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Shiawase +2

Kindred In Nature's Domain: +2

Revision as of 02:43, 28 August 2023

Awakened Street Samurai
Yakuza Redeemer
RedditReddit Name
Street Cred4
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.March 5th, 2060
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - E
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension11

Character Information


Once-indebted to the Wanibuchi-gumi yakuza of Neo-Tokyo, now partial blank slate attempting to bring honor back to the yakuza... as only the Dragon of Dojima can... even though he isn't the Dragon of Dojima.


1. Restore honor and respect to the yakuza.

2. Drive malicious actors out of his clan's territory

3. Retire into peaceful obscurity following the previous two goals.


Ryuuji doesn't remember his past, but if one were to convince Chikara(the oyabun of the Yoshinaga clan) to divulge on the subject, one would learn Ryuuji is a victim of New Way yakuza debt collection. He owed a debt to the yakuza he could not repay, and someone in the clan thought it would be amusing to use a personafix chip to turn him into a soldier for the Wanibuchi. However, that person used a personafix based on an ancient videogame rendition of a yakuza who was the posterboy for the 'old school' honor. This would be less of an issue but some sort of glitch in the software rendered direct intervention difficult at times and his constant objections to Wanibuchi practices made him less than ideal for the purpose.

When Chikara was given leave to form the Yoshinaga clan in Seattle to serve as the Wanibuchi-rengo's foothold in international business, he requested Ryuuji as one of the assets to be brought over, knowing the Wanibuchi would likely simply kill him, rip out his 'ware and dump his body as he was more trouble to them than he was worth... however Chikara's bold plan of running an 'honorable' yakuza clan dovetailed nicely with Ryuuji's rigid code, allowing him to serve as a beacon of what the clan aspires to be. Once on Seattle soil, Chikara made Ryuuji a specialist with a fair degree of freedom within the clan in order to 'go forth and bring honor to the Yoshinaga name'. Chikara gave Ryuuji leave to freelance as a 'shadowrunner' doing jobs to advertise the unique aspects of the Yoshinaga in the shadows while collecting a 'cut' of his earnings to support the clan while he handled more traditional affairs, essentially leaving Ryuuji to be a self-sufficient advertisement for his clan which he can call in to handle specific tasks if needed.

Ryuuji's Justice

Ryuuji predominantly seeks to protect the defenseless against those who would prey on them when it comes to justice, shielding the weak from the predations of the craven. He is relatively unmoved by the plight of say, a gangbanger suffering due to gang conflict... but if said gang-member was being blackmailed for something disconnected to that, say a corrupt corporate actor attempting to infiltrate the clan, he would be more sympathetic. Protection rackets on the defenseless(the typical protection rackets, not the protection of the Yoshinaga, which is an actual protection gig), blackmail, theft, muggings of those disconnected from the shadows all would prompt Ryuuji to step up and shield the victims.

Ryuuji is rarely bothered by the threat of retaliation from a ganger or syndicate if the alternative is allowing such injustice to stand. Ryuuji also does not 'see metatype' when deciding on the just thing to do, so a trog or other meta is equally deserving of his protection as a human.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Candle in the Darkness

Ryuuji is rather rigid in his adherence to his personal code which also involves helping others in many cases, making Ryuuji a bit easier to trust.

Mentor Spirit: Oak(Reflavored to a dragon-like spirit)

Awakening after his personality was implanted by the Wanibuchi-gumi, some of his first actual memories are the dragon-like entity encouraging him to become stronger(physically mostly).

Made Man

Ryuuji is a komon, or specialist within the Yoshinaga clan. He is largely free to do as he sees fit, but Chikara can at his leisure call Ryuuji in to handle matters the oyobun feels are best handled by Ryuuji.


Code of Honor: Yakuza Way

Giri: Pay back debts as soon as an opportunity presents itself. You cannot refuse this opportunity.

Jingi: Do not break etiquette and always respect your superiors.

Ninjo: Act on sympathy, the plight of others and protect those who seek justice.

