Évelyne Cousteau

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Évelyne Cousteau
Évelyne Cousteau 1.jpg
Professional Daredevil
Contact Ownerandbenedict
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, UCAS
MetatypeSURGE III Human
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeSingle
FactionGolden Lion Heavy Lift and Transport, Ltd.
AspectsFighter Ace
Fearless Daredevil
Custom Aircraft


Évelyne is a former pilot from the Légion Étrangère. She served with distinction, but was often reprimanded for her reckless tactics. When enough was enough, she was sent packing and wound up working for a very strange man. The very strange man was Solarian, the enigmatic lion shifter and owner of Golden Lion Heavy Lift and Transport, Ltd. She worked her way through the ranks and is one of the more trusted and reliable pilots in his fleet.

GM Tips

  • She is an expert pilot but likes to take risks. She won't put people's lives at risk, but could cause problems when subtlety becomes a requirement.
  • Évelyne likes to start fights. She stands an impressive 6'7" and is physically fit. She constantly argues with ATC operators, and tends to try and order ground crews around, leading to confrontations. If the Runners leave her on the tarmac in a remote location, she'll find ways to entertain herself.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Fighter Ace Her reputation speaks for itself. +2 to Active checks when flying.
Custom Aircraft Évelyne flies a heavily modified AC-130 that belongs in a warzone more than it does on the SEATAC tarmac. It allows her to go more places than standard Golden Lion Heavy Lift and Transport, Ltd. pilots. +2 to Gunnery checks.
Fearless Daredevil Évelyne has ice water in her veins. She'll fly in and out of anywhere, warzones included. Though, they do cost extra.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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