the number Mickey offered to rope Spring in. Once the details were disseminated, he explains that he needs Barracuda to make his way to a blackjack game at The Golden Spike, and listen in to whatever Nickodemus Archleone has to say, and take whatever he has to offer.

The Plan

Get in, gamble, get out.

The Run

Collected in Mickey's cabs, the runners meet Alcatraz and Phantom O before boarding a 737. Once in the air, Sweetie and Prince also get specialty assignments. Prince is to track Amrei across the strip, and Sweetie is to meet Nickodemus in a bar, and be 'interesting'. Spring is told to protect Barracuda astrally. Digging around on the matrix, Catharsis found a few key things, mainly that Nickodemus is associated with the Order of the Silver Wings, has a shadowy spirit following him, and is a powerfully mage. Gambling, Sweetie ended up stuck in the strip club, Barracuda making friends with SK (and asking Amrei Veidt out on a date), Prince waiting for Amrei and Catharsis and Spring at the poker table.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)