No Man Left Behind

Favored(Specific Target, Biased): Japanese Men

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Stairwell to HeavenVilliersMedium22 February 2086
Dumb Wednesday Night Impromptu number forty sevenJ.R.Deadly18 December 2085
You don't have to be a Yakuza to get beat up by the YakuzaFangblade_High20 November 2085
Outremer Outrigger Qualifier MultiplierJ.R.High16 November 2085
Ruby's Gauntlet and Call for AssistanceJ.R.Plastic JunglesMedium24 July 2085
/clean up that Rat's nest!J.R.High24 June 2085
Intermediate EntomologySarcarianDeadly12 June 2085
Ghost Train Part 2VilliersAll Aboard!High2 June 2085
EXtreme Expedition!ElayneHigh25 May 2085
Breaking the Blades!ElayneMedium13 May 2085
Hold on for meTidanShockThe ArrivalDeadly4 April 2085
OMEDETOU+55Fangblade_High29 December 2084
An Autoclave's Heat and PressureLHOGMedium9 November 2084
A Foreigner in the RingLHOGHigh5 November 2084
An average Ohio exterminationTidanShockArma Ex MachinaExtreme26 October 2084
Stars of the midnight RangerTidanShockThe ArrivalDeadly18 October 2084
Not so common senseTidanShockDeadly17 October 2084
Of Clans and FamiliesTidanShockArma Ex MachinaDeadly16 October 2084
Enemy of my Enemy of my EnemyTidanShockWhen the hunters came to townDeadly8 October 2084
Everybody Wants To Be A Co-AuthorKirkHigh17 September 2084
If You Can't Stand the Heat, Get out of Hell's KitchenAçai.0Medium14 September 2084
Slurping SpinalsUser:ThunderHigh6 September 2084
Ghostwire in the ShellFangblade_Sign of ZetaHigh23 August 2084
Werewolves & CIcadasAsmodeusSwarming SeasonDeadly21 August 2084
A Question of EthicsVilliersMedium4 August 2084
Public Safety by CommitteeYouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Low1 August 2084
Embrace Your SINsYouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Medium27 July 2084
Charred Ramen TakeoutAsmodeusHigh25 July 2084
Skulls SplittingLotusLow24 July 2084
You don't make up for sins by going to churchDraknicThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Deadly22 July 2084
Change in ManagementDraknicDeadly21 July 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Yoshinaga Chikara 3 4+2 Fixer(N,A,K,G) Yoshinaga-gumi Oyabun; Fixer Hard To Reach, Tech-savvy, Japanocorp connections, Hidden Technomancy, Veteran Yakuza, Bellevue Based Even
Beatrice Silva 1 1+2 Legwork Grandmother Hip with her grandkids, "I too worked in the Shadows." Even
Crine Takahashi 3 3+2 Service Rigger and Kanokari Owner Rigger, Take a Room, Charmer, The Bats are Listening Even
Armstrong 4 2+2 Fixer Polotical Lobbyist, Made man in the Mob, Smuggler Kingpin, Foodie, Knowledge of the Streets Even
Sister Hana 3 2+2 Generalist Nun Spirit Talker, Arms and Armor of the Lord, BurnOut Christian Theurgy, Former Shadowrunner Decker Even
Ms. Moira 1 2+2 Legwork Adoptive Grandmother Basic needs first., Word on the Street, Rat Catcher, Life in Redmond Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Yoshinaga-gumi Komon 1 32 Yakuza Clan Maimed Seattle, Bellevue, Newcastle

Reputation Tracker

Shiawase +2

Kindred In Nature's Domain: +2



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Himura, Yudai (UCAS R4)

  • Adept License
  • Bodyguard License
  • Private Investigator License
  • Restricted Armor License
  • Bounty Hunter License
  • Restricted Augmentations License
  • Driver's License
  • Controlled Substances License



Ryuuji is virtually always wearing the same sleeping tiger suit. If he is anticipating a difficult fight, he'll forgo any sense of fashion and wear the securetech arm and leg protectors, his custom ballistic mask(designed to emulate an eastern dragon's maw) and helmet. Under the sleeves of his sleeping tiger, he often keeps his forearm guards on in general.

Matrix Persona

Ryuuji never bothered to modify it, so its left on default.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments